Showing posts with label Rekap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rekap. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: A True Story

Keeping Up with the Kardashians finally answered one pressing question this week:

Where the heck did the name True come from?!?

We refer, of course, to the only daughter of Khloe Kardashian and that rotten dirty cheater, Tristan Thompson, who welcomed a child into the world this past April.

A child named True.

On Sunday evening, viewers tuned in to see Khloe (still ignorant to Tristan’s cheating ways) host a grand baby shower for her friends and loved ones.

The expectant parents asked their guests to write down name suggestions on a wall, with Kris Jenner’s mother, MJ, actually be the person we can all blame thank for coming up with this unusual moniker.

“Grandma, do you want to help pick a name?” Kim Kardashian asked her relative. “True, your grandfather?”

Your grandfather,” MJ corrected. “T-R-U-E.”

So there we have it apparently.

mj image

While the name was a major topic of conversation, so was Khloe’s pregnancy itself.

“Out of all my kids, I worried for a second about whether or not Khloe would have a baby,” Kris said at one point, adding through tears:

“It’s such an amazing blessing. We are beyond excited and thrilled to welcome my ninth grandchild, that’s a lot of people.”

Khloe was equally psyched, although she chose to fly out to a pretty boring city in Cleveland in order to be near Tristan when she gave birth.

Scott Disick actually met her there, full of jokes and insults.

“For the longest time, I’ve always wanted to go to Cleveland to see where Khloe lives,” Kourtney Kardashian’s ex quipped. “But I just didn’t know if there was anything to do there.”

The friends came up with a name for their podcast in Cleveland (The Lord and His Lady), but Disick ended up getting on Khloe’s nerves because she wanted to focus on the tiny human set to come out of her vagina…

… not on Scott’s antics.

“I love Scott and I love hanging out with him, but I really want to learn how to give a baby CPR,” Khloe complained to the camera. “He’s hamming it up for the podcast, probably more than usual, but it’s f-cking annoying right now.”

ELSEWHERE, Kylie Jenner recently had her baby and was coming to terms with new new body.

She felt really insecure after posing for a Calvin Klein photo shoot alongside her siblings.

My body’s not, you know, what it used to be,” the 21-year-old beauty mogul explained while baking with sister Kourtney.

“It is a shock to the system to see your body, especially at such a young age, change so drastically, just not be the same size.”

Later, sorting through clothing in her closet to see if anything fits, Kylie confided in Kim.

“We’re getting rid of everything. … Nothing in my closet fits me,” Jenner said. I feel like my hips, they just spread.”

Kim, of course, has been here before.

She’s given birth to two kids and irritated the Hell out of the Internet by talking about only her need to lose weight for many weeks afterward.

“I know it’s really early and Stormi’s so little, but you just have to roll with it,” Kim told her sister, adding:

“You just have to be confident, get some things that make you feel good about yourself and find your balance.”

To her credit, Kim ended the episode by heading to D.C. for the March for Our Lives really.

She talked to students there about the need for better gun control laws in America.

“Seeing these kids taking up their time to talk about issues that are so important, I think is just so selfless and so great of them,” Kardashian concluded.

“I honestly feel like there’s so many adults out there that can learn a thing or two from these kids.”


To see what the teenagers had to say, use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online right here and now:


Monday, October 1, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Kanye West Needs a Band-Aid

Kanye West needs many things in life.

Attention. Professional mental health assistance. A clue.

On Sunday night’s episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, however, the controversial rapper just needed one thing from his wife: a band-aid.

And it led to a pretty big argument.

Kim Kardashian eats

“Last night I was just like not in the best mood and I was just like tired,” Kim told Khloe about this tiff early in the installment, explaining:

“I got home and I was like, ‘Hey’ and then I was like on my computer and then he was like, ‘Babe, will you get off your computer, I wanna talk, let’s hangout."”

Kim was trying to meet a deadline and ignored Kanye, but she responded immediately when Saint reminded his mom that it was time for his bath.

Enter immature Kanye…

“I shut the computer and he’s like, ‘You’re gonna go take a bath with him, but I asked to hangout and you wouldn’t?"” Kim told Khloe of West’s response.

