Monday, July 24, 2017

Kris & Caitlyn Jenner: "Terrified" of O.J. Simpson?!

As you’ve almost certainly heard by now, O.J. Simpson was granted parole last week after serving a nine-year prison sentence on robbery charges.

The Juice won’t be loose until October, but there are some who are already living in fear of his return to the general population.

As The People vs. O.J. Simpson and the many, many jokes about David Schwimmer saying “Juice” reminded us, O.J. was very close to the late Robert Kardashian Sr.

Of course, his relationship with the rest of the family is more than a little strained.

We won’t get into the speculation that O.J. is Khloe Kardashian’s father – but even if there’s nothing to that salacious claim (and there’s almost certainly not) Simpson has a lot of history with the Kard clan.

After all, Kris Jenner was close friends with Nicole Brown Simpson, and because she has ears and eyes and watched the trial along with the rest of the world, she’s well aware that O.J. 100 percent murdered Nicole.

Just last month, Caitlyn Jenner made some less than flattering claims about O.J. in her memoir, revealing not only that she believes Simpson is guilty of the murders (duh), but also that she suspects Robert Kardashian was fully aware of his friend’s guily.

Needless to say, both Kris and Caitlyn are less than thrilled that the large murderer who doesn’t like them wlill soon be a free man.

In fact, Radar Online claims that the Jenners are “terrified” of Simpson, and they strongly feel that he might try to exact some sort of violent revenge.

“Kris is completely beside herself right now and was hoping that O.J. would be locked away forever,” a source tells the site.

“She [Kris] was hoping that she would never have to see him for the rest of her life and she despises O.J. more than anyone!”

Yeah, a lot of people feel that way about O.J.

But few have real reason to actively fear the guy, as Kris and Caitlyn do.

“Kris and Caitlyn both believe that he killed Nicole and they are terrified that he will come after them now that he is out,” the source explains, adding that Caitlyn, “is especially concerned because of what she wrote about O.J. in her recent memoir!”

Scary stuff, but … we guess there’s a silver lining?

“O.J.’s release may bring Kris and Caitlyn closer because they spent many years fearing him for what they believe he did to Nicole,” says the insider.

“They want him to stay far, far away from their family forever!”

We’re guessing they’d prefer to remain somewhat at odds with one another and not have to live in fear of a murderer.
