Monday, August 22, 2016

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 14 Recap: Kylie Gets Slapped Around a Little

After a 17-minute teaser the previous week, Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 12 Episode 14 aired in its entirety Sunday night.

Was it worth the wait?

The peace was short-lived in the family because Blac Chyna went and launched an app that Rob Kardashian’s relatives found questionable.

To put it mildly.

If you watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online, or (sorry) keep up with the Kards at all, you know there’s been a lot of tension.

With Kim Kardashian’s former BFF Blac having given birth to Tyga’s baby, and Tyga now dating baby Kylie Jenner, it’s all just … awkward.

This family beef runs so deep and has escalated so hard in all its passive-aggressive glory that we made an entire slideshow explaining it:

But it doesn’t have to go on this way, Kim told Kourtney after she and Chyna had a nice phone conversation about the latter’s new emojis.

Yes, seriously.

Like Kim’s “Kimojis,” these would be dubbed “Chymojis,” about which Chyna wanted to give Kim the heads up and pick her brain a bit.

Kim noted that Chyna axed the idea of an emoji depicting Blac “kicking a tiger, like for Tyga,” and was impressed at how chill she is.

Too good to be true, right? Yes. There was a huge but (and, we suppose, given who we’re talking about, a huge BUTT) coming, however:

Soon after Kim’s supposedly friendly phone call, Kourtney Kardashian discovered the emoji shown above in which Kylie gets b!tch slapped.

Self-explanatory, right?

“It sent me over the edge,” Kourtney said, getting as fired up as Kourtney gets, and vowing to call up Chyna to confront her about this.

Upon Kylie’s urging, she decided not to, saying, “I don’t want to yell at a pregnant person,” but she did yell at her brother Rob instead.

Rob insisted that the emoji isn’t supposed to be Kylie, an explanation that Kourtney wasn’t buying, and for good reason, since it totes is.

“This is the first time I’ve doubted her intentions … just when everybody was welcoming Chyna into the family this comes out,” she added.

For her part, Kylie said the girl getting her ass whomped had “thick brows, side bangs and purple lips,” so it couldn’t POSSIBLY be her!

Denial is a powerful thing.

“I really think it looks like this girl that [Chyna] hates that she had a public fight with,” Kylie said, insisting that everybody chill out a bit.

Young Jenner added, “There’s so much misunderstanding going on… I’m really tired of my family fighting with Rob over every little thing.”

Is the just-turned-19-year-old the most mature voice of reason in the family? Maybe so, as people in their mid-30s were flipping out.

Kim told Kourtney, “I cannot believe you haven’t talked to him since then and I cannot believe he hasn’t cared enough to call you.”

“I feel like this is so ridiculous and we all need to just get over it,” she added, setting up a mediation session to resolve this conflict.

Melodramatic and overblown, yes, but at least she was dedicating her efforts to conflict resolution and not escalation, for once.

Kourtney confessed that she overreacted and should have calmly asked Rob about the issue instead of making assumptions and yelling.

She later admitted, “I know what it’s like to be having your first baby and people aren’t supportive. It took years for people to like Scott.”

In that sense, The Lord has set a low bar for Blac. Not that this was on Rob’s mind when he finally connected with his oldest sibling.

Rob told Kourtney he didn’t appreciate or care for “negative assumptions” and preferred she talk “normally and calmly” in the future.

Simple enough, right?

Kourtney apologized, conceded that point, and told the engaged, expectant father that “I’m excited for this new chapter in your life.”

Will the peace last?!