Showing posts with label Dent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dent. Show all posts

Friday, September 1, 2017

"Big Brother" Jason Dent Jokes About Raping Women in Nursing Home

“Big Brother” contestant Jason Dent continues his Rape Tour 2017 … this time bragging to fellow housemates how he once told cops he was on his way to a nursing home to rape a bunch of women. Jason was on the show’s live online feed Wednesday,…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Big Brother Recap: Did Jason Dent Save Raven Walton?

Did Jason Dent save Raven?

Big Brother 19 has been the worst season of the iconic CBS reality series by a wide margin. The houseguests are following Paul Abrahamian like he’s some sort of Big Brother God. 

It has made things predictable, and downright boring to watch, but it looks like things are about to change and that’s all thanks to Jason Dent. 

Yeah, he’s the dude who chatted about tying up a fellow houseguests wife and raping her while her kids watched. 

When the episode got underway, Matt and Raven seemingly believed the plan to backdoor Kevin and got him the heck out of the house. 

But Jason had built up a friendship with Kevin throughout the season and did not want to put one of his best friends on the block. 

On top of that, Kevin flat-out declined the opportunity to spend some time on the block, and it put Jason in a right pickle. 

The wannabe cowboy did not want to change the nominations because he felt like he trusted Kevin more. 

But Jason’s right-hand chick in the house, Alex was against the idea of keeping Kevin in the house.

She turned to Paul and Christmas and practically threw her ride or die under the bus, further solidifying that she is one of the worst players in Big Brother history. 

The odd thing about all of it was that Matt and Raven did not speak to Jason, so how did they expect Jason to stick to any plan? 

Like, why would that even happen? Raven wanted to be the one to win the veto competition. But she did not need to worry because Matt said publicly that he would be saving Raven because everything she’s been through. 

Okay, that’s completely absurd when you consider the fact that she has done absolutely nothing all summer apart from getting jiggy when the lights go out. 

Like, where is her social game or her competition wins? She can tell us she’s weak all she wants, but did anyone see the way she randomly cartwheels and breaks into dance. 

The way we see it is that neither of them deserves to be in the house and they should both be removed for stupidity and watch a few seasons of the show in the sequester to show how dumb they are. 

It was the veto competition with the house being destroyed as the nominees had their veto cards hidden. Somewhere along the way, the houseguests came across Raven and Matt’s stash of condoms. 


Jason emerged with the win, and Paul tried to work Alex to get Kevin on the block, but Jason knew they were up to something and kept Kevin off the block. 

Raven started flipping out, and the episode came to a close. Yes, there are going to be fireworks tonight!

What did you think of the developments?

Who do you want to leave?

Sound off below.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Jason Dent: Big Brother Contestant Laughs About Raping Housemate"s Wife

Big Brother is a show that finds a group of people secluded in the house for the summer as they go to crazy lengths to win some money.

Some of the houseguests seem to forget the show has a 24-hour live feed that viewers actually pay to watch.

The show is no stranger to controversy and has come under fire several times throughout the years for the way the houseguests act. 

On Monday, current head of household, Jason Dent disgusted viewers when he threatened to rape fellow houseguest Kevin Schlehuber’s wife if Kevin ever turned on him in the game. 

“I’m gonna f*** your wife when I get out of here,” Dent said explicitly referencing Schlehuber’s wife as he burst out laughing. 

“And I’m going to tie all your daughters up and make them f***ing watch,” he added.

Fellow houseguest, Alex Ow laughed away as Jason made the comments, presumably because she hates Kevin. 

But still, Alex shut down sexual comments earlier in the season because she alleged that a family member was raped. 

So, what made her change her stance on the whole thing to laugh along with Jason’s despicable comments?

Alex has been gunning to get Kevin out of the game for weeks now, and with Jason as Head of Household, she thought that she was going to get her wish. 

But, Jason did not seem high on the idea of getting rid of Kevin quite yet. And over the last few days on the live feed, a lot of houseguests have been antagonizing the poor man. 

Kevin notoriously tricked his houseguests into thinking he did not accept a temptation to earn $ 25,000. That temptation came with the consequence of Paul Abrahamian entering the game. 

If you’ve been keeping up to date this season, Paul has been dominating the whole game and has managed to stay off the block the whole time.

While people are thinking of short-term targets, he always finds ways to set targets up weeks in advance to ensure his name never comes up as a target. 

The odd thing about Jason’s comments is that they came on the heels of him mostly choosing to defy the majority alliance and do what he thinks is good for his game. 

But comments like the ones above are not good, and they will likely wind him up in hot water when he’s out of the house. Jason found out on a recent episode that his wife was expecting their second child. 

The CBS episodes have indeed shown Jason in a positive light, but it remains to be seen if the backlash will be addressed. 

What do you think of all of the drama?


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Big Brother" Contestant Jason Dent Laughs About Raping Housemate"s Wife

“Big Brother” contestant Jason Dent thinks rape is seriously funny — he went full LOL while talking about having sex with another housemate’s wife … while he forced the guy’s kids to watch. The footage is pretty disturbing … Jason was…
