Showing posts with label Khristmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Khristmas. Show all posts

Monday, August 6, 2018

Keeping Up with the Kardashians Rekap: The Klash Over the Khristmas Card

In certain scenes from a certain sex tape, Ray J simply gives it to Kim Kardashian.

We’re talking about some good ole fashioned pounding, right in front of a camera, as the reality star lies back and takes it with pleasure.

On the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 15 premiere Sunday evening, however, Kim was the one who dished it out, this time to sister Kourtney…

… but she did anything but take pleasure in the awkward experience.

As you’ve likely scene plastered around the Internet via clips shared by E! in anticipation of this return episode, the bulk of the installment centered on Kim feuding with Kourtney like never before.

But why? Over what?!?

The answer has finally been revealed.

Filmed many months ago, the premiere focused around Kim’s attempt to gather her entire family for its annual Christmas Card photo shoot.

“I moved my meetings to earlier so that we can all accommodate miss queen Kourtney and then Kylie couldn’t come,” Kim complaiend early on, criticizing her siblings and adding:

“She wanted to shoot hers privately at home. Rob’s trying to lay low right now. Kendall’s gonna make it right at the end.”

Added the former sex tape star:

“It’s just like craziness. So I thought, ‘Why not show the craziness of our family?’ We’re just gonna do candid pictures and we can post them for the 25 days of Christmas.”

That is what ended up happening, for the record.

The family released one photo per day for nearly a month until it finally unveiled the final version shared below.

We’d never have known ALL the drama that went on behind the scenes of this pictorial until last night’s intense episode.

After Kourtney refused give in on the time she’d be available for the shoot, Kim let her have sister it.

The back-and-forth was all about working at a job for a living and working as a mother of three at home.

“No one wants you in the f-cking shoot. I’m planning it. I’m planning the shoot, so we don’t want you in the shoot,” Kim screamed at one point, to which Kourtney fired back:

“Did I already say this morning, I didn’t care to do it.”

Kim’s retort?

“Maybe if you had a f-cking business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f-cking business but you don’t, so don’t even act like you know what I’m talking about.”

Yikes, right?


2 sis

After Kourtney stormed off, Kim got even more personal in a heated discussion with Khloe and Kris Jenner.

“She’s the least exciting to look at, so she can be out,” Kim told her relatives. “She doesn’t do sh-t. She doesn’t know what it’s like to actually have f-cking work to do.”

(Editor’s Note: Kourtney is fantastic to look at. Especially when she dons a bikini.)

Kourtney later called Khloe, who of course kept her on speaker phone so that viewers could hear the totally natural and NON-scripted exchange.

“I’m not here to f-cking be mistreated by my f-cking bitch family,” Kourtney yelled, adding:

“Kim saying that I’m the least interesting to look at…who even speaks like that?”

That’s a fair question. We wonder where how the writer who came up with that line though of it.

“You do whatever the f-ck you want to do and you don’t do sh-t,” Kim screamed over the phone. “So be accommodating to the people that actually do sh-t.”

“You’re a very distraught, evil human being,” an emotional Kourtney shot back. “I don’t agree with who you are as a human being.”

As you can see here, the argument continued on Twitter after the premiere ended:

kourt tweet

During the episode, meanwhile, Kim insisted that she would not “tolerate” her sister being so rude that she would be “ten billion” times ruder in response… until Kourtney just broke down and cried.

“Your words have meaning and they come from somewhere. You didn’t just make them up,” a distraught Kourtney told Kim when they finally talked about their fight. “It’s really unkind.”

“Well, I’m sorry If I said something that was hurtful,” Kim said as an apology.

Khloe tried to keep the peace, offering to her siblings:

“I think we both have to stop judging, or all of us have to stop judging each other.”

And it kind of worked, as Kim invited Kourtney to her baby shower for Chicago.

But Kourtney turned down the invitation, prompting another tongue-lashing from her sister:

“I really hoped Kourtney was gonna get over herself and just show up, but she didn’t/ So, I don’t think she’s big on family ‘cause if she was, she would be at my shower.”

All this said, Kim made it clear on social media shortly after the premiere concluded that all is good between the loved ones:










It’s almost as if this drama was concocted as a storyline by producers, right?

Season 15 is officially upon us, however, with the opening episode teasing more friction between the sisters than usual.

If you missed any of the fireworks, you can (nay, you SHOULD!) use the video below to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online.

Do you think this fight was real or staged? Watch and determine for yourself!


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kardashian Khristmas Kalendar: ALL the Kute Photos!

