Showing posts with label Slapped. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slapped. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2018

Reuben Foster 911 Call "He Slapped Me In My Face"


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Reuben Foster 911 Call "He Slapped Me In My Face"

Friday, July 13, 2018

David Arquette Pimp Slapped at Movie Premiere

What did the 5 fingers say to David Arquette’s face? SLAPPITY SLAP SLAP!!! The 46-year-old movie star took several open hand slaps to the face on the red carpet at the 350 Days premiere in Hollywood on Thursday … when he was ambushed on stage by…


Monday, July 2, 2018

Harvey Weinstein Slapped with Three New Sexual Assault Charges

Harvey Weinstein is facing 3 new charges for an alleged sexual assault of a woman in 2006. Manhattan D.A., Cyrus Vance Jr., announced Monday a grand jury has charged Weinstein with a first degree criminal sexual act and 2 counts of predatory sexual…


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Steve Aoki"s Nuts Get Slapped By UFC Legend Ken Shamrock

Here’s video of UFC Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock schoolin’ Steve Aoki on the finer points of being a fighter — like taking shots STRAIGHT TO THE BALL BAG. The painful intro-to-MMA sesh went down at the UFC Performance Center in Vegas…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blac Chyna Fight Victim Speaks Out: "I Slapped the Sh-t" Out of Her!

It was SO very on this weekend between Blac Chyna and a woman named Lex.

In case you missed the awesome news, Rob Kardashian’s baby mama got into a pretty serious melee on Easter Sunday at Six Flags Great Adventure.

The reality star and occasional sex tape maven was trying to enjoy a peaceful day at the amusement park with her two kids when a woman dared to touch little Dream and refer to Chyna as a “hood rat.”

This is the story Chyna has told to TMZ at least.

The Instagram model says she had no choice but to fight back, especially considering this woman actually touched her baby daughter.

And fight back Chyna most definitely did, as evidenced by the following WILD video:

However, and this is truly shocking, the woman on the receiving end of Chyna’s anger tells a different story.

Named Lex (short for Alexis), she tells TMZ that the incident started because she complimented Chyna’s nanny on Dream, saying the child was cute.

She then patted Dream’s hand

Chyna noticed the hand-patting, according to Lex, and started to curse her out, warning her to stay away.

Lex alleges that a physical altercation only began with Chyna’s boyfriend, some Z-Lister rapped named YBN Almighty Jay, actually punched her and her sister numerous times.

She claims she never came to blows with Chyna and that security guards quickly intervened, advising everyone to go on their way without filing a report.

In her retelling to TMZ, Lex is very calm and collected, which is a stark contrast to how she detailed the fracas on Twitter a few hours after it occurred.

“[S]ooo I was having a good little time and I see black chyna’s beautiful baby right?” wrote the 18-year old early Monday morning, adding:

“So I’m like awwwww like omg this baby is so cute (not even knowing this was her f—ing baby) so I’m guessing it was the nanny but she rolled the baby towards me right?”

We’re just gonna sit back and let Lex share the details… because they’re pretty amazing coming straight from her social media account:

So a lady comes up to me and she’s like ‘omg was that you black Chyna was talking about? She said she was goonna whoop yo a—’ so now I’m in tears like lmaoooo for what wtf this b— think cause she black chyna she won’t get slapped.

So y’all know me ….. I just slap TF when I say THEE DOGGGGGGG S— I slapped the dogggg s— out hg. o when I did her f—ing boyfriend start socking on me and my sister LMAOOOOOO LIKE REALLY SOCKING ON US.

But I mean I had a blast. I just slapped the s— outa black chyna and fought her boyfriend and all her lil friends but this n— was really socking on us he’s really a b— period.

Perhaps realizing that this account could make legally liable, Lex has since deleted most of these messages.

But she did address Chyna’s fans at one point, as you can see above, seemingly admitting that she DID punch Blac at least once:

“I’m not finna be replying to y’all mad a— fans lmao period idgaf period don’t let nobody walk your f—ing baby to a stranger weirdo !!

“I touched her baby with one finger on her hand idc how nobody feel and like I said I only slapped her because she thought she wanted to fight.”

Elsewhere, a short while later, Lex once again had second thoughts.

She struck a very different tone after hearing from those out on the Internet, many of which were saying mean things about her:

As for the Kardashians?

Rob has not yet said anything about this incident, while a source tells People Magazine the family is glad he’s no longer engaged to her.

Very, very, very glad.

