Friday, August 12, 2016

Amber Heard Breaks Law to Skip Johnny Depp Deposition! Is She Hiding Something?!

The ongoing Johnny Depp-Amber Heard divorce just took a turn for the highly unexpected.

After months of speculation and he-said, she-said, it looked as though both parties would finally be forced to give their sides of the story and court after they were summoned to give depositions last week.

Despite Amber’s claim that she has proof Depp was abusive during their relationship and the fact that she showed up to his lawyer’s office when she was scheduled to arrive, she never actually testified.

The reason, apparently, is that she was too upset to answer questions.

Depp’s attorney, Laura Wasser, says the actress spent the allotted time screaming and crying in an adjoining room.

Obviously, it’s possible that Heard was genuinely that upset by the prospect of being asked to recall details of what she says was an abusive relationship.

However, the move could wind up costing her dearly.

Heard was facing some tough questions, including inquiries as to why cops and staff at her apartment never saw the facial injuries that she claims were inflicted by Depp,

Her refusal to give a deposition – for whatever reason – could leave the judge in her case with no choice but to dismiss Heard’s domestic violence claims against Depp.

Amber was scheduled to try again this morning at 10 am PST, but considering she’s currently in London, it seems unlikely that she’ll be keeping the appointment.

Depp’s lawyers have requested that Heard be prohibited from testifying when the case goes to trial next week.

The couple is reportedly close to reaching a divorce settlement, but  – as is usually the case – they can’t agree on financial terms.