Showing posts with label Dickinson's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dickinson's. Show all posts

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bill Cosby May Be Facing Another Deposition, This Time Over Janice Dickinson"s Defamation Lawsuit Against The Comedian

The heat is turning up on Bill Cosby — again.

The comedian is already being sued by Janice Dickinson for defamation — in addition to all of his legal and social troubles surrounding repeated sexual assault allegations from dozens of women — and now Dickinson has filed paperwork to have Cosby deposed!

Related: Fordham University Takes Away Cosby’s Honorary Doctorate

The deposition would be an interesting development, since Cosby would be grilled hard regarding his alleged past of drugging women and having sex without their consent.

Dickinson’s lawyer, Kaprina Vallecillo, stated:

“I am informed and believe that when forced to answer questions under oath about his predatory behavior, Mr. Cosby has admitted to drugging women for the purpose of having sex with them. Yet he has often branded his victims as liars, through his attorneys.”

The disclosure on the complaint continues:

“Defendant Cosby knows that he drugged and raped Ms. Dickinson. He knew that calling her rape disclosure a lie was a false statement.”

If it happens, this wouldn’t be the first deposition that Cosby has undergone this year; earlier this summer, a scandalous deposition was released that dealt with a lawsuit brought against Cosby by a woman named Andrea Constand.

Surely, a Dickinson-related deposition would likely reveal more about Cosby’s alleged sexual history.

[Image via Guillermo Proano/WENN.]