Monday, July 24, 2017

Matt Roloff Shares New Video of Grandson: He"s Almost Talking!

This not exactly just in:

Jackson Roloff is adorable!

And Matt Roloff is a rather cute grandfather, as well, if we do say so ourselves.

The patriarch of the Little People, Big World family shared a new video on his Facebook page over the weekend and it features his grandchild "almost" talking, according to Matt.

Which is really pretty incredible.

Because Jackson is just over two months old.

Roloff is just joking around in the footage, of course, but the following video is one of the first documented examples we have of Jackson making a few baby noises.

Over the course of his life to date, parents Zach and Tori have been great about sharing Jackson Roloff photos

.. but they haven"t provided all that many videos.


Earlier this month, on the occasion of his two-month birthday, Tori posted the following update to her Instagram page:

Our Baby J is two months old today! How?! Baby J is sleeping a consistent 7 hours! Loves smiling at mom and dad! Falls asleep during pool time. Gets excited when we change his diaper. LOVES bath time. Hates being hungry.

Jackson is 98th percentile for height and weighs over 12 pounds! Keep growin baby J!

We love it.

We can"t wait to see more of Jackson on Little People, Big World this fall… and we also can"t wait to meet his cousin, as Audrey and Jeremy Roloff will be welcoming their first child.

Take a look below at Matt being all silly with his grandson:

Matt roloff shares precious video of grandson hes almost talking