Showing posts with label Parodies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parodies. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mike Huckabee Parodies Adele, Attempts to Win Over Iowa

We really thought we had seen every Adele parody or performance there was to see.

Remember that marching band that put a unique spin on the smash hit "Hello?"

Or the dog who belted out these lyrics (sort of) with all the emotion of the artist herself?

But now Mike Huckabee has come along and taking this single in a brand new direction.

Just days ahead of the Iowa Caucuses, the Republican nominee for President has released a video in which he tweaks this beloved track to appeal to voters on February 1.

Titled “Hello, Huck,” the song references numerous towns in Iowa, while suggesting that visitors try the pork chops and/or baked beans.

There’s talk of Iowans not being for sale and how there’s no difference between Obama and Hillary and how, if Bernie Sanders wins, Huckabee is gonna die.

It"s well produced, we can say that much.

And we"d much rather hear this from Mike Huckabee than another passionate defense of the Duggars.

Huckabee actually won the Iowa Caucuses in 2008, but he has little to not chance of repeating that victory this time around.

But that"s okay. He clearly has a future as an Adele impersonator if this whole President thing does not work out for him.

Ready to say "Hello" to Huck? Do so (at your peril!) below:

Mike huckabee parodies adele attempts to win over iowa