Showing posts with label STDs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STDs. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Jim Carrey -- Late GF"s Mom Says No More Lies ... You Had STDs!!

Jim Carrey exposed his late girlfriend to herpes, chlamydia and Hepatitis A by hiding it and continuing to have unprotected sex with her … according to new docs filed by her mom.  Cathriona White’s mother, Brigid Sweetman, claims she has…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Donald Trump Boasts of Avoiding STDs: Vaginas Are Like Landmines!

Another day, another reminder that Donald Trump is the most misogynistic presidential candidate since Franklin Pierce advocated chaining alehouse wenches to their sandwich-making stations during the election of 1852.

The past week has been filled with shocking examples of the candidate’s blatant disrespect for women, beginning with footage of Trump boasting about acts of sexual assault in a conversation with Access Hollywood‘s Billy Bush.

Now, more damaging video has emerged in the form of a 1997 Trump appearance on the Howard Stern Show, in which the real estate mogul compares avoiding sexually transmitted diseases as a promiscuous bachelor in New York to serving in Vietnam:

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there,” Trump said, when asked about his dating life and his bill of health. 

“It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider.”

Yes, the man really compared not getting herpes to serving in the Vietnam War.

Obviously, he was joking, but we’re sure there are plenty of vets who fail to see the humor in his comments.

Trump’s avoidance of military service during Vietnam has already been a source of controversy during his campaign, and the candidate has an appalling history of disrespecting veterans.

Early in his run for office, Trump stated that he believes Senator John McCain is “not a war hero,” as he was captured and imprisoned during his service.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump told an astonished crowd.

The new footage couldn’t have come at a worse time for Trump’s campaign, as many are beginning to believe that his behavior toward women over the years has been even more despicable than previously thought.

In the past week, 11 women have come forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault, describing incidents that took place in different decades and in locales as varied as a flight to New York and the living room of the candidate’s Palm Beach estate.

Though the interview with Stern took place in 1997, Trump was already in his fifties at the time, and the clip has racked up tens of thousands of views on YouTube in just the past few hours.

“Every vagina is a landmine, we’ve both said that,” Stern said to Trump at one point in the interview.

“There’s some real danger there,” Trump agreed.

It’s not shocking to hear that sort of comment from Trump these days, but for millions of Americans, it remains disheartening to hear those words coming from a major party’s presidential candidate in 2016.


Monday, August 22, 2016

Edwin Encarnacion Accused of Purposely Giving Partner STDs

Edwin Encarnacion is one of the best home run hitters in baseball.

He’s already hit 35 round-trippers in 2016.

But the Toronto Blue Jays slugger is now in trouble for allegedly hitting a home run off the field.

By which we mean having sex with a woman.

By which we mean having sex with a woman who says Encarnacion purposely gave her a sexually transmitted disease.

Now we have your attention, don’t we?

According to TMZ, Encarnacion has been sued by an unnamed victim who says she’s a 24-year old who met the All-Star in 2013.

Two years later, she slept with one of his teammates and got tested at Planned Parenthood.

She was given a clean bill of health at that time, in December of 2015.

The woman goes on to allege that she eventually hooked up with Encarnacion during a trip to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic in February.

She says they had unprotected sexual intercourse on at least two occasions.

Soon afterward, she says she went to a doctor because she was in so much pain.

The doctor diagnosed her with two STDs.

Upon alerting Encarnacion to the situation in her private parts, the woman says the ball player said he was disease-free and “suggested she may have picked up [the STDs] when they went 4-wheeling and she swam in the river.”

Some time later, she says Edwin backtracked on his claims that he was STD-free… and then ended all contact with her.

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of evidence here, but the woman believes Encarnacion knew all along that he was carrying these illnesses.

She is suing him for battery, misrepresentation of the facts and more – and is demanding over $ 11.5 MILLION to make things right.

A rep for Encarnacion says his client has no comment on the matter.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Anna Duggar: Tested For STDs After Learning of Josh Duggar"s Infidelity

Back in August, the world learned that Josh Duggar had cheated on his wife with an adult film star named Danica Dillon, whom he allegedly paid several thousand dollars in exchange for sex.

Obviously, no one was more shocked than Josh’s beleaguered wife, Anna Duggar. 

Fortunately, a new report from In Touch claims that Anna handled the situation in the most level-headed fashion possible  – and immediately went to her doctor to get tested.

“She got tested for STDs,” an insider told Life & Style. “She was relieved to get a clean bill of health.”

Yes, Anna may be stuck with a sinfully tainted Duggar, but she’s free of sexually transmitted diseases.

Unfortunately, friends say that despite the close call, Anna has no plans to divorce Josh.

In fact, according to sources close to the couple, Anna and Josh are planning to renew their vows – right after Josh finishes rehab for his sex and porn addictions.

“It’s been really stressful for Anna,” says one insider. “She’s contemplating divorce, but now Josh wants them to renew their wedding vows in front of both of their families.”

Anna has reportedly considered the possibility of ending her marriage, but friends say her feeling of obligation to her children and her devoutly religious parents has prevented her from filing papers.

Josh, of course, is also pressuring Anna to keep her family together.

Sources say the eldest Duggar has convinced Anna to have another child with him, even going so far as to claim that it’s “God’s will” for them to continue to reproduce.

Astonishingly, those closest to Anna say that she’s open to the idea of having a fifth child with her philandering husband.

She reportedly believes that the combination of rehab and the responsibility of raising another child will help Josh to keep it in his pants.

Sadly, Anna seems to have forgotten that Josh cheated on her while she was pregnant in the past. 

Call us cynical, but we have a hard time believing that the fifth time will be the charm.