Showing posts with label Iowa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iowa. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Mollie Tibbetts, Missing Iowa College Student, Found Dead in a Field

The body of Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year old student at the University of Iowa who went missing about a month ago, has been found.

But questions still remain regarding just what happened Tibbetts, whose vanishing made national headlines about a month ago after she failed to return home after a job.

Mollie’s father, along with two sources close to the case, have told Fox News and other outlets that her corpse was discovered in a field in Poweshiek County.

This is not far from where she went missing.

No details have been released as of this writing…

… but police have scheduled a press conference for 5 p.m. EST at which time, according to Mitch Mortvedt of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, there will be “quite a bit of news” passed along.

Tibbetts was last seen jogging on July 18 in the small community of Brooklyn, Iowa, which is located about an hour east of Des Moines.

After she did not respond to messages from her boyfriend and after she did not show up for work, the authorities were notified of Mollie’s disappearance.

From there, investigators launched an extensive search for Tibbetts across the area.

This included in search parties that combed through ponds, fields and surveyed the scene from up in the air.

Moreover, investigators looked through her digital footprint, including her Fitbit, to try to trace her final steps.

mollie poster

Tibbetts was a rising sophomore at the University of Iowa studying psychology.

She had been staying with her boyfriend in his older brother Blake Jack’s home, dog-sitting while the siblings were out of town.

Over the past few weeks, Tibbetts’ family pleaded for her safe return and had tried to remain positive and hopeful that Mollie would be found alive.

Her dad, Rob Tibbetts, returned home to the San Francisco area after spending weeks looking for his daughter, The Des Moines Register reported on Sunday.

“The bottom line is somebody knows something,” Rob Tibbetts previously told Fox News, adding Brooklyn is a small city and “you can’t do anything there without someone seeing it.”

Her mother, Laura Calderwood, called the mystery around what transpired to Mollie “excruciating,” adding in an interview with ABC:’

“[There are] no words to describe how you feel when you don’t know where or how your child is.”

At least now her parents know, although the news is as horrific as they likely feared.

No arrests have been made as of this time.

May Mollie Tibbetts rest in peace.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Chris Soules Expected to Show in Iowa Court for Hearing (LIVE STREAM)

Chris Soules is expected to make his first court appearance in almost 5 months … and TMZ will be streaming live beginning at 11:15 AM from Iowa. Chris and his lawyer are slated to show up at the Buchanan County Courthouse where they’ll…


Chris Soules Expected to Show in Iowa Court for Hearing (LIVE STREAM)

Chris Soules is expected to make his first court appearance in almost 5 months … and TMZ will be streaming live beginning at 11:15 AM from Iowa. Chris and his lawyer are slated to show up at the Buchanan County Courthouse where they’ll…


Friday, January 29, 2016

Chris Soules Supports Chris Christie in Iowa

Might Chris Christie have just received the endorsement he needs to move ahead in the polls and become the Republican nominee for President of the United States?


But the New Jersey Governor did just hang out with Chris Soules.

The unexpected meeting took place on Thursday night in Soules’ home state of Iowa, where Christie and his fellow Republicans have been spending a lot of time in anticipation of Monday’s Caucus.

In the photo, Soules is sandwiched between Christie and his wife Mary Pat.

“Grt 2 have IA’s @souleschris support us. Looks like we made it to final rose ceremony,” Christie wrote as a somewhat humorous caption, tagging beloved Bachelor host Chris Harrison in the message.

“Ok this is pretty funny,” Harrison wrote in response.

As those who watch The Bachelor online know, Soules (who has shown allegiance to the Republican party in the past) proposed to Whitney Bischoff at the end of his season’s run last year.

Their engagement ended in May, though.

Christie, meanwhile, still has a long way to go before he catches up with Hillary Clinton in the celebrity endorsement/photo game.

Over the past few weeks, the leading Democratic nominee has been introduced by Demi Lovato at a campaign event and posed for two selfies alongside Kim Kardashian.

Granted, we’re not really sure of those latter photos helped or her Clinton’s chances.

And if Christie promises right now to make Harrison his Vice Presidential running mate, then we’re in. He totally has our vote.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mike Huckabee Parodies Adele, Attempts to Win Over Iowa

We really thought we had seen every Adele parody or performance there was to see.

