Showing posts with label Deposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deposition. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Britney Spears Says She Shouldn"t Have to Sit Down for Kevin Federline Deposition

Britney Spears’ legal team wants a judge to tell Kevin Federline he’s wasting his time asking to depose the singer … calling it unnecessary and possibly harmful to their kids. Attorneys for Britney’s conservatorship just filed new legal…


Britney Spears Says She Shouldn"t Have to Sit Down for Kevin Federline Deposition

Britney Spears’ legal team wants a judge to tell Kevin Federline he’s wasting his time asking to depose the singer … calling it unnecessary and possibly harmful to their kids. Attorneys for Britney’s conservatorship just filed new legal…


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Cardi B Says She"s Too Close to Giving Birth to Sit for Deposition

Cardi B’s got no time to sit and answer a bunch of questions from lawyers — not when she’s in the homestretch before she pops out her first kid! In new legal docs … Cardi says she’s “in her final month of pregnancy and about to give birth,” so…


Monday, March 26, 2018

TMZ Live: Donald Trump Deposition Over Stormy Daniels?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Trump Jr.: Poolside With Estranged Wife Chance The Rapper Slams ‘Racist’ Beer Ad Kanye West: Employee Injured In Freak Accident Stranger Things: Huge Payday For Star


TMZ Live: Donald Trump Deposition Over Stormy Daniels?

ON TODAY’S SHOW Trump Jr.: Poolside With Estranged Wife Chance The Rapper Slams ‘Racist’ Beer Ad Kanye West: Employee Injured In Freak Accident Stranger Things: Huge Payday For Star


Donald Trump May Be Forced to Take Deposition in Stormy Daniels Case

Donald Trump may have to testify under oath before the first day of Summer … not in the Russia investigation … but in the Stormy Daniels case. Sources connected to Stormy Daniel’s lawyer, Michael Avenatti, tell TMZ, the attorney plans to make a…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Venus Williams Talks Red Light, Green Light in Deposition Video

Venus Williams insisted to lawyers the traffic light was “always” green as she drove across the intersection where she had the fatal car accident — but that doesn’t match up with what she told police on the scene. TMZ Sports obtained a portion of…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Venus Williams Sits for Deposition in Fatal Car Crash Case

The day of questioning has arrived for Venus Williams … the tennis star is about to sit for her deposition in the lawsuit stemming from that fatal car crash back in June.  As we previously reported, the family of Jerome Barson sued Venus –…


Venus Williams Sits for Deposition in Fatal Car Crash Case

The day of questioning has arrived for Venus Williams … the tennis star is about to sit for her deposition in the lawsuit stemming from that fatal car crash back in June.  As we previously reported, the family of Jerome Barson sued Venus –…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Peyton Manning Sexual Assault Deposition Video Surfaces

For the first time, video of Peyton Manning’s deposition — in which he denies sexually assaulting a former University of Tennessee trainer — has gone public.  Peyton sat for the deposition back in 2003 … after Dr. Jamie Naughright sued…


Friday, August 18, 2017

Madonna Doesn"t Want Deposition in Tupac Letter Case Videotaped, Ex-Pal and Auction Site Fights Back

Madonna’s being a real diva about her deposition … according to her ex-pal and the auction site she’s suing to keep them from selling her jailhouse letter from Tupac. Madonna’s set to be deposed in the case next week, and according to new legal…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Courtney Love Allegedly Dodging Deposition in Daughter"s Battle for Kurt Cobain"s Guitar

Courtney Love’s dodging making a decision on who gets Kurt Cobain’s famous guitar — their daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, or her estranged husband … according to new legal docs. Isaiah Silva — who’s in an ongoing divorce with Frances –…


Courtney Love Allegedly Dodging Deposition in Daughter"s Battle for Kurt Cobain"s Guitar

Courtney Love’s dodging making a decision on who gets Kurt Cobain’s famous guitar — their daughter, Frances Bean Cobain, or her estranged husband … according to new legal docs. Isaiah Silva — who’s in an ongoing divorce with Frances –…


