Showing posts with label Grams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grams. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Ryan Lochte "Grams His Own Rule-Breaking, Gets 14-Month Doping Suspension

There are some who say that Ryan Lochte, who just welcomed the birth of his son last year, is the dumb man’s Michael Phelps.

Remember when some douche recorded Phelps smoking weed at a party and got him suspended? Well, the stupid version of that just happened to Lochte.

Ryan Lochte has been given a 14-month suspension … over a rule-violating photo that he himself uploaded to social media.

The famous (and infamous) Olympian was due to make a comeback at the U.S. National Championships this week.

This suspension is such that he’ll also miss next year’s Championships.

In fact, even his participation in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is in question.

Why? Believe it or not, it isn’t over marijuana use. He didn’t use any illegal substance.

Take a look at the photo that he uploaded to his own Instagram:

According to the USADA, this just-for-fun IV of vitamins is a policy violation.

“On May 24, 2018, Lochte, 33, posted an image on social media depicting himself receiving an intravenous infusion.”

Folks with a fear of needles must be shaking their heads at the idea of a man being hooked up to an IV without any medical need.

“A subsequent investigation by USADA,” the report reads. “With which Lochte fully cooperated …”

The investigation “revealed that Lochte received an intravenous infusion of permitted substances at an infusion clinic.”

Unfortunately, thought he substances were permitted, he received them “in a volume greater than 100 mL in a 12-hour period without a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).”


“Intravenous infusions or injections in a volume greater than 100 mL within a 12-hour period are prohibited at all times,” the USADA explains.

So you can’t get pumped full of anything, apparently.

He wasn’t getting some kind of supersoldier serum — he was getting what sounds like a vitamin-laced placebo.

This policy isn’t unreasonable, as they say “except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital treatment, surgical procedures, or clinical diagnostic investigations under the USADA Protocol.”

In other words, actual medical needs won’t disqualify you.

Getting an injection for funsies, on the other hand, and you’re looking at 14 months out of the pool.

Lochte’s estimated net worth is $ 6.2 million, build out of endorsement deals based upon his Olympic record and, of course, his famous goofy persona.

So the good news is that he won’t spend the next 14 months working odd jobs or crashing on a friend’s couch, as most people might if they found themselves forbidden from their profession for over a year.

The bad news is that this is still an embarrassment for him, personally.

He’s also a father now — his son just turned one year old last month.

He’s going to need to supplement his small fortune over time in order to plan for his family’s future.

That means that he needs to retain his career as a swimmer in order to get future endorsements. This puts his role in the 2020 Olympics in jeopardy.

When some little beast decided to record Michael Phelps taking a hit off of a bong and share that video with the world, it didn’t hurt Phelps’ brand because, well, only Jeff Sessions cares about pot.

This incident is similarly unlikely to hurt Lochte’s reputation.

Why? Because his reputation is mostly that he’s a loveable idiot.

This little suspension is exactly something that you’d expect from him — at least, if you’re familiar with USADA rules.

Clearly, Lochte was not familiar with those regulations. But now he is.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

NFL"s T.J. Ward Arrested Over 99 Grams of Weed

Tampa Bay Bucs safety T.J. Ward had 99.9 grams of weed in plain sight when cops entered his apartment back in October … and that’s ultimately why he was arrested Wednesday morning.  TMZ Sports obtained the criminal report from the Oct. 25…


Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Man Arrested For Hiding Seven Grams of Cocaine in His ... UGH

There’s really no good place to hide drugs on your person, as this entails possessing drugs on your person and having reason to hide them.

Still … this guy:

Meet Joshua Hare.

When you’re naked in a parking lot, and you’re about to be arrested by the cops with 7.2 grams of cocaine, you find ways to improvise.

Limited, but creative ways.

Police officers in Swindon, UK, uncovered the aforementioned narcotics hidden in the 24-year-old’s foreskin, according to media reports.

Yes. His foreskin.

This all went down June 17 when police were called to a furniture store after a man was shouting and disturbing customers in the parking lot.

When officers arrived, the naked Hare ran around and put up a bit of a struggle before being restrained, taken into custody and hospitalized.

He actually did a good job concealing his drugs, for a time. But while in custody, a baggie containing white powder began to “emerge.”

If you know what we mean.

Hare’s attorney, Nick Redhead, told the court that his client has a troubled past, substance abuse problems and mental health issues.

Redhead says he suffered kidney issues when in custody earlier this year after being arrested for aggravated taking of a vehicle without consent.

“He fell into a coma and thought he was going to die,” Redhead said. “The damage to him as such is he is a high risk of killing himself.”

No one wants that. At all.

Hare clearly needs help, however, and he pleaded guilty to both the drug charge and failing to surrender to bail, according to reports.

It’s always difficult when it comes to punishments fitting the crime for someone who may be suffering from addiction and mental problems.

Redhead hoped that officials would be lenient when sentencing his client for the offense, and received mixed results in that department.

As punishment, the court activated the 12-week suspended sentence he had been given in May for the previous vehicular theft charge.

Hare was also fined $ 151.