Showing posts with label Briefing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Briefing. Show all posts

Friday, April 13, 2018

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Goes Off on James Comey in White House Press Briefing

James Comey is a blatant liar who the American people see right through — and his book is trash … according to the White House Press Secretary. Sarah Huckabee Sanders followed Donald Trump’s lead in dealing with the former FBI Director during…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Rob Gronkowski Crashes Sean Spicer White House Press Briefing (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Rob Gronkowski offered his services to the Trump Administration Wednesday morning — crashing Sean Spicer’s White House briefing to ask if he needed any help! Of course, Gronk’s in town with the rest of the New England Patriots (minus Tom Brady and…


Friday, April 7, 2017

President Trump"s Got His Back to Steve Bannon During National Security Briefing on Syria Strikes (PHOTO)

President Trump’s turned the table on one of his closest advisors … and his back, too. Check out this photo taken Thursday during a National Security briefing on Syria strikes … son-in-law Jared Kushner is right in the middle at the table…


Friday, July 22, 2016

Reporter Caught Playing Pokémon GO During ISIS Press Briefing

We may have finally reached Peak Pokémon GO.

At least we sincerely hope so.

news conference

Earlier this week, a reporter was at the State Department getting an update on ISIS, the terrorist organization that has murdered countless innocent individuals around the world.

But this journalist thought there was something more important to focus on than whatever ISIS is up to these days.

And that something was… Pokémon GO.

Because of course it was.

The reporter, who has  not been identified, was caught by State Department spokesperson John Kirby.

While discussing real terrorists, Kirby noticed the reporter and asked…

news GIF

After Kirby was finished with the briefing, he had to get one last jab in as well.

Because how could he not, right?

conference GIF

Was this the worst example yet of someone playing Pokemon Go at the wrong time?

It’s hard to even say.

There was the guy who got himself arrested because he was playing the game outside a police station.

And there were the people who were playing the game at a former Nazi concentration camp.

There was also the woman who questioned her entire life as a result of playing the game.

And, finally, there are these people below.

We hate to say it, but it’s almost as if ISIS has already won.