Showing posts with label Depressed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Depressed. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

TMZ Live: Kate Spade Drinking & Depressed Over Separation Drama

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kim Kardashian: Helps Free Imprisoned Grandma  Mira Sorvino Slams Harvey Weinstein  Whitney Houston: The $ 95,000 Bible Pam Anderson: Pardon WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange!


Kate Spade "Drinking a Lot" and Depressed Over Business Problems, Separation

Kate Spade was depressed over her business problems and separation from her husband, which was causing her to drink a lot … this according to cops. Law enforcement sources tell us, Kate was alone in her apartment when she tied a scarf around her…


Kate Spade "Drinking a Lot" and Depressed Over Business Problems, Separation

Kate Spade was depressed over her business problems and separation from her husband, which was causing her to drink a lot … this according to cops. Law enforcement sources tell us, Kate was alone in her apartment when she tied a scarf around her…


Kate Spade Depressed Before Suicide Because Husband Wanted a Divorce

Kate Spade was extremely depressed in her last days of life, because her husband wanted a divorce … law enforcement sources tell TMZ. We’ve learned Andy Spade was not living at the family home … he and Kate had separated and he was living in a…


Friday, October 27, 2017

Tyrese Gibson, Exhausted, Depressed Leaving Hospital

Tyrese Gibson was down in the dumps as he left Cedars-Sinai Thursday night, after checking himself in for chest pains and anxiety. Tyrese says he’s never been embroiled in a court case in his life, and Thursday’s marathon hearing that pitted him…


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Kylie Jenner: My Dating Life Makes Me Depressed! I Hate Being Famous!

On this sneak peek at Life of Kylie, it doesn"t look like Kylie"s having a great time.

And she"s using her show and her platform to … essentially lament the fact that she"s famous. That"s right: Kylie"s whining again.

Specifically, apparently Kylie"s dating life totally sucks. So much so that she"s just moping around in bed like a sulky child. As you"ll see in the video below.

Kylie jenner complains on life of kylie

This is one of those videos where you just let out a long, drawn-out sigh after watching it.

Having viewed it a few times, we recommend a nice, healthy sigh before you watch, too.

This sneak peek video shows Kylie laying about in bed while fully dressed.

And it"s not clear if she"s feeling under the weather or just, like, totally bummed out.

Caitlyn Jenner is visiting, which we guess is a great opportunity for her to be on reality television again now that she"s alienated most of her family and almost the entire LGBT community.

(I Am Cait was canceled after two seasons yet I Am Jazz has just wrapped up its third season — so trans people can have successful shows if they"re likable, which Jazz Jennings certainly is)

She"s trying to cheer up her daughter and even brings in one of Kylie"s fluffy chickens.

(Fluffy chickens are beyond precious)

But Kylie — who would have been 19 when this was filmed — is acting like a moody 14-year-old and whining some more.

In the seemingly unrelated voiceover, Kylie is actually verbalizing her complaints.

Kylie jenner see through lingerie look

As you"ll see in the video below, a montage of gossip headlines plays across the screen as Kylie speaks about how everything that she does is so thoroughly publicized.

Interestingly, at least one of those "bad" headlines is about one of her selfies.

Like, the beautiful thing about phone cameras, selfies, and social media is that they let people (and especially young women) have some control over how their image is shared with the world. It"s positively revolutionary.

But to then complain about people talking about selfies that Kylie shared? That"s … odd, to say the least.

These aren"t hacked photos or shots of her on the street, they"re selfies — which she puts out there for the world to consume.

Kylie jenner lips for days

Anyway, like we said, what Kylie discusses doesn"t seem to have much of anything to do with why she"s moping in bed and claiming to not feel well.

"The hardest part about being in a relationship for me is just that it’s blasted all over the Internet. You have to hear about other people’s opinions about who you’re with. It’s a lot."

Well, if Kylie made better choices with her dating life, maybe she wouldn"t mind the feedback so much.

Just saying.

