Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kendall Jenner Flaunts Bikini Body and Great Hair in Summer Selfies

You wouldn’t normally think that wearing even part of a shirt on top of a bikini could somehow make your pic even hotter.

Leave it to Kendall Jenner to reliably look hot no matter what she’s doing. These two new photos really embody that.

Those abs are gonna kill us.

Try as she might, Kendall can’t quite compete with her sisters’ curves, but she has her own body-type.

And she’s just ridiculously gorgeous.

Like, she’s not a supermodel by accident.

While her more problematic siblings are being accused of stealing designs or doing weird stuff to promote their business, Kendall just goofs around with friends.

And models.

Modeling, more than most of the Kardashian clan, resembles what most of us consider to be a real job.

(Reality stars work hard and are followed by cameras all day, and that’s a lot, but it doesn’t fit traditional concepts of a job, okay?)

And the worst thing that Kendall’s ever done is, what, star in a dumb Pepsi commercial?

Actors and models are supposed to basically be just action figures who act out the vision of the writers and directors.

It’s kind of hard to lay that controversy at Kendall’s feet.

Kendall’s whole minding-her-own-business-while-being-hot thing works.

And then there’s this photo:

She captioned this one: “Rest of 2017.”

A mirror selfie is a little less polished, of course, than her bikini photo.

But she still looks all kinds of gorgeous.

-Those legs.

-That leopard print (it looks great in moderation, but let’s keep it from coming back in style, please).

-That form-flattering white with ruffles.

-Don’t ignore the wine glass in her off-hand.

-That hair.

She has this hair in both of the new photos, and we’re kind of feeling a little obsessed.

Given her caption, we wonder if she’s going to keep this style for the rest of the year.

Could we be so lucky?

Kendall’s no stranger to having good hair, of course.

None of the Kardashian girls are.

We’re definitely crediting Kris Jenner for being a good influence in that department.

Growing up on camera probably didn’t discourage them from being selective about their hair, though.

But this hair looks fun and stylish.

It also looks intensely practical for dealing with summer heat.

Southern California is too hot at the best of times and blazing hot at the worst.

You have to find a way to cool off.

And if you’re not willing to forego all of the hair on your head like Kendall’s friend Cara Delevingne has recently, there are other options.

You don’t even need to get an undercut, though those look amazing.

A huge, stylish updo or whatever Kendall wants us to call this could work for casual and polished looks.

Maybe don’t wear it to a board meeting or into a courtroom, but other than that, it looks pretty darn versatile.

Maybe, when they tire of controversies, Kendall’s siblings will learn to calm down and quit stirring up backlash.

Yes, the Pepsi commercial caused backlash, but that can happen to anyone.

And Kendall didn’t mastermind it.

Her role was just being super hot, like in every job that she takes.

We’re glad that she’s keeping cool enough to enjoy a glass of wine this summer.

The worst parts of summer are when it’s too hot for you to drink.

Unless you live in a place that tends to be on fire during the summer.

That’s worse.
