Showing posts with label Preps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preps. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Federal Bureau of Prisons Preps for Yom Kippur in Wake of Hurricane Florence

Some Jewish federal prisoners wanna keep things kosher for Yom Kippur … and the Federal Bureau of Prisons is accommodating, especially for facilities affected by Hurricane Florence.  The docs show the Bureau spent $ 21,799 on kosher…


Friday, June 1, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner in Austria for Life Ball While Brody Preps for Wedding Without Her

Caitlyn Jenner won’t be attending her son’s weekend wedding … because she’s more than 7,000 miles away from Bali preparing for another big event. Caitlyn touched down in Vienna, Austria Friday, where she’ll be attending Life Ball 2018 … a…


Caitlyn Jenner in Austria for Life Ball While Brody Preps for Wedding Without Her

Caitlyn Jenner won’t be attending her son’s weekend wedding … because she’s more than 7,000 miles away from Bali preparing for another big event. Caitlyn touched down in Vienna, Austria Friday, where she’ll be attending Life Ball 2018 … a…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Scott Disick Preps Ultimate Act of Revenge: A Kardashian Tell-All!

Sure, the Bible already has two testaments, but does the Lord in those stories ever take revenge on his ex by hooking up with Bella Thorne?

We didn’t think so.

That’s why the world needs the gospel according to Scott Disick.

As you may know, Disick is going through a bit of a tough time lately.

After learning that baby mama Kourtney Kardashian is dating Younes Bendjima, Disick appears to have full-blown lost it.

Disick traveled to Cannes and began cavorting around town with Thorne, Sofia Richie, and other barely-legal semi-stars.

It may seem that Disick’s motives in drinking Cannes dry and partying with starlets is self-evident, but apparently there’s more to the story.

Disick wants revenge on Kourtney, and he thought publicly groping teens was the way to go about it.

Fortunately, it seems he’s now learned the error of his ways.

Scott hasn’t gotten over his desire for petty revenge, mind you.

He’s just realized there are better ways to go about it.

“He’s getting up to do a complete takedown of the Kardashians,” said the magazine’s insider.

“[Scott’s] been compiling a 10-year dossier on the family.”

Yes, Disick has a dossier.

And it apparently it’s full of bombshells that will make the Comey hearing look like three boring hours of crap we already knew:

“It includes the dirty tactics Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, and mom Kris Jenner use against their enemies, how scripted the drama on Keeping Up With the Kardashians really is, and the women’s innermost secrets,” says the insider.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians is scripted?!

We assume Disick also has a chapter about wetness of water and the Pope’s suspicious devotion to Catholicism.

But in all seriousness, the time is right for another Kard clan tell-all.

Caitlyn Jenner’s memoir sold surprisingly well, and Scott is probably even more pissed off at the family that made him famous.

Plus, we might finally get to find out if Disick really hooked up with Kendall.

Or Kylie. Or Khloe.

Hell, at this point it’s been rumored that Scott banged just about every Kardashian except Rob,

And frankly, we can’t wait to hear about it.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Alex Rodriguez Preps for Legal War with Ex Lover Who"s Threatening Extortion

Alex Rodriguez is dealing with an ex from hell — a woman who’s hit him up for cash for years is now threatening to expose private messages if he doesn’t cough up as much as $ 600k … TMZ has learned.  We’re told A-Rod broke up with the woman…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Jana Duggar: Still Slaving Away as Family Preps For More Babies?

If you watch Counting On online, then you’re probably familiar with the plight of Jana Duggar.

For the uninitiated: Jana has the unique experience of being forced to endure the worst parts of being single and the worst parts of being a wife and mother, all at the same time!

Jana is single, which is unusual in a family that teaches young women that they’re put on Earth to procreate and forbids any sort of physical contact with the opposite sex before marriage.

Unfortunately, she’s not sleeping til noon and swiping through Tindr all day, as any unemployed, single 27-year-old should be.

No, she’s cooking, cleaning, and caring for her many, many younger siblings, presumably so that her parents can focus on their reality TV and social media empires.

The Duggars usually turn a deaf ear to criticism about Jana being mistreated, but sometimes they’re forced to do a bit of damage control.

The above photo was posted last month, and as always, most of the comments were complimentary.

(The Duggar faithful aren’t the most discriminating lot.)

Fortunately, the occasional fan does dare to question why the hell Jana spends her days slaving away, while Jim Bob, Michelle, and Jana’s equally-single twin John David seem to do next to nothing around the house.

“Not to be rude, but I always see pictures of the kids cooking. What about Jim-Bob and Michelle? Looks like they never cook and just leave it to the kids,” wrote one commenter on the pic above.

She was quickly shouted down by fans, which is the usual response when a dissenter dares to express concern for “the Cinderella Duggar.”

Typically such arguments are ignored by the Duggar clan, but this time, they seem to have indirectly acknowledged the controversy by treating Jana to an abbreviated spa day.

The family posted the above photo of Jana chillaxin’ on their official Facebook page, and Jana captioned it (unmarried Duggar women aren’t permitted to have their own social media profiles) thusly:

“Mom was sweet to treat me to getting my nails done this morning. We had a wonderful mother and daughter date!”

So Monday morning they took her out for a mani/pedi?

You know she was back at the compound making 47 PB&J’s by lunch.

Anyway, we guess it was a nice gesture, but we can’t help but think there was an ulterior motive for it.

We doubt it’ll do much to make any fans any less concerned about Jana.