She addresses relationship rumors:

Kylie jenner in a skimpy black top

"Most of the time, it’s just not true. You have no idea what I’m like in a relationship, the kind of bond I have with somebody else."

That"s true enough.

Rumor is often part truth, part not. It can be difficult to parse.

But surely Life of Kylie is supposed to show us what she is like in a relationship.

Then Kylie says something truly relatable.

"You cannot win with the Internet. There’s no winning. It’s just unnecessary negativity. I feel like I’m in a relationship with the world sometimes."

We can all relate to that, sometimes.

Though we don"t think that doling out life advice is going to help Life of Kylie"s tanking ratings.

Kylie jenner yellow bra selfie

Anyone of any wealth or fame or degree of privilege can feel upset or depressed about all sorts of things.

That"s how life works.

But it"s a little grating to listen to Kylie gripe and moan (and be super rude to Caitlyn) when the very fame that her voiceover laments is what lets her have her extravagant lifestyle.

That fame and that feedback that she hates is what lets her have her own show.

And without that fame, and without everyone consuming and discussing her every selfie, we wouldn"t be in a world where Kylie Cosmetics is set to become a billion-dollar business in about five years.

She"s allowed to feel sorry for herself, sure.

But maybe she should save the whining for when she"s not on camera.

Kylie jenner my dating life makes me depressed i hate being famo

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ex-Kermit Puppeteer Steve Whitmire Made Him a "Bitter, Depressed" Frog ... Says Cheryl Henson

Kermit the Frog always said it wasn’t easy being green, but it’s the blues that got his longtime puppeteer, Steve Whitmire, fired … according to Jim Henson’s daughter. Cheryl Henson ripped Whitmire’s on-the-job performance, saying he was…


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Chris Cornell Suicide Response: Wife Says Singer Was Not Depressed

This morning, millions of fans awoke to the sad news that Soundgarden and Audioslave singer Chris Cornell has passed away at the age of 52.

Early reports on Cornell’s cause of death indicate that the singer appears to have taken his own life.

But while the loved ones of suicide victims so often report that the warning signs were apparent in retrospect, that doesn’t appear to be the case with Cornell.

TMZ is reporting today that Cornell’s widow, Vicky Cornell, has indicated that Chris gave her no reason to believe that he was suffering from depression or in a suicidal state.

Vicky says she spoke to her husband on the phone during soundcheck before his concert in Detroit last night and again after the concert when he had returned to his hotel.

The second conversation apparently gave her cause for concern, and she called Chris back early Thursday morning, but received no response.

It was then that she contacted a family friend who lives in the Detroit area and asked him to stop by Cornell’s hotel room in order to check on the singer.

The friend knocked but received no response, prompting him to force his way through the door.

Inside the room, the unnamed friend found Cornell’s lifeless body with “a band around his neck,” according to police reports.

Insiders close to the family say Vicky felt that Chris sounded out of sorts in their second conversation of the night, but he gave her no reason to believe he was depressed or inclined toward self-harm.

According to TMZ, Vicky has told friends that Chris was an incredibly devoted father to his three children, ages 16, 12, and 11, and she never considered the possibility that he might be suicidal.

Cornell struggled with substance abuse throughout much of his adult life, but he’s reportedly been sober since checking into a rehab facility in 2003 at the age of 52.

Anonymous sources close to Cornell fear that he may have fallen off the wagon and taken his own life in an intoxicated state.

Thus far, there’s been no official from word from medical examiners investigating the case.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Josh Duggar: Depressed, Unkempt, Living with Jim Bob & Michelle?

We recently learned that Anna Duggar didn’t have sex with her disgraced, cheating husband for nearly a year after he checked into rehab.

Turns out his family won’t touch him either (so to speak).

While it may seem like Josh Duggar is being slowly re-introduced into public life, everyone is clearly still wary of any association with him.

The Duggars are in Big Sandy, Texas, attending a week-long convention for Christian families who adhere to a common set of beliefs.

(Follow this link for our recent breakdown answering the question what religion are the Duggars and what those beliefs entail.)