Friday, February 17, 2017

Justin Bieber Accused of Faking Illness to Skip Deposition (VIDEOS)

Justin Bieber got busted calling in sick for a deposition … or so claim the lawyers who say they have proof he stood them up due to a night of heavy partying. The attorneys are repping a songwriter who claims Bieber jacked a sample for…


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Eddie Money Ordered to Deposition in Drummer"s Lawsuit

Eddie Money is going to get grilled by lawyers for his ex-drummer, who’s suing Money for wrongful termination and sexually harassing his fiancee. The court just ordered depositions for Money, his wife Laurie Mahoney, several band members and…


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Taylor Swift Deposition -- Radio DJ "Grabbed My Bare Ass, I Know It Happened!"

Taylor Swift provided a blow-by-blow account of the moment she says a Denver radio DJ groped her and her testimony got graphic and emotional. Attorneys for the DJ, David Mueller, grilled Taylor during a deposition … asking her about the alleged…


Taylor Swift Deposition -- Radio DJ "Grabbed My Bare Ass, I Know It Happened!"

Taylor Swift provided a blow-by-blow account of the moment she says a Denver radio DJ groped her and her testimony got graphic and emotional. Attorneys for the DJ, David Mueller, grilled Taylor during a deposition … asking her about the alleged…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Amber Heard Breaks Law to Skip Johnny Depp Deposition! Is She Hiding Something?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce just took a turn for the highly unexpected.

After months of speculation and he-said, she-said, it looked as though both parties would finally be forced to give their sides of the story and court after they were summoned to give depositions last week.

Despite Amber’s claim that she has proof Depp was abusive during their relationship and the fact that she showed up to his lawyer’s office when she was scheduled to arrive, she never actually testified.

The reason, apparently, is that she was too upset to answer questions.

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, says the actress spent the allotted time screaming and crying in an adjoining room.

Obviously, it’s possible that Heard was genuinely that upset by the prospect of being asked to recall details of what she says was an abusive relationship.

However, the move could wind up costing her dearly.

Heard was facing some tough questions, including inquiries as to why cops and staff at her apartment never saw the facial injuries that she claims were inflicted by Depp,

Her refusal to give a deposition – for whatever reason – could leave the judge in her case with no choice but to dismiss Heard’s domestic violence claims against Depp.

Amber was scheduled to try again this morning at 10 am PST, but considering she’s currently in London, it seems unlikely that she’ll be keeping the appointment.

Depp’s lawyers have requested that Heard be prohibited from testifying when the case goes to trial next week.

The couple is reportedly close to reaching a divorce settlement, but  – as is usually the case – they can’t agree on financial terms.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bill Cosby May Be Facing Another Deposition, This Time Over Janice Dickinson"s Defamation Lawsuit Against The Comedian

The heat is turning up on Bill Cosby — again.

The comedian is already being sued by Janice Dickinson for defamation — in addition to all of his legal and social troubles surrounding repeated sexual assault allegations from dozens of women — and now Dickinson has filed paperwork to have Cosby deposed!

Related: Fordham University Takes Away Cosby’s Honorary Doctorate

The deposition would be an interesting development, since Cosby would be grilled hard regarding his alleged past of drugging women and having sex without their consent.

Dickinson’s lawyer, Kaprina Vallecillo, stated:

“I am informed and believe that when forced to answer questions under oath about his predatory behavior, Mr. Cosby has admitted to drugging women for the purpose of having sex with them. Yet he has often branded his victims as liars, through his attorneys.”

The disclosure on the complaint continues:

“Defendant Cosby knows that he drugged and raped Ms. Dickinson. He knew that calling her rape disclosure a lie was a false statement.”

If it happens, this wouldn’t be the first deposition that Cosby has undergone this year; earlier this summer, a scandalous deposition was released that dealt with a lawsuit brought against Cosby by a woman named Andrea Constand.

Surely, a Dickinson-related deposition would likely reveal more about Cosby’s alleged sexual history.

[Image via Guillermo Proano/WENN.]