Friday, February 23, 2018

Lamar Odom: Khloe Kardashian Will Be a Great Mom! I"m Not Bitter!

It"s just a couple more months now until the latest Kardashian spawn is born … can you even stand it?!

Khloe Kardashian is all set to give birth in April to what will surely be a super, super adorable baby, and we could not possibly be more excited about it.

You know who probably could be a little more excited though?

Lamar Odom.

Like, it makes sense that he"s not jumping for joy for his ex-wife and her pregnancy, obviously, and we wouldn"t expect him to be, but still, if he"s going to be weird about it, he doesn"t have to talk about it.

And yet …

Lamar did an interview with Access, and the full thing will air on Monday, but in the meantime, we have this little sneak peek of the part where he talked about Khloe.

When asked about the pregnancy, he said "To tell the truth it couldn"t happen to a better person. I was really happy for her."

"I know if she could take care of a grown man for four years the way she took care of me," he added, "I know she could take care of a baby."

One of the interviewers said that she thought Khloe was going to be a great mother, and Lamar was quick to agree, repeating that Khloe took care of him for years, so he"d know.

He also said "That"s going to be one spoiled ass baby."

Next he was asked about his happiest memories with Khloe, and he revealed that getting married was one of his best memories — that, and "us just trying to make a baby."

Aww, Lamar.

Naturally that led to a segment of Keeping Up with the Kardashians that aired last year, the one where Khloe said that she "fake tried" to get pregnant with Lamar because she knew it would be a bad idea to bring a baby into that situation.

"That was hurtful," he said, "but I mean I was going through some things at the time so I didn"t really take it too personal."

It"s not that he says anything bad in this interview or anything — not like that shady little remark in his last interview, the one about all the NBA players Khloe"s dated.

But would it be too much to ask for him to stop talking about her altogether?

It"s awkward, it"s sad, and it seems pretty clear that he"s not into reliving it all, which is perfectly fair.

Perhaps it"s time for him to tell his people to shut down this kind of talk. It really doesn"t do anyone any favors.

Check out Lamar and feel all these feelings by watching the video below:

Lamar odom khloe kardashian will be a great mom im not bitter