They announced that the “whole family (minus Jill and Derick) is heading to Big Sandy for their homeschool conference for the week!”

Yes, including Josh … not that you’d know.

In photos from the event, the expectant couple has been carefully avoided, though their two-year-old daughter Meredith was spotted.

Josh and Anna did appear in one picture of a large family gathering, though they are MIA from any solo shots or other group images.

Beyond the fact that his sex scandals have made Josh into a human third rail, criticism directed at Anna may also give the family pause.

Currently pregnant with her fifth child, Anna has been criticized by many for standing by her man (she can’t win either way with fans).

In any case, the silence can be deafening.

When the world first learned that Anna was expecting for the fifth time, she and Josh revealed the news on the family Facebook page.

While they are always congratulating their younger siblings on similar life milestones, Jill and Jessa Duggar were radio silent this time.

And then there were the hilarious lengths TLC went to keep him out of Jinger Duggar’s wedding episode, despite his front row seat:

Naturally, the family’s efforts to keep Joshua away from the public eye has not prevented fans and critics from speculating about him.

In fact, it may only increase the scrutiny.

The impression is that every public appearance or social media mention of him is carefully crafted and unavoidable. Almost involuntary. 

Discussion of where the scandals left Josh Duggar’s net worth, or what he’s doing to make a living now, are extremely common online.

There’s also debate over where he’s living or whether he’s become so depressed that he can’t function as an equal parent with Anna.

This image of Josh, posted by Pickles 4 Truth, shows him with an unkempt appearance at the Creation Museum in Kentucky last month:

Josh is looking a little worse for the wear.

Moreover, a hot photo of Jana Duggar holding Meredith at Big Sandy drew attention, and not just due to how beautiful “Cinderella” is.

Coupled with reports that he doesn’t help Anna at all, Duggar obsessives are wondering how dependent Josh has become on his family.

Some have even wondered if they’ve moved in with Jim Bob. One fan asked: “Are the Duggar family raising Josh and Anna’s children?”

At the very least, they’re believed to be living close to the family compound in Arkansas, where he toils away doing whatever it is he does.

If we’ve learned one thing over the past two years, it’s not to expect the Duggars to offer updates on Josh unless they have no choice.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

Florida Panthers -- Stanley Panther Sues ... How Could You Fire a Depressed Mascot???

Stanley Panther says he was BETRAYED by his own NHL team — claiming he was unfairly fired as the team mascot after a serious bout with depression because the honchos didn’t like his attitude.


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kylie Jenner: "Heartbroken," Depressed Over Split From Tyga

It didn’t exactly come as a huge shock when we learned that Kylie and Tyga had finally called it quits for good.

Not only has their relationship been plagued by breakup rumors and various other drama from the start, but relationships that begin while you’re in high school don’t typically end in marriage (at least north of the Mason-Dixon Line).

Anyway, it’s officially official now – Tyga and Kylie are dunzo, and on the surface it looks as though they’ve both had very little trouble moving on. 

Kylie’s been hanging out with PartyNextDoor (aka the guy who beat out The Weeknd for this year’s Dumbest Hip Hop Artist Stage Name Award).

Meanwhile, Tyga’s been hooking up with Demi Rose (aka the slightly more age-appropriate Kylie Jenner).

However, some sources are claiming that Kylie’s partying (right next door, apparently) is all for show, and the 18-year-old is actually still devastated about the end of her first serious relationship.

But even though she’s accutely experiencing the pain of first heartbreak, sources say Kylie has zero interest in giving Tyga a second chance.

“Kylie does not know how to handle this, or what to do,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“But she does know that she never wants anything to do with Tyga again.

“Kylie has really been a complete mess this past week,” the source adds.

“She tries to pretend like she is this fearless human being and that nothing can faze her. But, in actuality, she just got her heart broken by the first love of her life.”

The insider adds that Kylie is making her feelings known to her ex by cutting ties financially:

“She is taking back everything she ever gave him and she has already cancelled all of the credit cards in her name that he had access to,” says the insider.

