Showing posts with label Clashes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clashes. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Vinny Guadagnino Clashes With Ex Over Cheating Allegations!

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation, then you know that the most recent episode was a tough one for fan favorite Vinny Guadagnino.

Though Vin didn’t cross the line in the same way as Ronnie and his French Fry, the incident captured by MTV cameras clearly didn’t sit well Vin’s then-girlfriend, Elicea Shyann.

Not only did Shyann make her displeasure with Vinny very clear in one of the most uncomfortable duck phone conversations to date, the relationship came to an end shortly after filming wrapped.

But that doesn’t mean either party is finished hashing out the details of Vinny’s betrayal:

Earlier this week, Shyann posted a lengthy Instagram tirade in which she slammed Jersey Shore fans who have found tremendous entertainment in watching her relationship crumble:

“Here’s some free promotion!!!! for the trash everyone loves to watch. I’m a real f—king person who wakes up DAILY to more and more bullsh-t and heartache,” Shyann wrote.

“Enjoy the f-cking show that is my f-cking life. Ppl wonder how ppl end up in the darkest places. Here’s your answer.”

“Humiliation disrespect zero empathy lol it’s truly AMAZING,” Shyann continued in her since-deleted Instagram posts.

“Everyone lives for the drama watching good things go to sh-t.”

Not surprisingly, Shyann’s outrage led to fans putting Vinny on blast on Twitter.

And the Keto Guido was clearly not in the mood for accepting constructive criticism:

“Dude, don’t you know? Talking to bottle girls in a nightclub is cheating duh,” he sarcastically tweeted.

“Forget the guys who have side pieces, cheat on their wives, text, and f–k girls … you’re nice to [a] waitress you cheat.”

“No no I’m a monster. I really shouldn’t have been secure in my relationship enough to go out, be nice to people, be fun and entertaining and still remain loyal,” Guadagnino continued.

“I gave compliments to bottle girls on tv so I’m the worst man alive! Get it right.”

After a fan accused Vinny of saving a waitress’ number in his phone, the reality star defended himself by pointing out a meaningless distinction about the device he was using that night:

“Yep… I can give other girls drunk compliments and still love and be loyal to my girl,” he tweeted.

“And that wasn’t my phone it was the house iTouch (we don’t have phones) so that we can all turn up again as a group. (While still remaining loyal)<- impossible right ?!”

Oh, well in that case …

Vin ended his tirade on a Trumpian note, slamming the purveyors of fake news for alleging that he colluded with foreign strippers:

“Aight I gotta get off Twitter. It’s been fun,” he wrote.

“Thanks and respect to the people who understand the diff between crossing lines and CHEATING. Context and editing. And to the trolls and Fake News. Keep trollin. You are great people!”

Ah, “context and editing.”

The refrain of the reality star who’s not proud of his actions.

One would think that by now, Vinny would be so accustomed to dealing with online criticism that he wouldn’t let it bother him so much.

We guess it stings more than usual when one of those critics is the ex-girlfriend you disrespected on TV.


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Berkeley Rally Against Hate Ramps Up, Violent Clashes Break Out

A rally against hate in Berkeley is shaping up to possibly be the next Charlottesville — albeit in reverse — since people are already throwing punches and swinging sticks. Antifa peacefully beating down a Trump supporter ! This is The ALTLeft!…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Dep. White House Press Sec. Sarah Huckabee Sanders Clashes with Reporter Over "Fake News"

Sarah Huckabee Sanders went on the attack over “fake news” — citing the CNN debacle — then got raked over the coals by a White House reporter. The Deputy White House Press Secretary chastised CNN over its retracted story … which connected…


Friday, May 12, 2017

Farrah Abraham Clashes With Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino! Watch!

Some of our younger readers might not remember Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino from his time on Jersey Shore, but trust us when we say he laid the groundwork for future reality TV psychopaths … like Farrah Abraham.

Don"t get us wrong, Farrah has taken the role much further than Mike ever dreamed, but it was Sorrentino who first made us believe that mental illness could be entertaining.

He paved the way for future Farrah"s narcisstic personality disorder, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

The Sitch was basically the Woody Guthrie to Farrah"s Bob Dylan, which is another reference that makes us sound super old.

So why are we subjecting you to our geriatric ramblings about a show reality star no one has cared about for the better part of a decade?

Well, Farrah is starring in the new season of Marriage Boot Camp, and the show also features Mike and his two brothers.

We assume producers got a tax write-off for sheltering the Sorrentinos for six weeks.

Anyway, despite the title, the show has nothing to do with marriage this season, and is instead focusing on family dysfunction.

And despite the fact that Farrah is abusive to her parents and generally treats them like dog sh-t, they still defend her every chance they get.

So for that reason, when one of Mike"s brothers brings up Farrah"s porn past, her dad does that thing where he gets out of his chair like he wants to fight even though that never ends well for him.

Check out the clip below to watch Farrah"s parents clash with Mike"s brother the sort of ill-conceived crossover that brings to mind the time the Flinstones met the Jetsons.

Farrah abraham clashes with mike the situation sorrentino watch

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Jason Derulo Clashes with Pilot, Slams American Airlines as Racist

Jason Derulo has a lot to say about the way he and members of his team were treated by American Airlines employees on Wednesday.

And none of it is positive.

The artist took to Instagram last night to detail what happened to him at Miami-Dade airport after he claimed he was mistreated at the facility in relation to baggage fees.

