Monday, August 22, 2016

Jordan Rodgers and JoJo Fletcher: WHAT Cheating Rumors?!?

Jordan Rodgers and JoJo Fletcher have a response for the scathing cheating accusations leveled last week against the former:

Cheating rumors, schmeating rumors!

Just a couple days after Rodgers’ ex-girlfriend, Brittany Farrar, positively WENT OFF on her fiance, Fletcher took to Instagram and made it pretty clear she’s still happy with Jordan.

How so?

By sending a not-so-subtle message via the photo above.

It features an up-close-and-personal look at her 3,75-carat Neil Lane diamond ring, the same one that retails for about $ 100,000.

“The best thing to hold onto in life is each other…. & tacos,” The Bachelorette wrote as the caption while tagging her Rodgers.

The controversial former college quarterback, meanwhile, went ahead and shared an Instagram photo himself on Saturday.

Here it is:

“Always holding on to my best friend…but where are these tacos you speak of @joelle_fletcher?” he joked. “I can multi-task.”

Granted, these could have been your basic cute photos posted by a famous couple in love.

But it’s hard not to interpret them as a response to Farrar, who originally called Rodgers out for cheating after the season premiere of The Bachelorette aired this spring.

She took her accusations to an entirely new, angry level late last week, however, writing a novel on Instagram that blasted Rodges for allegedly stepping out on her years ago with an actress from Pitch Perfect 2.

“After our breakup, I was surprised to find out what a prolific liar and cheater #JordanRodgers was during our entire 3 1/2 year-relationship,” Farrar wrote.

And she was far from finished.

“With the power of a press tour, his lies reached our hometown and my family and friends are now constantly approached by mutual acquaintances,” she wrote.

“After weeks of this, I started wondering why I feel like I’m the one who should be silent when he was the one who jumped on a reality show hoping to catch fame as a last ditch attempt to make something of himself.

“His choice has become other people’s consequences. So if I don’t have a choice in whether people back home are talking about me, then I might as well have my voice in this.”

Concluded Farrar, who is close friends with Olivia Munn… who is the serious girlfriend of Aaron Rodgers:

“All I want is the same thing that anyone else who’s been wronged would want: the chance to share the truth.”

Fletcher and Rodgers have not addressed these allegations head-on.

Instead, they’ve chosen to just make their love and happiness clearon social media.

“@joelle_fletcher I love you more than anything! You are the most amazing woman on this planet, you are my best friend, and my rock,” Jordan recently wrote on Instagram.

“You are the best thing I wake up to in the morning and the last thing on my mind at night.”

On Saturday night, meanwhile, friends and family members of JoJo and Jordan’s shocked the couple with an engagement party at a Texas restaurant.

This is where the photo immediately above was snapped.

“My heart is so full! Jordan and I were going out to what we thought was just a little dinner with friends but instead walked into a room full of both our friends and family to celebrate in our engagement,” Fletcher wrote online about the event.

“We are so incredibly blessed.”

Sorry, Brittney.

You’re gonna need to up your infidelity-claim game in order to impact these two.