Few things in pop culture are as anticipated each year as the Kardashian Christmas card.

Almost every December, we can look forward to intimate looks at the world"s most famous sex tape star, her model of a sister and her very controlling mother.

Among other relatives, of course.

This year, the family has done something different:

They"ve released various teaser photos each day for multiple weeks, prior to the official unveiling of the card.

What do these fun photos feature? Kanye West actually playing with his children… four generations in one snapshot… and a confusing lack of Kylie Jenner.

Will she not play a role because she"s ashamed of her baby bump?

Click through the pictures below as you ponder the answer…

1. Mother/Daughter Pose

Mother slash daughter pose

Kim Kardashian and her daughter are rocking matching outfits for this snapshot from the family’s 2017 Christmas calendar.

2. So. Many. Kardashians. And. Jenners.

So many kardashians and jenners

Multiple generations of Kardashians and Jenners come together in the name of Jesus Christ’s birthday.

3. Kanye and Young North

Kanye and young north

Wheee! You don’t see Kanye West and North playing together like this very often.

4. Four Generations in One Photo

Four generations in one photo

That’s Kris Jenner’s mom, MJ, in the background of this cute family photo.

5. Kim, Kanye, Kids

Kim kanye kids

Kim and Kanye will be adding a third child to their brood in 2018. How exciting!

6. Front and Also Center

Front and also center

Kim Kardashian and Saint are front and center for this photo from the family Christmas card.

View Slideshow

Friday, December 16, 2016

Kardashian Khristmas Kard Drama: Who Bowed Out of the Photo Shoot?

The Kardashian Christmas card used to be an annual tradition.

Last year, however, the Kard clan opted to only feature kids in their holiday photo, leaving the world to wonder what sort of form-fitting red and green number Kylie had poured herself into.

In other words, it’s their fault 2016 was so sh-tty.

We had hoped that the sisters would correct their error this year and make amends to society, but it looks like they decided to let minor road bumps like being robbed at gun point dampen their Christmas spirit.

Grinches, we say! 

Yes, it seems that the scheduled photoshoot for this year’s card coincided with Kim dealing with major crises like said robbery and Kanye West being hospitalized following a nervous breakdown.

Not surprisingly, those situations didn’t leave her feeling particularly festive.

“There was so much drama over this year’s Christmas card because Kim did not initially want to do it,” a source close to the family tells Radar Online.

“Kris said that if Kim wasn’t it, she was just going to cancel it all together.”

“Khloe was not having it when she heard that it might be canceled because of Kim,” said source. “

She and her sisters told Kris that she was being absolutely ridiculous!”

The situation was made worse when Kris hit Khloe with an uncomfortable #fact:

“Kris told the girls that no one would care about the Christmas card if Kim were not in it and that really ticked Khloe off even more,” 

Yeah, if Kim follows through with her plan to step away from the spotlight, we get the feeling Khloe and other family members will be learning the hard way just how little the public cares about Kim-less Kardashian projects.

So we’re 9 days from Christmas and there’s still no Kardashian card on social media.

Guess we know who won this year’s debate, right?

Not necessarily:

“Eventually, Kim just gave in and they will be releasing some form of their annual Christmas card in the coming week,” the insider says.

We have our doubts.

The Kardashians aren’t a family who sits on PR opportunities, and each day of the holiday season that passes is a day they could be soaking up those sweet likes and shares.

We think if there were a Kard card for 2016, we would’ve seen it by now.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Put Tyga In The Khristmas Picture...Or Else

In the eyes of the law, Kylie Jenner might be an adult.  However, she’s still a teenager and when teenagers don’t get their way – especially in matters of the heart – they are prone to sh*t fits.

According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Jenner wants her boyfriend of one year, Tyga in the annual Kardashian Christmas card.  If her family refuses?  Jenner will choose to sit this year out.

In this tale, Kim Kardashian puts her foot down, citing the obvious fact that while Tyga may feel like family, he is not and they are just dating.  

Adding to this is a report that Rob Kardashian is demanding $ 250,000 to appear in the family photo.  

The sole Kardashian boy is allegedly working on his fitness and won’t give Kris Jenner a yes or no until the last moment.

If this report is true, I must take my hat off to Kim for being the voice of reason.  Who in their right mind would allow a teenager’s boyfriend or girlfriend to appear in a family Christmas photo?  

I don’t care how lovely he or she is, or how well he or she treats your sainted child.  Christmas photos should be family only.  

If you’ve got a baby daddy/baby mama involved, throw them in, too.

Happy Holidays, Kylie.  You may invite Tyga over to the house after Christmas dinner.