On their way to Los Angeles, Derulo and his friends reportedly tried to check 19 bags, assuming they would not be charged because the singer is a member of the company’s preferred flier program (known as Concierge Key).

However, the airline said that most Concierge Key members were only allowed to check a maximum of three bags at a time.

In response to the misunderstanding, Derulo and most of his group boarded the plane.

One person stayed behind to check the remainder of the bags on to a later flight.

According to Local 10 News, though, after the plane left the gate for the runway, the person who had stayed behind called Derulo and told him that an airline representative said he was going to be charged $ 4,000.

This is when Derulo lost it.

The singer stood up and got demanded the plane return to the gate.

He got into a heated confrontation with the pilot, at which time called the police to meet the plane at the gate because “the captain of the plane needed several passengers removed from the plane,” based on the official report.

“I get off the plane, 15 police officers waiting on me, like I’m a criminal,” Derulo explains in his Instagram account of the incident.

The star then said that the officers’ demeanor changed when they learned he was a celebrity.

Here is how Derulo went off about the entire ordeal on social media:

.@americanair I spent millions on your airline throughout the past ten years between myself and my entire staff but have still experienced racial discrimination today at miami airport!!!

Called 15 police officers on me as if I’m a criminal! It’s not ok that when you find out who I am the gears change! Fuck that!! I want answers

#conciergekey #conciergekeymember #thecaptainneedstoshowrespecttoo cause he could #cashmeoutsidehowboutdat #notypo #ifiwasanyoneelseiwouldhavebeenarrested.

American Airlines later tweeted at Derulo to get in contact with the company to resolve the issue and later released a statement about what happened.

“Flight 275 returned to the gate prior to departure,” the airline wrote, according to Local 10 News.

“A passenger elected to deplane in order to travel with their checked bags. The passenger has been rebooked with his checked bags on a later flight this evening.”

Derulo – who was previously kicked off a flight in August 2015 when his bodyguard reportedly got into an argument with TSA agents – talked to People Magazine about the back-and-forth.

He said that he isn’t looking for special treatment of any kind.

I just want everybody to be treated with respect,” he told People. “At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. I’m not asking for anything extra, I’m not asking to be taken care of.”

The Miami-Dade Police Department report, however, claims that an airline employee told cops that Derulo and his group “smelled of marijuana and were getting aggressive” when they were checking in.

It also says they refused to show their IDs to employees or later to the police, upon being initially confronted about the problems they were causing.

No charges were filed against Derulo or any member of his entourage.


Monday, May 16, 2016

Michelle Duggar Clashes With Fellow TLC Star Over Bathroom Law

Long before North Carolina’s so-called “bathroom law” kicked off a national conversation about transgender rights, Michelle Duggar was already warning her fellow Arkansans about the nonexistent danger of men strolling into their daughters’ restrooms.

Back in 2014, Michelle recorded a robocall for an Arkansas politician who was basically running on a policy of personally looking into everyone’s pants and deciding where they should pee.

So you would think that Michelle would be particularly vocal these days, what with the entire country finally arguing about a wedge issue she helped dream up years ago.

Instead, Michelle has been surprisingly quiet about the bathroom law, and not only because the topic of examining people’s genitals against their will is a sensitive one for her family these days.

It seems Michelle might be keeping a lid on it as part of her ongoing effort to appease her TLC bosses and one of her fellow stars at the network.

The clip above is a promo for I Am Jazz, which is soon to be entering its second season on TLC.

The show features Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who shares her struggles and triumphs with a good-sized audience on her own reality show.

Is Jazz the reason that Michelle has been staying quiet on what was once her favorite issue?

We don’t know, but the Duggar matriarch certainly doesn’t carry the kind of clout that she once did at the network.

After 19 Kids and Counting was canceled in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals, Michelle and her family had to do a lot of convincing in order to get back on the air.

As it is, Jill & Jessa: Counting On is on the brink of cancelation due to advertisers pulling out as a result of the intense controversy surrounding the family.

There was a time when Michelle might’ve complained about sharing a network with someone who’s views so sharply contrast with her own.

These days, she knows network execs would tell her not to let the door hit her on the way out.

Of course, you can bet she still has little to no compassion for Jazz and her family, who are seen responding to death threats in the show’s upcoming family.

“I want people to understand, the hate is real,” Jazz says in a recent promo for the show. 

Sadly, she’s very right about that.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Clashes with Friends: Find Out Why!

Yes, as everyone in the free world now knows, Caitlyn Jenner is a transgender reality star.

But the former Olympian is on record as saying her politics have actually caused more of an uproar over the past several months than her sex switch.

That seems a little hard to believe, but Jenner is one of the most outspoken Republicans in Hollywood.

She"s even come out at one point against gay marriage, a seemingly unusual position for someone in her life circumstance to take.

In the following clip from I Am Cait Season 2 Episode 1, we see Caitlyn get into a pretty intense argument with her friends over her conservative views.

"Sometimes these girls think that now that I"ve transitioned that everything has to change," Caitlyn says, adding:

"You can"t be conservative anymore. You have to be a liberal. No, I don"t believe that. I think I can keep all of my views the same cause I feel in my heart that"s the best way to go."

It"s an interesting debate, really.

Just because Caitlyn has changed one major aspect of her life, that doesn"t mean her other viewpoints or opinions change along with it.

You can watch I Am Cait online via our friends at TV Fanatic in order to catch up prior to the March 6 Season 2 premiere and you can check out this clip right here and now:

Caitlyn jenner clashes with friends find out why