“Maybe just take a bath with Kanye and it will all be better,” Khloe quipped.

But Kim said the issue went beyond just polishing her man’s knob.

She expounded on a recent fight with Kanye, one that centered on him getting a boo-boo and his desire for his wife to fix it.

“We had a fight because I wouldn’t get him a Band-Aid,” Kim recounted, adding:

“I said, ‘Did you look in the proper place, there’s a Band-Aid here.’ He didn’t like that one. So he wanted another one, so there was a Band-Aid there and I put it on him. He didn’t like the color of the Band-Aid.”

What about one of daughter North Jesus-themed band-aids, which apparently exist?


“He was like, ‘I’ve slaved around the world making clothes for you to make sure that you find the best outfit and you let me go out wearing a Jesus Band-Aid,"” Kim said.

“I’m like, so I’m running around to find three f-cking different color Band-Aid’s when I have three kids to look after?!”


Hmm… is there something about a First World Problem we can label this as?

An Ultimate and Ridiculous and Nauseating First World Problem, perhaps?

Khloe simply told Kim that men often needed to be treated like the “first baby” and that, overall, Kanye is someone who requires attention and constant love.

Kim understood and bought some really sexy lingerie for Valentine’s Day. Problem solved!

Elsewhere, however, she continued to have problems with sibling Kourtney.

annoyed Kourtney

This time, they centered around Kim taking it upon herself to get involved in Kourtney and Scott Disick’s relationship after Disick supposedly texted Kim that he wanted another child.

Since both Scott and Kourtney were seeing other people at that time of this filming, Kim figured the two could just go the IVF route and have a fourth kid together without intercourse.

Easy peasy!

She emailed this brilliant idea to the rest of her loved ones… Kourtney included! By accident!

Kim then tried to bury the email and have it erased from Kourtney’s phone, but Kourtney caught on and was understandably furious.

“Honestly, I don’t even want to look at her after the whole email situation,” the mother of three confessed to her mom and Khloe.

“I don’t think she wants to hurt your feelings,” Kris responded, trying to play peacemaker. “I think she just communicates differently.”

Kourtney didn’t appreciate her mom “there are two sides to everything” approach and shot back:

“She did something really malicious, backstabbing and actually evil. Going behind someone’s back? It’s not okay, it’s not something I will accept in my life.”

Despite her anger at both Kris and Kim, Kourtney eventually settled down and spoke to Scott.

Disick revealed that Kim had twisted his words and vowed to Kourtney he “would not go and call up your family” to discuss this topic of children again.

From there,, Kourtney and Kim buried the tension enough to go away on a joint family skiing trip. Hooray!

Use think link right here to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online and check out the gallery below for more about this absurd family…


Monday, September 24, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Pregnancy is SO Easy!

Breaking news:

Kylie Jenner has given birth!

We repeat: Kylie Jenner has given birth!

What? You knew this already?

It happened way back in February, causing Sunday night’s brand new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians to feel very dated and anti-climactic?


Nevertheless, the latest installment of this bizarrely popular E! reality series focused almost entirely on Kylie’s pregnancy and labor.

Early on, Kim joked with Kylie that her expecting state has been the best-kept secret of our generation,” despite literally every website on the Internet writing about it for weeks at the time.

“Your friends deserve awards,” Kim told her sibling, adding that she was never able to keep her pregnancies quiet and saying of Jenner’s close friends.

“Seriously, because now you know you have some real ones.”

Later, while working out with her personal trainer, Kim was stunned when Kourtney Kardashian walked in and delivered the news that Kylie was in labor. 

Kim noted that Kylie had asked Khloe to be in the delivery room, at Kim’s behest, while the family later gabbed once again about the secrecy of this birth (Kim: “Can you believe Kylie got out of the hospital with not one report? Now Caitlyn can never say we have big mouths and we leak everything.”) — along how amazing and how easy it all was.

“It was such a positive experience. …  She would go, ‘I’m not feeling any pain,’” Kris Jenner explained of her youngest child. “She was so calm.”

Oh, Kris also said she pulled Stormi out of Kylie’s vagina.

“Ewww,” Kim replied upon hearing this news.

