Showing posts with label Vaginas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vaginas. Show all posts

Monday, July 2, 2018

"Big Brother" Fans are Pissed Contestant is Ice Cream Scooping Vaginas

A “Big Brother” houseguest tried using an ice cream scooper on the genitals of several of his housemates … and fans are crying foul. JC Mounduix was captured on the show’s online live feed attempting to place the scooper in or around the…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Rapper YFN Lucci"s Birthday Party Featured Flaming Vaginas!

Got that burning sensation in your genitals?  Well, you must’ve been the featured performer at YFN Lucci’s super flamin’ 27th birthday bash!!! The rapper had everything you could possibly imagine at his “Trap Du Soleil” shindig in Atlanta –…


Rapper YFN Lucci"s Birthday Party Featured Flaming Vaginas!

Got that burning sensation in your genitals?  Well, you must’ve been the featured performer at YFN Lucci’s super flamin’ 27th birthday bash!!! The rapper had everything you could possibly imagine at his “Trap Du Soleil” shindig in Atlanta –…


Monday, October 17, 2016

Donald Trump Boasts of Avoiding STDs: Vaginas Are Like Landmines!

Another day, another reminder that Donald Trump is the most misogynistic presidential candidate since Franklin Pierce advocated chaining alehouse wenches to their sandwich-making stations during the election of 1852.

The past week has been filled with shocking examples of the candidate’s blatant disrespect for women, beginning with footage of Trump boasting about acts of sexual assault in a conversation with Access Hollywood‘s Billy Bush.

Now, more damaging video has emerged in the form of a 1997 Trump appearance on the Howard Stern Show, in which the real estate mogul compares avoiding sexually transmitted diseases as a promiscuous bachelor in New York to serving in Vietnam:

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there,” Trump said, when asked about his dating life and his bill of health. 

“It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider.”

Yes, the man really compared not getting herpes to serving in the Vietnam War.

Obviously, he was joking, but we’re sure there are plenty of vets who fail to see the humor in his comments.

Trump’s avoidance of military service during Vietnam has already been a source of controversy during his campaign, and the candidate has an appalling history of disrespecting veterans.

Early in his run for office, Trump stated that he believes Senator John McCain is “not a war hero,” as he was captured and imprisoned during his service.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump told an astonished crowd.

The new footage couldn’t have come at a worse time for Trump’s campaign, as many are beginning to believe that his behavior toward women over the years has been even more despicable than previously thought.

In the past week, 11 women have come forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault, describing incidents that took place in different decades and in locales as varied as a flight to New York and the living room of the candidate’s Palm Beach estate.

Though the interview with Stern took place in 1997, Trump was already in his fifties at the time, and the clip has racked up tens of thousands of views on YouTube in just the past few hours.

“Every vagina is a landmine, we’ve both said that,” Stern said to Trump at one point in the interview.

“There’s some real danger there,” Trump agreed.

It’s not shocking to hear that sort of comment from Trump these days, but for millions of Americans, it remains disheartening to hear those words coming from a major party’s presidential candidate in 2016.


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Real Housewives of NYC Promo: We"re Talking About Vaginas...

Are you ready for some big drama in The Big Apple?

Bravo has unveiled the first teaser for The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8, which premieres on April 6 at 9/8c and which will bring back such veteran stars as Ramona Singer, Sonja Morgan, Luann de Lesseps, Carole Radziwill, Dorinda Medley and Bethenny Frankel.

They will be joined by Julianne "Jules" Wainstein for some serious drama in and around Manhattan.

Neither Kristen Taekman nor Heather Thomson will return to the series this spring.

In the following sneak peek, we"re treated to plenty of fur vests, along with a lot partying, some bedazzled bras and numerous party antics.

"I look in the mirror and I was like, ‘Who"s that? Oh my god, it"s me. I hate this bitch,"" Sonja says at one point.

Elsewhere, those who watch The Real Housewives of New York City online this season will be privy to the following gems:

  • Ramona"s got some new titties. It is hunting season. – Bethenny

  • Hi, how are you. Have a nice lunch. We"re talking about vaginas. – Bethenny again

  • She"s Asian and Jewish, but you don"t have to remember that ‘cause she"ll tell you like two dozen times. – Carole (on Jules)

  • You have sex with married men, you cheat, you f–k younger guys and criticize other people about the same things you do. – Bethenny (to Luann)

Pretty amazing stuff all around, as always.

Check out the following trailer now:

The real housewives of new york city season 8 trailer

Friday, October 30, 2015

Jessica Biel Talks "Magical Vaginas," Vibrators

Jessica Biel has an amazing body.

This much was made clear after the actress made a public appearance about six months after giving birth to her first child with husband Justin Timberlake, a boy named Silas.

But the actress sat down this week for a Reddit AMA with Saundra Pelletier for WomanCare Global’s “Then Who Will” Campaign and wanted to focus on one aspect of her body in particular.

Her most private aspect, that is.

We’re talking about Jessica Biel’s vagina.

“Vaginas are magical things,” Biel said, after openly wondering whether she ought to be “funny” or “serious’ for this interview.

She added that she and Pelletier could also “go with the line that vaginas are weird and scary, and like bleed for seven days, so they shouldn’t be trusted!”

“THAT IS AN IMPORTANT TAKE AWAY,” Saundra said. “I think everybody should know more about vaginas – they benefit everyone!”

Sorry. Should we have added a TMI Alert to the top of this article?

At one point, however, Biel did grow serious (which is not to say that the benefit of vaginas is an un-serious topic).

“All we have left really, truly in this world that we can control is our own integrity,” Biel said.

“I don’t mean that like sexual integrity, I mean that as a human being… You choose how you live your life, what you deserve. Be good to yourself. Don’t worry about all that other sh-t.”

Sounds like little Silas, posing here with his famous father, is in pretty good hands, huh?

Also pretty funny and honest hands, as Biel concluded on a less serious note with the following.

Asked to name “something that got dramatically better over the years,” Biel replied with a single word: Vibrators!