Sunday, October 25, 2015

Katy Perry Supports Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Katy Perry has made it very clear many times over: She is on Team Hillary Clinton.

The singer and the leading Democratic nominee for President are, like, total best friends, with Perry spending the weekend of her 34th birthday NOT throwing it down in Las Vegas or Europe.

But schilling for Clinton in Iowa instead.

In the following video, we first see Bill Clinton hyping up a crowd in Iowa, only the possible first-ever First Husband is just serving as a warm-up act for Perry.

She then comes out, says some nice things about Hillary (“I stand and I march with Hillary. I believe in her future, her vision. I believe in her policies. I believe in equal rights for men, women, pay.”) and proceeds to later bring the Presidential hopeful out in front of thousands of adoring fans.

Said Clinton, quoting one of Perry"s biggest hits:

"Sometimes it’s important, you just have to roar about what you need to fight for."

So very true, isn"t it? And said in a way that wasn"t at all forced or awkward.

Perry then went on to perform "Firework" and "Roar" in honor of Clinton.

With both her experience behind her AND Katy Perry behind her, is there any way now that Hillary Clinton does not win the 2016 election?

Just wait, however. Perhaps Bernie Sanders can get Taylor Swift on his side. Wouldn"t that be something?!?

Katy perry supports hillary clinton in iowa