Showing posts with label Thwart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thwart. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2016

7-Year Old Punches Thief in Stomach, Tries to Thwart Robbery

A seven-year old boy is being hailed on the Internet as a hero this week after he tried to thwart an armed robbery by punching the assailant in the stomach.


The incident took place last Friday evening, May 20, at a GameStop in Silver Spring, Maryland.

The unnamed child and his parents were shopping for a Yoshi doll when two robbers wearing hoodies and masks entered the store.

One of these bad men reached for the boy…. and he responded by slugging the man in the stomach, according to surveillance video released by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department. 

You can check it out below.

Neither the boy nor his parents have been identified.

However, the father was impressed by his son’s reaction, as potentially dangerous as it could have been.

“He punched him,” the dad bragged to The Washington Post. “Two left hooks while holding the Yoshi doll.”

In spite the seven-year old’s attempt, the assailant did succeed in forcing him to go with his parents to another part of the establishment.

The child proceeded to get on the floor, his dad wrapped his arms around him and the boy’s mother.

“I’m just grateful we were together, as a family, at that moment,” the man said.

“It was a terrifying situation. You just want to grab them and hold them tight to you, and you want it to end, quickly.”

The robbers, who are still on the loose, stole an undisclosed amount of cash and some personal property before running out of the store’s front door, according to NBC Washington.

Check out the video here:

7 year old punches thief in stomach tries to thwart robbery