Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Found The Secret Room?

The current season of Big Brother is really shaping up to be the most twisted season yet!

There’s been countless twists so far and it seems like we’re just getting started. 

Julie revealed the news of the secret room just a few days ago. 

Paul managed to gain access to the room and it was revealed that there were 12 cards in the room. 

Every house guest that gains entry can pick one and one of the cards and when evicted, there’s a chance they can get back in the game. 

Yes, one person will be returning!

Paul ruffled feathers when he tried to lie that only one person was allowed in the room. 

He managed to beat the odds and make some deals when Victor was evicted, but all of that has been ruined now. 

Paulie then questioned everything about Paul and whether he could trust him going forward. 

Nicole even argued with Corey because of the room. 

Corey would not tell Nicole the dial code to get in, so she was furious. 

Victor informed her of the code. 

Frank will no doubt be ecstatic right now at the fact that someone can return. 

Michelle kept the nominations the same after winning the veto competition. 

This means that either Frank or Bridgette will be evicted on Thursday. 

Frank kept trying to call house meetings to get Da’vonne evicted, but Da’vonne kept squashing his plans. 

What do you think about the latest twists in the house?

Hit the comments below!