Friday, June 22, 2018

Kim Kardashian: I"m Done with Selfies! No, Seriously!

Guys … something has happened.

Something so strange, something we never could have possibly anticipated.

Kim Kardashian doesn’t care about selfies anymore.

No, no, we know, it’s a bit of a shock to hear, and if you need to take some time to recover from this news, we’d completely understand.

After all, this is the woman who had to be scolded by her mother because she wouldn’t stop taking selfies with a digital camera while they were taking her sister to jail.

This is the woman who, just a few years ago, released an entire book of selfies.

How could she be done with them? How could Kim Kardashian of all people not like selfies anymore?

Let’s allow her to explain herself.

In a new interview, Kim made her astonishing statement — “I don’t take selfies anymore. I don’t really like them.”

When asked why, she struggled to explain herself, but eventually she said that she just moved on.

“It’s not all about sitting there taking selfies,” she said. “I used to spend so much of my time taking selfies.”

It’s safe to say she’s a little busier now than she was during her selfie heyday, if only because she’s got three young children now that need her attention.

Four, if you include Kanye.

The interviewer told Kim that he has a 17-year-old daughter, and that she and her friends are “tethered to their phone,” and she seemed familiar with the idea.

But now, she said, “I would just like to live in real time a little bit more.”

“I don’t mind pictures,” she added, “but I’m not on my phone the way I used to be.”

She’s also not as into glam the way she used to be — she said that now “I definitely love the days where I have no hair and makeup, and I wake up and just relax.”

“That’s me being in mom mode with the kids. I love that side. To me, that’s super beautiful.”

What has 2018 done to Kim Kardashian?!

Honestly, it seems like she’s been changing ever since she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in 2016 — before that, she definitely wasn’t over selfies.

As you’ll likely remember, several people her selfies were actually the reason she was targeted in the robbery, since she always shared photos showing off such expensive jewelry.

Kim even blamed herself for what happened, and to this day, she still doesn’t wear much jewelry.

And, as we just learned with this new interview, she doesn’t take many selfies anymore, either.

She’s actually telling the truth, too.

We had a look through her Instagram feed, you know, for science, and besides some cute selfies with her kids, the last real selfie she took was a bikini pic on April 15th.

Before that, she posted one in March, and before that, one in February.

We can all agree that’s a far cry from the amount of selfies she used to post, right?

All this selfie stuff, plus her newfound passion for social justice as shown by her work in helping free Alice Johnson, plus her statement that she may one day consider running for office

There’s a brand new Kim Kardashian in town these days, and we don’t know about you, but we’re sort of living for it.
