Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Justin Timberlake Gets SLAPPED!

People can get pretty brave after a few libations, but that doesn"t mean it"s cool to reach out and touch a stranger"s face/neck (any body part, really).

Especially if that person is a celebrity.

While being escorted through a crowd at the American Century Celebrity Pro-Am in Lake Tahoe, Justin Timberlake was more or less assaulted by an overzealous fan.  

TMZ has footage of the incident, in which the male fan reached out and looked as if he were taking Timberlake"s pulse.  Some call it a slap, but it was definitely enough to make Timberlake angry.

"Why would you do that?" Timberlake, who was flanked by bodyguards, yelled at Mr. Fan.  

Timblerlake didn"t press charges, and while officials from the tournament didn"t see it as a big deal, they did ask cops to escort the man off the course.

That"s when the man got angry, and insisted to the officers that he just wanted to "touch" Timberlake.

The man was reportedly hammered, and refused to leave the tournament.  Things escalated quickly, and the man was arrested for disorderly conduct.

This is not unlike that time that Ukranian prankster Vitalii Sediuk, tried to kiss Will Smith on the red carpet in 2012.  

He"s also the same guy who tried to sabotage Adele"s acceptance speech at the 2013 Grammy Awards.

"It was just awkward," Smith later told David Letterman of the incident, which occurred at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3.

"He says, "I"m you"re biggest fan, can I have a hug?" So I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in and kiss me!""

Smith recalled speaking to Sediuk"s team after, and not being entirely thrilled with their apology.

"They were like, "Oh, no, we"re sorry, you know. It"s just his shtick, you know.’"

‘I said, “Well, that"s why his a** got shtuck.”’ 

To clarify – the man at the golf tournament did not have a "schtick."  He was just a bozo.

Justin timberlake gets gently slapped by fan not amused