“She does not want the jewelry he gave her any more. She wants no trace of him in her life.”

Kylie’s family, of course, is not so heartbroken, as it’s no secret that they didn’t like Tyga from the start.

And the way he’s handling the breakup hasn’y exactly endeared T-Raww to the rest of the Kard clan:

“Everyone knew that this was going to happen and no one liked Tyga from day one,” says the source.

“The fact that he has been flaunting other women around so soon after the breakup is just completely disrespectful and it is making this situation much worse for Kylie.”

Sounds like that’s one D-lister who’s been exiled from Kardashian Land for good.

Courtney Stodden: Depressed, In Love, Sick of Being Sick

Don’t let Courtney Stodden’s looks deceive you.

No, this is not a reference to the Z-Lister’s history of plastic surgery. It’s actually a lot sadder than that…

Stodden has opened up to Us Weekly and admitted that she has a mental disorder, telling the tabloid very simply:

“I suffer from depression.”

Ever since she came into the spotlight, most have simply assumed that Stodden suffers from I-Want-To-Be-Kim-Kardashian-Itis, a disease that affects those who want to be famous despite a lack of talent.

She burst on to the scene five years ago when, at the age of 16, Stodden married a 51-year old actor named Doug Hutchison.

But the pregnant star now confesses that things are far more serious than some simple desire for fame.

“My depression affects my appetite, sleeping patterns and overall perspective on life,” she says.

“At times, I have severe insomnia and other times I find myself sleeping too much. I have feelings of hopelessness but experience many moments of absolute euphoria.”

One of those moments took place this week, in fact, when Stodden and Hutchison renewed their vows.

The couple broke up for a period of time in 2013 and appeared on episodes of VH1’s Couples Therapy.

But all now appears to be great between them.

“Five years ago I married an incredible man & we are celebrating by renewing our vows in a very special place! Stay tuned,” Stodden Tweeted over the weekend.

We can now confirm that the controversial couple renewed these vows on Saturday in front of the famous Hollywood sign in Los Angeles.

Stodden, meanwhile, is pregnant with her first child.

She is six weeks along and is hoping at least one phase of the pregnancy comes to a conclusion soon.

“When does this end?” Stodden captioned the following picture, which depicts her slumped over a toilet.

She added the hashtags: #firsttrimester #baby #pregnant #morningsickness #notjustinthemornings.

“I already love this baby so much,” Stodden told Us Weekly.

“I just fear the thought of motherhood. It’s such an overwhelming responsibility and I want to be the very best mommy that I can possibly be.”

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Lamar Odom: Drunk and Depressed At Bar?

It’s been a little over five months since he overdosed at a Nevada Brothel, so fans were concerned to learn that Lamar Odom had cocktails with a few friends at Johnny O’Brien in Sherman Oaks, CA.

Witnesses at the bar told Radar Online that Odom looked glum.

“He looked sad, or even serious, I would say, when he came in and ordered a drink,” the source said.

“I definitely did not get the party vibe from him like he was looking to have fun or have a good time.”

Hours after being at the bar, Odom would join Khloe Kardashian and her family for Easter service.  Until then, he was looking to blend in and tune out.

“The bar was playing old school hip-hop that night and while Lamar’s friends were singing along and having fun, Lamar stared aimlessly at the TV sipping his drink,” the source claimed.

Staff at the establishment told TMZ that Odom ordered three Remy Martin cocktails and paid for them himself.

Radar’s source pointed out that Odom “didn’t talk to anyone, not even his buddies. He paid for the drinks and sat on a booth away from the crowd with his sunglasses and hoodie on/

Odom arrived around midnight and left around one am.

Kardashian posted cryptic tweets earlier today, but it’s not clear why.

“Please be kind always because everyone you meet is fighting an internal battle you know nothing about,” she wrote. 

“It takes nothing to be kind. In fact it takes more energy to spew negativity. Let’s practice kindness &the contagious act of a smile today.”

