Showing posts with label Butterflies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butterflies. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Kylie Jenner Reveals Crippling Fear of Butterflies ... Seriously

As we"ve said before, Kylie Jenner"s new show, Life of Kylie, is pretty much the dumbest show in the history of television.

It"s so dumb that you can actually kind of feel your brain cells dying off while watching it. And it hurts.

It"s not that we really have anything against Kylie — with her sizzling selfies and her never-ending circus of drama, not to mention all the fun we have speculating on her plastic surgery, we actually love her.

But the kind of things she chooses to film for the show, it"s just … it"s hard to watch.

For example, remember when she cried about how hard her life is because people say things about the selfies she chooses to put on the internet?

Or when she cried about how she was too busy being rich and famous to go to prom?

Or when she cried about how everyone copied her in having fun hair colors?

Life of Kylie basically seems to be comprised of different scenes of Kylie complaining about various things, and it"s just not the kind of drama we were hoping for.

And, in a new sneak peek for this week"s episode, the girl is just proving us right.

In the clip, Kylie and a couple of her friends visit the butterfly exhibit at the London Zoo … which is an odd choice, considering that Kylie is sincerely terrified of butterflies.

And we"re not making fun of her for being afraid of those cute little critters. You can"t help what scares you, after all.

But what we can make fun of is the choice she made to visit an exhibit specifically for butterflies, and then to film it and air it on national television.

"Butterflies are just a part of the secret of Kylie," she reveals to the camera after the zoo visit.

"It"s kind of just ironic because I"m terrified — terrified — of butterflies."

What"s ironic about it? She never really explains it.

She does, however, explain that if you cut a butterfly"s wings off and just look at its body, "they"re not that pretty."

In all her infinite wisdom, she tells us that a butterfly is "literally a bug."

How has this girl survived for 20 years?

Watch the nightmare come alive in the video below:

Kylie jenner reveals crippling fear of butterflies seriously

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2 Recap: Like Butterflies Heating Up Your Stomach

On The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2, Ben Higgins’ quest to narrow down the field of aspiring trophy wives vying for his love continued.

If you want to know who has the inside track, The Bachelor spoilers can shed some light on that topic right now. If you don’t … continue!

Picking up where the premiere left off, The Bachelor Season 20 Episode 2 saw a couple of interesting group dates by series standards.

First, there was a sojourn to a local high school to take part in a heated competition for the Bachelor High Homecoming Queen crown.

The girls faced off in science, geography, athletics, and bobbing for apples, which was even more awkward than it sounds if that’s possible.

Mandi won the title – and one-on-one time Ben. Jennifer and Ben also shared a kiss, which Lace in particular was not too happy ’bout.

Caila got the evening’s first one-on-one date, while Olivia got upset about that, and Lace? She tried her darndest to monopolize Ben.

Ben kissed JoJo before his big date with Caila … and Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, who chose to “Ride Along” with the duo on their date.

It was actually pretty funny, but things got real after Kevin and Cube left as Ben talked about his past relationships and his fear of failure.

That kind of raw emotional moment doesn’t come along every season, people. J/K! The writers and editors have it down to a science.

On the second group date, more lucky ladies went to a so-called Love Lab to run tests on whether they and Ben had a chance at love.

This included passing a sniff test – stripping them all down to their underwear to see what kind of natural scents the women give off.

Olivia got the highest score, and later on, Ben and Olivia kissed, so perhaps the Love Lab is onto something. Do we smell a keeper?

To quote Olivia herself, “This kiss was beyond worth the wait … It was magical … Butterflies. Heat in my stomach … area.” Damn, girl.

She got the group date rose. Lace got upset again and cried. Fortunately, she too received a rose at the ceremony and is moving on.

That’s all she wrote folks. You can watch The Bachelor online to see the carnage for yourself. The remaining field as it stands now:

In: Jami Letain, Rachel Tchen, Jen Saviano, Lauren Bushnell, Mandi Kremer, Lace Morris, Amber James, Becca Tilley, Olivia Caridi, Lauren Himle, Emily Ferguson, Haley Ferguson, Jubilee Sharpe, Leah Block, Caila Quinn, Amanda Stanton, JoJo Fletcher, Shushanna Mkrtychyan

Out: Lauren Barr, Sam Passmore, Jackie Dion