“Kylie’s always wanted to be a mom so this is really exciting for her,” Kim told the camera, saying of why the young star didn’t make any official statement until after she gave birth:

“She just didn’t want anyone changing her happy moment and her happy pregnancy, so I’m really proud of her that she stuck to her guns and was able to tell her story her way.”

We believe her.

It definitely didn’t have anything to do with Kylie’s shock and shame over getting impregnated at age 20 by a guy she had only been dating a few months.

“I can already tell that Kylie is gonna be the most amazing mom and is so in love with her baby,” Kris added, as the relatives laid it on as thick as humanly possible.

Eventually, Kylie showed up for dinner, Stormi wrapped up tightly at her bosom while making her television debut.

“Now that it’s all said and done, what is your real take on pregnancy?” Kim asked her sister.

“I liked it. I miss it,” Kylie said ridiculously with a shrug. “I had like, the easiest pregnancy.”

What did she miss about it? What did she like about it?

“You never feel alone and like I was really sad to not be pregnant anymore,” Kylie expounded.

With Chicago Westin the picture on the show, all that remains is for Khloe to give birth and complete the trifecta.

“Khloe, I’m just so excited for you,” Kylie said. “I can’t wait.”

“Chicago was like the new girl in town for like a day,” Kim quipped.

“Stormi’s got three months, maybe as the new girl,” Kourtney said.

NOTE: We made some fun of Kylie and company here because the news is just so old and the glee with which she talked about labor was a tad bit nauseating and absurd.

But we really are happy for Jenner.

SECOND NOTE: The episode also included a memorial to the late family dog Gabbana.

And we’ll never make fun of anyone for mourning the loss of a pet.

Khloe, who had taken Gabbana into her home after Kris and Caitlyn’s divorce, eulogized the canine in a testimonial, saying:

“It’s so crazy to me that a dog can touch your life the way Gabbana’s touched my life. … I could always hear her in my home and now I hear silence.”

May she rest in peace.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Konfessions of Some Drama Queens

The klaws kame out on the Season 15 premiere of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, as Kim and Khloe ganged up on sister Kourtney like never before.

These sisters klashed over the family’s annual Khristmas kalendar, with Kim peeved that Kourtney wasn’t making herself readily available and Kourtney irritated that Kim didn’t komprehend she has three kids for whom to kare.

So… did this feud get resolved on Sunday night’s brand new installment?

We started with Kim suggesting to her siblings that they attend some counseling in order to work through a few rather clear issues.

“We all communicate really weird and we just don’t ever express what’s really bothering us and we all walk on eggshells around each other,” Kim explained.

Kourtney objected, but this storyline was in the script, so Kim insisted:

“Well we’re all going to therapy together, so it’s happening. Because we all need to communicate with a mediator and we don’t have that mediator.”

Enter that mediator!

The sisters awkwardly sat around at Khloe’s house and tried to put everything on the table for a change, as opposed to shoving it under a rug.

Said Kourtney to the professional at one point:

“I’m the one who invented mean fighting … I’m just not wanting to fight like that anymore. … I don’t want to spend my time around people that are mean and putting me down.”

From there, revealed to the mediator that Kourtney has been insecure, adding:

“But it’s also an insecurity I’ve never seen from her before.”

(NOTE: This was all filmed many months ago, long before Kourtney split from Younes Bendjmina.)

Kim, meanwhile, was taken aback by Kourtney’s claim.

She wasn’t buying the story that Kourtney was somehow the relaxed sister; or that she had been making any effort of late to let things go.

Quite the opposite, Kim argued:

“You’re preaching that you just want this Zen life and that you’re so positive and you don’t want to fight, but then most of the time you’re arguing about stuff that’s like, ‘Again?"”

Seemingly not eventrying to be cruel, just to explain where she was coming from, Kim labeled Kourtney as “always anxious and insecure.”

Said Khloe in this emotional session:

“Kourtney and I have a really special bond, I haven’t felt that from her in the past couple months and that’s been frustrating for me.

“I do feel a major disconnect between her and I specifically, and I would like to understand what that is.”

Kourtney sat and listed and waited patiently.

But she admitted that she didn’t think her sisters were “genuinely” happy for her.

