Friday, January 22, 2016

Demi Lovato Campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Demi Lovato will not be voting for Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential election.

The singer made her political preference known as publicly as possible on Thursday, actually campaigning alongside Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton in Iowa.

The 23-year-old artist joined Clinton at an organizing event on the University of Iowa campus, performing a set of three songs before nearly 2,000 adoring fans and telling the world why she’s on Team Hillary.

“I don’t think there’s a woman more confident than Hillary Clinton,” Lovato told an enthusiastic crowd.

“Now it’s time that we celebrate the real super star that’s here today.”

With the February 1 Iowa caucuses just a couple weeks away, Clinton has enlisted the support of numerous celebrities of late in order to get out the young vote.

She’s posed for a couple selfies with Kim Kardashian, while Dunham also campaigned on behalf of Clinton in Iowa a few weeks ago.

Katy Perry, meanwhile, shared the stage with HRC and her famous husband back in October, with U.S. soccer star Abby Wambach stumping for Clinton during a campaign event soon afterward.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to be here in support of her,” Lovato said Thursday, introducing the Democratic front-runner.

“The person that is about to walk on this stage, not only am I voting for because of her beliefs, her strength and the fact that she completely embodies the concept of women empowerment.

“Last, but not least, I am voting for her because I truly believe that there is nobody more qualified to run this country, our country, than our secretary of state.”

And the feelings seemed to be very mutual.

Likely familiar with Lovato’s battle against an eating disorder and a drug addiction, Clinton gushed right back at the singer, saying:

“Demi, you have been just an extraordinary example for so many in the way that you have talked about issues that people find sometimes hard to talk about.

“You’ve given hope and positive reinforcement to so many. I’m thrilled you’re here, lending your voice and your example to our efforts to get people to get out and caucus.”

We’re just gonna go ahead and suggest it:

Demi Lovato for Vice President?!?