Remember that marching band that put a unique spin on the smash hit "Hello?"

Or the dog who belted out these lyrics (sort of) with all the emotion of the artist herself?

But now Mike Huckabee has come along and taking this single in a brand new direction.

Just days ahead of the Iowa Caucuses, the Republican nominee for President has released a video in which he tweaks this beloved track to appeal to voters on February 1.

Titled “Hello, Huck,” the song references numerous towns in Iowa, while suggesting that visitors try the pork chops and/or baked beans.

There’s talk of Iowans not being for sale and how there’s no difference between Obama and Hillary and how, if Bernie Sanders wins, Huckabee is gonna die.

It"s well produced, we can say that much.

And we"d much rather hear this from Mike Huckabee than another passionate defense of the Duggars.

Huckabee actually won the Iowa Caucuses in 2008, but he has little to not chance of repeating that victory this time around.

But that"s okay. He clearly has a future as an Adele impersonator if this whole President thing does not work out for him.

Ready to say "Hello" to Huck? Do so (at your peril!) below:

Mike huckabee parodies adele attempts to win over iowa

Friday, January 22, 2016

Demi Lovato Campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Demi Lovato will not be voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election.

The singer made her political preference known as publicly as possible on Thursday, actually campaigning alongside Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton in Iowa.

The 23-year-old artist joined Clinton at an organizing event on the University of Iowa campus, performing a set of three songs before nearly 2,000 adoring fans and telling the world why she’s on Team Hillary.

“I don’t think there’s a woman more confident than Hillary Clinton,” Lovato told an enthusiastic crowd.

“Now it’s time that we celebrate the real super star that’s here today.”

With the February 1 Iowa caucuses just a couple weeks away, Clinton has enlisted the support of numerous celebrities of late in order to get out the young vote.

She’s posed for a couple selfies with Kim Kardashian, while Dunham also campaigned on behalf of Clinton in Iowa a few weeks ago.

Katy Perry, meanwhile, shared the stage with HRC and her famous husband back in October, with U.S. soccer star Abby Wambach stumping for Clinton during a campaign event soon afterward.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here in support of her,” Lovato said Thursday, introducing the Democratic front-runner.

“The person that is about to walk on this stage, not only am I voting for because of her beliefs, her strength and the fact that she completely embodies the concept of women empowerment.

“Last, but not least, I am voting for her because I truly believe that there is nobody more qualified to run this country, our country, than our secretary of state.”

And the feelings seemed to be very mutual.

Likely familiar with Lovato’s battle against an eating disorder and a drug addiction, Clinton gushed right back at the singer, saying:

“Demi, you have been just an extraordinary example for so many in the way that you have talked about issues that people find sometimes hard to talk about.

“You’ve given hope and positive reinforcement to so many. I’m thrilled you’re here, lending your voice and your example to our efforts to get people to get out and caucus.”

We’re just gonna go ahead and suggest it:

Demi Lovato for Vice President?!?

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Katy Perry Supports Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Katy Perry has made it very clear many times over: She is on Team Hillary Clinton.

The singer and the leading Democratic nominee for President are, like, total best friends, with Perry spending the weekend of her 34th birthday NOT throwing it down in Las Vegas or Europe.

But schilling for Clinton in Iowa instead.

In the following video, we first see Bill Clinton hyping up a crowd in Iowa, only the possible first-ever First Husband is just serving as a warm-up act for Perry.

She then comes out, says some nice things about Hillary (“I stand and I march with Hillary. I believe in her future, her vision. I believe in her policies. I believe in equal rights for men, women, pay.”) and proceeds to later bring the Presidential hopeful out in front of thousands of adoring fans.

Said Clinton, quoting one of Perry"s biggest hits:

"Sometimes it’s important, you just have to roar about what you need to fight for."

So very true, isn"t it? And said in a way that wasn"t at all forced or awkward.

Perry then went on to perform "Firework" and "Roar" in honor of Clinton.

With both her experience behind her AND Katy Perry behind her, is there any way now that Hillary Clinton does not win the 2016 election?

Just wait, however. Perhaps Bernie Sanders can get Taylor Swift on his side. Wouldn"t that be something?!?

Katy perry supports hillary clinton in iowa