Showing posts with label Guadagnino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guadagnino. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Pauly D: Angelina Pivarnick Cheated On Her Fiancé With Vinny Guadagnino!

If you’ve been watching the show this season, then you’re probably aware that producers keep introducing the Staten Island Hamster into the festering rodent cage that is Jersey Shore Family Vacation.

Thus far, the decision to have Angelina Pivarnick haul her duct-taped garbage bag full of clothes all over the country in pursuit of the housemates’ friendship has yielded mixed results.

Sure, Angelina remains annoying AF, but if it weren’t for the rage she brings to the table, the show would be nothing but non-stop Ronnie baby mama drama.

Plus, having packed up her Hefty Cinch-Sack and exited the Shore house (twice!) early on in the show’s original run, Angelina provides an interesting link to the guidos’ past.

The rest of the cast has mostly moved on from the pettiness of the pasts, but Angelina is still all about that mess.

It’s sort of like if you met up with your best friend from third grade and found out that paste is still his favorite food.

Try not to think too hard about that Angelina/paste eating analogy as we continue with this story. Trust us.

As we discussed last week, Angelina hooked up with Vinny — and, well, just about every other guy in the house during her initial, short-lived tenure on JS.

It was all thought to be ancient history, but now, a new rumor holds that Angie and Vin visited the smush room together while filming the show’s current season.

That may sound like a tough one to swallow (again, we apologize for our choice of imagery), but believe it or not, Vinny’s most trusted confidante says it’s totally plausible.

“I believe it, I don’t know, I believe it,” Pauly said, when asked about the rumor by OK! magazine.

“He’s allowed to hook up with women, just no other guys,” the DJ joked, referring to his bromance with Vinny.

Kidding aside, Pauly proceeded to point out that Angelina might be in trouble if it turns out the rumors are true:

“She’s engaged, though, so if they did [hook up], that’s a problem for her.” 

Perhaps we’ll find out later in the season if Vinny and Angelina really went there — or perhaps not.

Either way, the housemates’ romantic past has been a frequent topic of conversation on the current season of JSFV.

“You guys fight all the time. You have like, one more hate bang to get out,” Ronnie joked on last week’s episode.

But unlike Stormy Daniels, who seems to vividly recall the horrid fungal dimensions of Donald Trump’s penis, Angelina is suffering from a severe case of dong-related amnesia when it comes to Vinny.

“No, I’m not f–king DTF anymore, Vin,” she said on Thursday’s installment.

“Been there, done that with you. I honestly don’t remember your dick. I’m not being mean. I’m not saying it’s small. I’m saying I don’t remember!”

Sounds like Angelina may be in need of a crash course on Vinny’s peen.

Of course, in this case, we guess you’d call it a smush course.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Vinny Guadagnino Clashes With Ex Over Cheating Allegations!

If you’ve been watching Jersey Shore Family Vacation, then you know that the most recent episode was a tough one for fan favorite Vinny Guadagnino.

Though Vin didn’t cross the line in the same way as Ronnie and his French Fry, the incident captured by MTV cameras clearly didn’t sit well Vin’s then-girlfriend, Elicea Shyann.

Not only did Shyann make her displeasure with Vinny very clear in one of the most uncomfortable duck phone conversations to date, the relationship came to an end shortly after filming wrapped.

But that doesn’t mean either party is finished hashing out the details of Vinny’s betrayal:

Earlier this week, Shyann posted a lengthy Instagram tirade in which she slammed Jersey Shore fans who have found tremendous entertainment in watching her relationship crumble:

“Here’s some free promotion!!!! for the trash everyone loves to watch. I’m a real f—king person who wakes up DAILY to more and more bullsh-t and heartache,” Shyann wrote.

“Enjoy the f-cking show that is my f-cking life. Ppl wonder how ppl end up in the darkest places. Here’s your answer.”

“Humiliation disrespect zero empathy lol it’s truly AMAZING,” Shyann continued in her since-deleted Instagram posts.

“Everyone lives for the drama watching good things go to sh-t.”

Not surprisingly, Shyann’s outrage led to fans putting Vinny on blast on Twitter.

And the Keto Guido was clearly not in the mood for accepting constructive criticism:

“Dude, don’t you know? Talking to bottle girls in a nightclub is cheating duh,” he sarcastically tweeted.

“Forget the guys who have side pieces, cheat on their wives, text, and f–k girls … you’re nice to [a] waitress you cheat.”

“No no I’m a monster. I really shouldn’t have been secure in my relationship enough to go out, be nice to people, be fun and entertaining and still remain loyal,” Guadagnino continued.

“I gave compliments to bottle girls on tv so I’m the worst man alive! Get it right.”

After a fan accused Vinny of saving a waitress’ number in his phone, the reality star defended himself by pointing out a meaningless distinction about the device he was using that night:

“Yep… I can give other girls drunk compliments and still love and be loyal to my girl,” he tweeted.

“And that wasn’t my phone it was the house iTouch (we don’t have phones) so that we can all turn up again as a group. (While still remaining loyal)<- impossible right ?!”

Oh, well in that case …

Vin ended his tirade on a Trumpian note, slamming the purveyors of fake news for alleging that he colluded with foreign strippers:

“Aight I gotta get off Twitter. It’s been fun,” he wrote.

“Thanks and respect to the people who understand the diff between crossing lines and CHEATING. Context and editing. And to the trolls and Fake News. Keep trollin. You are great people!”

Ah, “context and editing.”

The refrain of the reality star who’s not proud of his actions.

One would think that by now, Vinny would be so accustomed to dealing with online criticism that he wouldn’t let it bother him so much.

We guess it stings more than usual when one of those critics is the ex-girlfriend you disrespected on TV.
