Showing posts with label Grandson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandson. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Reese Witherspoon"s Daughter Grabs a Drink with Paul McCartney"s Grandson

Reese Witherspoon and Paul McCartney now have a special connection through their own flesh and blood, and the big question — is it a case of love me do … or hello, goodbye? Reese and Ryan Phillippe’s daughter, 18-year-old Ava Phillippe, was out…


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Charles Manson"s Grandson Given Custody of Murderer"s Body

The man claiming to be Charles Manson’s grandson was just given the right to retrieve Manson’s body for burial … but this does not end the family fight for control.  Michael Brunner, the son of Manson Family member Mary Brunner, has just…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Charles Manson"s Alleged Grandson Shut Down in Bid to Get Remains

The alleged grandson of Charles Manson has just lost his bid to get the killer’s remains. A judge just ruled Jason Freeman does not have a right — at least not now — to pick up the remains from the prison where Manson died. Freeman is one of 3…


Friday, December 8, 2017

Charles Manson"s Grandson Files Probate Docs, Manson"s Body Still on Ice

Charles Manson’s grandson has filed legal docs to handle his notorious grandfather’s estate and presumably take possession of his body. Jason Freeman filed the docs asking the court to appoint the guy he’s selected to decide how to deal with any…


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Charles Manson"s Body in Tug-o-War Between Pen Pal, Grandson

Charles Manson’s body is in limbo now that 2 people have come forward laying claim to the corpse … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources tell us Jason Freeman – who claims to be Manson’s legit grandson — has contacted the Kern…


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Matt Roloff Cradles Grandson, Can"t Believe He"s This Lucky

Matt Roloff is not about to take a single moment of grandparent-hood for granted.

At least not until little Jackson Kyle pees all over his brand new sweater.

We’re just kidding.

In all seriousness, the Little People, Big World star has shared a couple new photos of his grandson online, while also making it clear to followers that he could not be any more in love.

“I’m the luckiest grandpa ever.. I get to see Jackson almost every single day.. often several times each day,” Roloff wrote as a caption to the Facebook photo above on Sunday.

He then made a point of giving props to his son and his daughter-in-law for ensuring their child spends a lot of time with other members of the family.

“Thank you, Zach and Tori, for coming to the farm so often,” Matt added.

And just in case you thought it couldn’t get any more precious than the snapshot featured here, Matt went ahead and posted the following image on Instagram:


“Forget about it!! Spoken in a deep raspy voice,” Matt captioned this picture.

The veteran reality star previously gushed over Jackson in a video that featured the three-month old talking… sort of.

He and his ex-wife, Amy Roloff, simply can’t get enough of the family’s first grandchild.

And we can’t blame them! Not one bit!

Just look at this precious little fella:

Elsewhere in major Roloff news, daughter Molly is getting married on August 5.

The ceremony and reception will take place at the family farm, with Radar Online warning that a bit of drama may ensue.

Why? Because both Matt and Amy will be bringing their relatively new significant others to the event.

Amy will attend with boyfriend Chris Malek, while Caryn Chandler will be on Matt’s arm when he gives his only daughter away.

Will this really be a big deal, however?

Amy and Matt split in 2015 after nearly three decades of wedded bliss and both have reacted to the break-up in mature fashion.

“After 27 years of marriage, it is with great sadness that we have come to the difficult decision to file for divorce,” the Roloff parents wrote at the time.

They continued:

“We are proud of what we have accomplished together, including raising our four wonderful children, who have grown to become remarkable adults and building our strong and ongoing successful businesses.

“Our kids and our ever-growing family, and the love and support we have for them, will be our priority. We will continue to work together side-by-side in the daily responsibilities for our many current ventures.

“We would like to thank our family, friends, and all our fans for their continued support and understanding during this difficult time.”

To date, Amy and Matt have stuck by these words.

They’ve always put their children first and we see no reason why that will change on the most important day of one of their children’s lives.

We just hope Molly shares a few wedding photos online at some point next week.

We really want to see her dress!


Monday, July 24, 2017

Matt Roloff Shares New Video of Grandson: He"s Almost Talking!

This not exactly just in:

Jackson Roloff is adorable!

And Matt Roloff is a rather cute grandfather, as well, if we do say so ourselves.

The patriarch of the Little People, Big World family shared a new video on his Facebook page over the weekend and it features his grandchild "almost" talking, according to Matt.

Which is really pretty incredible.

Because Jackson is just over two months old.

Roloff is just joking around in the footage, of course, but the following video is one of the first documented examples we have of Jackson making a few baby noises.

Over the course of his life to date, parents Zach and Tori have been great about sharing Jackson Roloff photos

.. but they haven"t provided all that many videos.