Their “biggest concern is that Dream is safe,” this insider says.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Al Franken "Groping" Photo Gets Slapped On Zendaya Movie Billboard

Al Franken’s infamous groping photo briefly co-starred with Zendaya on a movie billboard … in the name of art. Street art. The cropped image of Franken reaching his hands out — over Leeann Tweeden breasts in the original image — showed…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

UK Men"s Tennis Star Dan Evans Slapped with 1-Year Suspension for Cocaine

British tennis star Dan Evans will have to sit out 1 year after testing positive for cocaine … the International Tennis Federation announced on Tuesday. Evans got popped for coke back in April after competing in an ATP World Tour…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 14 Recap: Kylie Gets Slapped Around a Little

After a 17-minute teaser the previous week, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 14 aired in its entirety Sunday night.

Was it worth the wait?

The peace was short-lived in the family because Blac Chyna went and launched an app that Rob Kardashian’s relatives found questionable.

To put it mildly.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, or (sorry) keep up with the Kards at all, you know there’s been a lot of tension.

With Kim Kardashian’s former BFF Blac having given birth to Tyga’s baby, and Tyga now dating baby Kylie Jenner, it’s all just … awkward.

This family beef runs so deep and has escalated so hard in all its passive-aggressive glory that we made an entire slideshow explaining it:

But it doesn’t have to go on this way, Kim told Kourtney after she and Chyna had a nice phone conversation about the latter’s new emojis.

Yes, seriously.

Like Kim’s “Kimojis,” these would be dubbed “Chymojis,” about which Chyna wanted to give Kim the heads up and pick her brain a bit.

Kim noted that Chyna axed the idea of an emoji depicting Blac “kicking a tiger, like for Tyga,” and was impressed at how chill she is.

Too good to be true, right? Yes. There was a huge but (and, we suppose, given who we’re talking about, a huge BUTT) coming, however:

Soon after Kim’s supposedly friendly phone call, Kourtney Kardashian discovered the emoji shown above in which Kylie gets b!tch slapped.

Self-explanatory, right?

“It sent me over the edge,” Kourtney said, getting as fired up as Kourtney gets, and vowing to call up Chyna to confront her about this.

Upon Kylie’s urging, she decided not to, saying, “I don’t want to yell at a pregnant person,” but she did yell at her brother Rob instead.

Rob insisted that the emoji isn’t supposed to be Kylie, an explanation that Kourtney wasn’t buying, and for good reason, since it totes is.

“This is the first time I’ve doubted her intentions … just when everybody was welcoming Chyna into the family this comes out,” she added.

For her part, Kylie said the girl getting her ass whomped had “thick brows, side bangs and purple lips,” so it couldn’t POSSIBLY be her!

Denial is a powerful thing.

“I really think it looks like this girl that [Chyna] hates that she had a public fight with,” Kylie said, insisting that everybody chill out a bit.

Young Jenner added, “There’s so much misunderstanding going on… I’m really tired of my family fighting with Rob over every little thing.”

Is the just-turned-19-year-old the most mature voice of reason in the family? Maybe so, as people in their mid-30s were flipping out.

Kim told Kourtney, “I cannot believe you haven’t talked to him since then and I cannot believe he hasn’t cared enough to call you.”

“I feel like this is so ridiculous and we all need to just get over it,” she added, setting up a mediation session to resolve this conflict.

Melodramatic and overblown, yes, but at least she was dedicating her efforts to conflict resolution and not escalation, for once.

Kourtney confessed that she overreacted and should have calmly asked Rob about the issue instead of making assumptions and yelling.

She later admitted, “I know what it’s like to be having your first baby and people aren’t supportive. It took years for people to like Scott.”

In that sense, The Lord has set a low bar for Blac. Not that this was on Rob’s mind when he finally connected with his oldest sibling.

Rob told Kourtney he didn’t appreciate or care for “negative assumptions” and preferred she talk “normally and calmly” in the future.

Simple enough, right?

Kourtney apologized, conceded that point, and told the engaged, expectant father that “I’m excited for this new chapter in your life.”

Will the peace last?!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Justin Timberlake Gets SLAPPED!

People can get pretty brave after a few libations, but that doesn"t mean it"s cool to reach out and touch a stranger"s face/neck (any body part, really).

Especially if that person is a celebrity.

While being escorted through a crowd at the American Century Celebrity Pro-Am in Lake Tahoe, Justin Timberlake was more or less assaulted by an overzealous fan.  