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kate Middleton: Depressed! Anxious! Fighting With The Queen!

Everything is the worst and Catherine is displeased.

On November 18th, the Duchess of Cambridge made an emotional speech at the Place2Be Headteacher Conference about the importance of mental well-being in young people.  

Her Royal Highness touched on the love and support she received from her own parents and how that positively impacted her life (that would be the understatement of the century).

“I know that I was lucky,” Catherine told the audience.  “My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued and listened to.

“But of course many children are not so lucky. Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges.”

Catherine is a patron of Place2Be, an organization that provides emotional and therapeutic services for young people.

Some media outlets thought this the perfect opportunity to label Catherine a basket case, claiming that the speech was a “cry for help” as she continues to battle depression, anxiety and an eating disorder.  

And it’s all the royal family’s fault.

“Prince William is desperate for Duchess Kate to ‘snap out of it,’ but the bouts of depression and anxiety appear to be increasing in frequency and severity,” Celebrity Dirty Laundry claims.  

“The Duke of Cambridge also fears the Duchess of Cambridge is battling anorexia.”


“Kate’s constant fighting with Camilla Parker-Bowles hasn’t helped the situation. Prince Harry reportedly came to Kate Middleton’s rescue recently telling Parker-Bowles to back off and stop tormenting the Duchess.

“This did not endear Prince Harry to Camilla Parker-Bowles and the two are now reportedly feuding.”

So much feuding!  How does one get anything done with all this feuding?!

“Queen Elizabeth had given Carole Middleton a bit more access to Princess Kate which seemed to put both mother and daughter in better spirits. After finding out the manipulative Middleton matriarch was trying to freeze the Royal family out of Princess Charlotte’s first Christmas that was the end of that.”

Manipulative Middleton matriarch.  That’s what I’ll be next Halloween.

“Queen Elizabeth reportedly is enforcing even tougher restrictions on how much contact Carole can have with Princess Kate, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.”

This is so dumb.  The Windsors are made out to sound like as dysfunctional as that terrible E! show.

BTW, the Queen and her husband, Prince Philip celebrated their 68th anniversary today.  Congrats, you love birds.

And when you’re done wondering if Catherine is weeping in an ivory tower right this very second, please take a moment to soak in the sartorial splendor of todays look in Wales.  

Catherine wore Reiss’ “Angel” coat for a visit to Caernarfon with her Kiki McDonough Eternal 18k Gold Citrine Pear-Drop Earrings ($ 740).  She and William used to live in Anglesey, Wales when they were first married, so today’s trip was especially significant.

The Reiss coat was first seen on Catherine on Christmas day 2011 (thanks What Kate Wore for that reminder!), then again in 2012 during a trip St. George’s Park (she was in her first trimester with George at that time).

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pippa Middleton: Single, Unemployed and Depressed?

Last week, we reported that Pippa Middleton was caught cheating on her then-boyfriend, Nico Jackson.

Not surprisingly, the relationship ended shortly thereafter, and Pippa is now back on the market.

In fact, Kate’s 32-year-old younger sister is unattached in every way, and insiders say being single and unemployed is beginning to take a toll on Pippa.

A new piece in The Daily Mail describes Pippa as “depressed,” as she “finds herself without an established career, without a property of her own, and now without a boyfriend.”

According to the article, Pippa and Nico were planning to get engaged before she was caught bed-hopping with several ex-boyfriends. 

Jackson had reportedly taken a banking job in Switzerland so that he could earn more money and buy the couple a house in London.

Unfortunately, the plan backfired, as the distance proved too much for Pippa to bear.

To make matters worse, Pippa has been fired from two high profile jobs in the past year, failing to make a name for herself as a magazine columnist or as a correspondent for NBC’s Today Show.

Of course, Pippa’s failures are magnified by her famous sister’s successes in life and love.

Having a duchess for a sister might be tough sometimes, but we’re sure when Pippa is ready to find a new job/man, Kate will be happy to help. 

Here’s hoping she plays matchmacker between Pippa and Prince Harry.