Friday, August 5, 2016

Charlie Sheen Shares Nude Portrait of Donald Trump

Charlie Sheen and Donald Trump are like the opposite of peanut butter and chocolate.

No one wants to see these two come together in any way, shape or form.

But Sheen gave the Internet little choice on Friday, jumping on Twitter to share a message about the Republican nominee for President, along with a rather lewd photograph.

“wake up America! the rest of the world did so, long ago…”  Sheen wrote to his 11.6 million followers, seemingly making it clear that he’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton in November.

Which is fine on its own.

It’s the most sane decision Sheen has probably made in years.

But Sheen included with this simple Tweet a portrait of Donald Trump naked, small penis and all, that was drawn awhile back by artist Illma Gore.

We’ve cropped out the penis, but here’s a look at the portrait in question:

Back in May, Gore wrote the following about this piece of “art” in a discussion with The Guardian:

“For two months I have been under attack by Donald Trump and his supporters for painting the presumptive Republican nominee with a small penis.

“I’ve received death threats, rape threats and anonymous phone calls demanding I remove the image from my social media accounts or risk going to court.

“And last week, as I was walking in my neighborhood in Los Angeles, a Trump supporter punched me in the face.”

We all know how Trump feels about the size of his hands, so… yeah. We bet he’s very sensitive when it comes to his private parts.

Trump is losing considerable ground to Clinton in the polls these days.

Multiple national polls have him down by double digits, following a week in which Trump insulted the parents of a dead soldier… refused to endorse Paul Ryan or John McCain… and kicked a baby out of a press conference.

Really. He did this:

He also accepted a Purple Heart from a veteran, stating that it was “easier” to just be handed the medal than to earn it in combat.

Again: really. He did this.

Whether it was due to these shenanigans or any other number of ridiculous things he’s done or said, Trump has somehow managed to lose the support of the one person crazier than he is.

A year ago, remember, Sheen Tweeted the following:

“If Trump would hv me, I’d be his VP in a heartbeat. #TrumpSheen16.”

Honestly (and sadly), Sheen would likely earn Trump more votes than Mike Pence will as his running mate.

Fast forward to this August and Sheen recently Tweeted the opposite:

“Hey Trump, ‘A farce or comedy is best played; a tragedy is best read at home Abe Lincoln.’ America please WAKE UP! #AnyoneButTrump.”

We’re not sure what it is about Trump that brings out the referencing of certain areas, but Clint Eastwood recently dropped the P word when talking about the real estate mogul.


Is it Election Day yet?!?