TMZ has footage of the incident, in which the male fan reached out and looked as if he were taking Timberlake"s pulse.  Some call it a slap, but it was definitely enough to make Timberlake angry.

"Why would you do that?" Timberlake, who was flanked by bodyguards, yelled at Mr. Fan.  

Timblerlake didn"t press charges, and while officials from the tournament didn"t see it as a big deal, they did ask cops to escort the man off the course.

That"s when the man got angry, and insisted to the officers that he just wanted to "touch" Timberlake.

The man was reportedly hammered, and refused to leave the tournament.  Things escalated quickly, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct.

This is not unlike that time that Ukranian prankster Vitalii Sediuk, tried to kiss Will Smith on the red carpet in 2012.  

He"s also the same guy who tried to sabotage Adele"s acceptance speech at the 2013 Grammy Awards.

"It was just awkward," Smith later told David Letterman of the incident, which occurred at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3.

"He says, "I"m you"re biggest fan, can I have a hug?" So I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in and kiss me!""

Smith recalled speaking to Sediuk"s team after, and not being entirely thrilled with their apology.

"They were like, "Oh, no, we"re sorry, you know. It"s just his shtick, you know.’"

‘I said, “Well, that"s why his a** got shtuck.”’ 

To clarify – the man at the golf tournament did not have a "schtick."  He was just a bozo.

Justin timberlake gets gently slapped by fan not amused

Friday, June 24, 2016

Josh Waring: Slapped With SEVEN Charges!

The news for Josh Waring just got incredibly more dim. 

Earlier this week, The Real Housewives of Orange County star was arrested for attempted murder. 

And while that’s a hefty charge, it’s not like anyone didn’t see this coming. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you probably already knew that he’s a troubled young man. 

He shot at a man and then fled the scene in his vehicle. 

The thing that made it all the more shocking was that he didn’t drive away in his own car. 

Instead, he opted for a stolen BMW SUV. He then proceeded to cause a traffic accident and closed off the chase by attempting to run off on foot. 

He was not giving in. 

Now, new details have emerged about the charges that Lauri Peterson’s son is facing. 

Waring appeared in the Costa Mesa Jail courtroom yesterday morning. 

According to an Orange County Superior Court public information officer, Waring did NOT state a plea. 

Lauri’s worst nightmares are totally coming true about her son. 

He was slapped with three counts of attempted murder, three counts personal use of a firearm and once count of inflicting great bodily injury. 

There’s also word that there was a previous disturbance between Waring and his victim, Daniel Lopez. 

“Apparently there had been a previous confrontation between [Waring] and the occupants of that residence earlier, and he had returned,” Costa Mesa police Lt. Paul Beckman said. 

“At about 1:30 a.m. my husband was still awake and heard people out in the street screaming and cussing,” a woman who lives across the street from the sober living facility The Way Home said of the dangerous altercation.

“He came back in and just said he wasn’t going to deal with this.”

We wish Daniel a speedy recovery!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Farrah Abraham Berates Debra, Gets Slapped By Sophia

This show is so friggin" sad.

In a new clip from Teen Mom OG (premiering January 4th on MTV), Farrah Abraham treated her mother, Debra so horribly that I had to call my mom afterwards to tell her I loved her.

Abraham was preparing to go to the UK for a month to film Celebrity Big Brother, so Debra would be watching her six-year-old daughter, Sophia.

"Just so you know, there are rules in my house," Abraham told Debra.

"Sometimes you like to put the laundry in there with two things and waste soap."

Cripes, Farrah.

When Debbo got sarcastic and assured Abraham she would bring her own laundry soap, the fangs came out.

"If that"s a bitchy comment, you should probably hold it back," Abraham said bitingly.

"Don"t come at me like that."

Debbo tried to calm her down, but it didn"t work.

"I want my mom to listen to me and understand and not be a bitch to me when I say how I like things done," Abraham griped.

Then Sophia started repeatedly slapping Abraham and claimed, "you are having a bad attitude."

Abraham didn"t even blink.

"Get your shoes on and stop hitting people," she told Sophia.

Meanwhile, Debbo was healing her fresh wounds.

"Nobody loves you more on this earth than me," she assured Abraham.

"You know what? I don"t even care about love," Abraham shot back.

She then told her mother that she could hire a blind person who "could do a better job" than her.

"You don"t need to be mean to me," a tearful Debbo cried.

"It"s not about you right now," Abraham scolded her.


Farrah abraham berates her mom gets slapped by daughter