Showing posts with label Womens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womens. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Hope Solo: Suspended By U.S. Women"s Soccer!

Soccer star Hope Solo has been suspended from the U.S. Women’s National Team for six months, the organization announced on Wednesday.

The athlete will be ineligible to compete until February.

Here disciplinary action comes after the goalkeeper, who helped Team USA to gold in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, lashed out in Rio.

Hope slammed the Swedish women’s soccer team after the U.S. was stunningly defeated and knocked out of medal contention early.

Sunil Gulati, the president of the organization, criticized “the comments by Hope Solo after the match against Sweden at the 2016 Olympics.”

Solo’s comments “were unacceptable and do not meet the standard of conduct we require from our National Team players,” Gulati said. 

“Beyond the athletic arena and beyond the results” of the match, “the Olympics celebrate the ideals of fair play and respect.”

The USWNT felt Solo didn’t live up to those ideals.

“We expect all of our representatives to honor those principles,” Gulati said, explaining the suspension, “with no exceptions.”

After the August 12 defeat, Solo said she thought the losing Team USA played a “courageous game,” while Sweden … did not.

“I think we showed a lot of heart. We came back from a goal down. I’m very proud of this team,” the controversial star began.

“But I also think we played a bunch of cowards,” she said.

“The best team did not win today. I strongly believe that.”

Obviously, her comments did not go over too well.

Swedish coach Pia Sundhage, who previously coached Team USA to those two Olympic gold medals, blasted the goalie for her attitude. 

“We won the game. They played more attacking football than we did. We defended very well,” Sundhage told The Los Angeles Times

“It’s OK to be a coward if you win.” 

In response, Solo retweeted Sports Illustrated‘s full transcript of her much-discussed quote and admitted that she’s not the best loser.

“Losing sucks. I’m really bad at it,” she wrote.

That wasn’t sufficient to avoid a suspension, but at least it was honest; Hope does not mince words, or hold back her actions.

After posting photos that some felt were disrespectful about the host nation, Solo was taunted with “Zika” chants earlier in the games.

This isn’t Solo’s first brush with trouble.

In 2015, she was benched for 30 days for “an incident that occurred during the current WNT training camp” that was held in Carson, Calif.

Allegedly, there was drunken driving of the team van by her husband, who’s been by her side throughout a few of Solo’s lower points.

Hope was arrested for domestic violence in 2014, and has been involved in some eyebrow-raising incidents with Jerramy Stevens (below):

Monday, August 1, 2016

Lea Michele: Nude for Women"s Health!

Lea Michele is giving fans around the world a major reason to sing a very gleeful song this week.

Specifically male fans, we should say.

Why? Because the actress isn’t just featured on the latest cover of Women’s Health.

She’s featured on the latest cover of Women’s Health while wearing nothing but her birthday suit.

For real. For serious. Michelle is 100%, totally and completely naked for the U.K. version of this publication.

While celebrity gossip websites may sometimes say that as an exaggeration, referring to someone as “nude” even when they are covering most of her body with a sheet or something, that is not the case here.

Nope. See the uncensored photo for yourself by clicking below.

Lea Michelle is very much naked, people!

And while many readers out there may be pouring over every inch of the gorgeous star’s body for sexual reasons, they may be surprisingly touched by something they find there.

Is that a tattoo near her rear end? And does it sat “Finn?”

Yes and yes.

Finn, of course, is the name of the character Michele’s late boyfriend, Cory Monteith, played on the hit show on which the stars met, Glee.

Michele has gotten a number tattoos as a tribute to her former love, including his jersey number-five and their last words to each other:

“I love you more. If you say so…”

Michele still thinks about Monteith often, of course, but she’s come a long way from her darkest days.

“Right now, I feel physically in my best shape, and emotionally in my best place…I’m not perfect,” she tells the magazine, adding:

“I’m not trying to represent myself as being some perfect girl, but I love myself, flaws and all.”

This is a great attitude for Michele to possess, but she still have some very tough times.

“I have down days. I accept those days as much as the happy ones,” she admits.

How does she move past the doldrums?

Michele says she makes “some macaroni cheese, calls my mom, pours a glass of red wine and watches some reality television. There’s nothing that can’t fix.”