“It’s like everything is…the show’s more important, work’s more important,” an emotional Kourtney confessed. “Maybe traveling isn’t a priority to you, but it is to me.”

Kourtney has the biggest family of all three siblings and admittedly works the least, but what’s wrong with that?

Why be “resentful” of her lifestyle, as Kourtney accused Kim and Khloe of being toward her?

“We honestly want Kourtney to take her trips, we want Kourtney to live her life and do whatever she wants to do,” Kim later claimed in a confessional, adding:

“We just want her to be held accountable and be responsible that when you take a job and you’re getting paid to do something that you honor that, because all of us do.”

In the end, Kourtney simply said that work wasn’t a priority for her like it is for her sisters and she didn’t understand why they focused on such petty issues.

Conversely, Khloe and Kim said that Kourtney simply wasn’t understanding their side of the issue.

Little was resolved.

“Whatever Kourtney is going through, it’s just so much deeper than me and Khloe and until Kourtney is ready to talk about it we can’t push her or try to be aggressive,” Kim later concluded camera.

“She’s going through a lot of life changes right now and we just have to let her go through that.”

Sure, either that or Kourtney just wants to hang out with her children.

To relive this drama, and to see what sort of prank Khloe pulled off with Scott Disick, use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Catch up on all you missed!


Monday, August 6, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: The Klash Over the Khristmas Card

In certain scenes from a certain sex tape, Ray J simply gives it to Kim Kardashian.

We’re talking about some good ole fashioned pounding, right in front of a camera, as the reality star lies back and takes it with pleasure.

On the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15 premiere Sunday evening, however, Kim was the one who dished it out, this time to sister Kourtney…

… but she did anything but take pleasure in the awkward experience.

As you’ve likely scene plastered around the Internet via clips shared by E! in anticipation of this return episode, the bulk of the installment centered on Kim feuding with Kourtney like never before.

But why? Over what?!?

The answer has finally been revealed.

Filmed many months ago, the premiere focused around Kim’s attempt to gather her entire family for its annual Christmas Card photo shoot.

“I moved my meetings to earlier so that we can all accommodate miss queen Kourtney and then Kylie couldn’t come,” Kim complaiend early on, criticizing her siblings and adding:

“She wanted to shoot hers privately at home. Rob’s trying to lay low right now. Kendall’s gonna make it right at the end.”

Added the former sex tape star:

“It’s just like craziness. So I thought, ‘Why not show the craziness of our family?’ We’re just gonna do candid pictures and we can post them for the 25 days of Christmas.”

That is what ended up happening, for the record.

The family released one photo per day for nearly a month until it finally unveiled the final version shared below.

We’d never have known ALL the drama that went on behind the scenes of this pictorial until last night’s intense episode.

After Kourtney refused give in on the time she’d be available for the shoot, Kim let her have sister it.

The back-and-forth was all about working at a job for a living and working as a mother of three at home.

“No one wants you in the f-cking shoot. I’m planning it. I’m planning the shoot, so we don’t want you in the shoot,” Kim screamed at one point, to which Kourtney fired back:

“Did I already say this morning, I didn’t care to do it.”

Kim’s retort?

“Maybe if you had a f-cking business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f-cking business but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about.”

Yikes, right?


2 sis

After Kourtney stormed off, Kim got even more personal in a heated discussion with Khloe and Kris Jenner.

“She’s the least exciting to look at, so she can be out,” Kim told her relatives. “She doesn’t do sh-t. She doesn’t know what it’s like to actually have f-cking work to do.”

(Editor’s Note: Kourtney is fantastic to look at. Especially when she dons a bikini.)

Kourtney later called Khloe, who of course kept her on speaker phone so that viewers could hear the totally natural and NON-scripted exchange.

“I’m not here to f-cking be mistreated by my f-cking bitch family,” Kourtney yelled, adding:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at…who even speaks like that?”

That’s a fair question. We wonder where how the writer who came up with that line though of it.

“You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do sh-t,” Kim screamed over the phone. “So be accommodating to the people that actually do sh-t.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” an emotional Kourtney shot back. “I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

As you can see here, the argument continued on Twitter after the premiere ended:

kourt tweet

During the episode, meanwhile, Kim insisted that she would not “tolerate” her sister being so rude that she would be “ten billion” times ruder in response… until Kourtney just broke down and cried.