Earlier this month, on the occasion of his two-month birthday, Tori posted the following update to her Instagram page:

Our Baby J is two months old today! How?! Baby J is sleeping a consistent 7 hours! Loves smiling at mom and dad! Falls asleep during pool time. Gets excited when we change his diaper. LOVES bath time. Hates being hungry.

Jackson is 98th percentile for height and weighs over 12 pounds! Keep growin baby J!

We love it.

We can"t wait to see more of Jackson on Little People, Big World this fall… and we also can"t wait to meet his cousin, as Audrey and Jeremy Roloff will be welcoming their first child.

Take a look below at Matt being all silly with his grandson:

Matt roloff shares precious video of grandson hes almost talking

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Bob Marley’s Grandson Inks NFL Contract with Washington Redskins

Get up, stand up … and salute Bob Marley’s grandson — who just signed a free agent contract with the Washington Redskins.  The team announced Nico Marley — an undrafted free agent LB out of Tulane — has officially inked a deal with them…


Bob Marley’s Grandson Inks NFL Contract with Washington Redskins

Get up, stand up … and salute Bob Marley’s grandson — who just signed a free agent contract with the Washington Redskins.  The team announced Nico Marley — an undrafted free agent LB out of Tulane — has officially inked a deal with them…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

President Trump"s Grandson Allegedly Captured in Selfies with Secret Service

President Trump’s grandson was allegedly photographed while he slept by Secret Service agents tasked with protecting him. The agents were reportedly riding in a motorcade last weekend with Donald Trump Jr.’s 8-year-old son when the incident went…


Friday, March 3, 2017

Katherine Jackson: Will Grandson Settle Family War?

Katherine Jackson recently alleged that her nephew, Trent Jackson was abusing her

The 86-year-old made headlines earlier this year when court documents were revealed, claiming that Trent had put her through hell for several years. 

Also, Katherine’s documents also claimed that her nephew was trying to take control of her finances and staying with her without coughing up money for any of the bills. 

If all of this is true, it’s awful. How the heck could you treat someone like that? 

Trent is not taking the claims lying down and has reeled in Kathleen’s grandson, TJ Jackson in to help his cause. 

How so?

Apparently, Trent wants TJ to be the one to establish whether he did all of those vile things to Katherine and vowed to move on if TJ sees this as the best course of action. 

The odd thing about all of this is that Trent is under the impression TJ would be on his side and say he did not do anything to Katherine. 

Also, Trent apparently thinks that the other family members are trying to get him out of Katherine’s life so they can get closer to Katherine’s healthy bank balance. 

It all sounds like something that would play out on a daytime soap, but this appears to be real life. 

As you probably recall, Katherine was reported missing in 2012, but it emerged some of her kids had taken her to Arizona. 

With Michael cutting his siblings and dad out of his will, it’s now apparent that the members of the family are trying to exhaust all opportunities to get closer to his fortune. 

In the event Katherine dies, the estate would be divided between Michael’s three kids, so no one else is currently set to receive anything from the star’s fortune. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Katherine Jackson"s Grandson To Settle Family War

Katherine Jackson’s fate and fortune may lie in the hands of one of her grandsons … TMZ has learned. Trent Jackson, Michael’s cousin, wants TJ Jackson, Michael’s nephew, to decide who’s the victim and who’s the villain in what has become a family…


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Charles Manson"s Grandson Blocked From Visiting Hospital (VIDEO)

Charles Manson’s grandson wants a face-to-face with his infamous grandfather while he’s hospitalized … and is worried he may never get to tell the murderer he loves him. Jason Freeman – son of Charles Manson Jr. — tells TMZ he’s been…


Monday, December 21, 2015

Jeremy Carter, Grandson of Jimmy Carter, Dies at 28

Former President Jimmy Carter revealed Sunday in church that his 28-year-old grandson Jeremy tragically passed away.

Carter J

Jeremy had not been feeling well and laid down to take a nap Saturday, Maranatha Baptist Church Rev. Jeremy Shoulta told CNN.

The younger Carter’s heart stopped, and the family tried CPR and rushed him to a hospital, but he could not be revived.

Shoulta told CNN:

“They were trying to keep his heart going and eventually, later in the night or the wee hours of (Sunday) morning, his heart stopped.”

“Despite the tragic loss, the former President taught Sunday school as he has for many years, Shoulta said.

“(President Carter) was shaken,” he said. “It was apparent to everyone there that this was weighing on him very heavily.” 

“He was obviously sad although he was able to teach and he was able to present the lesson as well as he always has. 

“Our church plays an important role in his (President Carter’s) life and he feels committed to his responsibilities here at the church.”

“His presence gave him an opportunity to fulfill his obligations to the church and also to feel the presence of his faith community.”

In late summer, Jimmy Carter, 91, announced that he was diagnosed with brain cancer and that his fate was in God’s hands.

Carter said he was going to scale back on humanitarian work and other demands, though he recently said he is cancer-free.