“Your words have meaning and they come from somewhere. You didn’t just make them up,” a distraught Kourtney told Kim when they finally talked about their fight. “It’s really unkind.”

“Well, I’m sorry If I said something that was hurtful,” Kim said as an apology.

Khloe tried to keep the peace, offering to her siblings:

“I think we both have to stop judging, or all of us have to stop judging each other.”

And it kind of worked, as Kim invited Kourtney to her baby shower for Chicago.

But Kourtney turned down the invitation, prompting another tongue-lashing from her sister:

“I really hoped Kourtney was gonna get over herself and just show up, but she didn’t/ So, I don’t think she’s big on family ‘cause if she was, she would be at my shower.”

All this said, Kim made it clear on social media shortly after the premiere concluded that all is good between the loved ones:










It’s almost as if this drama was concocted as a storyline by producers, right?

Season 15 is officially upon us, however, with the opening episode teasing more friction between the sisters than usual.

If you missed any of the fireworks, you can (nay, you SHOULD!) use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Do you think this fight was real or staged? Watch and determine for yourself!


Monday, October 23, 2017

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: Not-So-Great Scott

Keeping Up with the Kardashians featured an appearance by a fun guest star this week…

… as well an yet another appearance of Scott Disick acting like a pretty big A-Hole.

First, the guest star: it’s Chrissy Teigen!

The installment opened with John Legend’s better half talking with Kim Kardashian talking about the recent MET Gala (meaning this was filmed way back in May) and how she experience “super-high anxiety there.” 

Kim understood.

She said that Kylie Jenner “was so nervous” at this A-Lister-filled event that she made Kim “walk her to her table and introduce her to Donatella [Versace].”

Fascinating stuff, right?

Far more interesting, and disturbing, was the main focus this Sunday on Disick, Kourtney and their ever-troubled relationship.

Out to dinner with Khloe and Kendall in Santa Barbara, Kourtney could not enjoy herself because her phone kept blowing up with text updates about her irritating baby daddy.

According to mutual friend named Simon, Disick had been partying up a storm while she was gone. Which is par for his often-wasted course, as viewers know well.

But tales of his latest escapades made it impossible for Kourtney to enjoy herself.

She said that she and Disick aren’t really talking these days and she then oscillated between feelings of anger and concern.

“I just, like, keep hearing that he’s out of control. People have called me saying he’s not gonna make it,” she told her sisters.

Determined not to enable the father of her three young kids, she Kourtney and added: “He needs to fend for himself.”

“A lot of it he does to get attention from you,” Khloe said, explaining that Disick, with whom she’s been close at times, has previously confessed to getting in trouble just to elicit a response from his ex-lover.

Real mature, right?

In the past, Kourtney confronted Disick when his drinking and flirting spiraled out of control.


“I just haven’t been riding him because I’m trying to switch up the pattern,” said last night. “I don’t want the kids to see him like this.”

This is why earlier reports alleged that she banned Disick from even seeing his children until he shaped up.

In a confessional, Kourtney lated opened up further, telling the camera on her own:

“We’ve been in this same pattern, even though we’re not together, for 10 years plus.

“If there was something I could to do help Scott, to help his situation or his addiction, I would do it in a heartbeat…

“But I’ve learned that it’s beyond my control and I’ve accepted that.”

The same couldn’t be said this week for Kim Kardashian, however.

She went over to Scott’s place and tried to talk reasonably with her quasi brother-in-law about his unacceptable habits.

“Some [stuff] is really realistically true,” Disick admitted during this chat, adding:

“I mean, we all know I have times where I definitely am out of control. But you can tell Kourtney to have a good weekend and rest assured that I’m fine.”

That may be true at the moment, as Disick is getting serious with Sofia Richie.

But there seemed to be a different female by his side every day back when this episode was shot.

And it doesn’t appear as if anything involved Scott and Kourtney will calm down next Sunday night, either, not when Disick is threatening to BEAT UP Younes Bendjima.

For real.

Watch the official E! preview to see what we mean:

Yikes, right?!?
