Showing posts with label Engages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Engages. Show all posts

Monday, April 30, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Engages in Epic, Vicious Fight with Girlfriend Over Her Sex Tape

Welp, that sure was ugly.

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and girlfriend Jen Harley welcomed a baby girl into the world earlier this month.

But the couple engaged in a vicious fight over the weekend via Twitter that was decidedly NOT welcomed by anyone hoping these two would make stable co-parents.

The 32-year old Jersey Shore veteran got things started on Saturday when he took to his Instagram Story and lashed out at Harley.

In extremely cruel fashion.

“Note to self, can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a HOUSEWIFE, if you find them in the gutter then leave them in the gutter,” he actually wrote about the mother of his daughter, adding:

“Not all people can be saved when they are so far gone. All you can say you did ur best and keep it moving.”

Yikes and WTF, right?

Ronnie added the hashtags #Facts and #YeahhhhhhBuddyyyy to his angry post.

ronnie fightpic

In a follow-up post/poll, Ronnie articulated exactly why he was taking issue with Harley.

He asked followers to vote “yes” or “no” to the following question:

“If your significant other keeps sex videos of their ex, shouldn’t they show enough respect to delete them, esp after being in a new relationship for over a year?”

Please, “#GiveMeYourThoughts,” Ronnie asked.

So there it is; there’s the problem at stake.

Ronnie apparently discovered at least one sex tape Harley made with an ex-boyfriend, which, we must admit, has to be awkward.

As awkward as airing one’s dirty laundry in public in this manner?


We guess not, based on Ronnie’s actions and logic.

Ortiz-Magro then shared an image of his head Photoshopped into a poster for Dwayne Johnson‘s movie Rampage, which he changed to read “Ronpage.”

Moreover, the reality star posted a text exchange with Deena Nicole Cortese in which she took his side in this argument.

Wow that’s insane,” Cortese wrote. “What girl even keeps that lol.”

It’s a fair question, we guess.

But Harley chose not to answer it on Instagram.

Instead, she shot back in her own story by writing: “Can’t turn a coke head into a father! Yeahhh buddy.”


Oh gosh.

This may get worse before it gets better, huh?

Ronnie and Jen got together in July of 2017.

They actually shared videos of each other drinking and partying on Saturday before these insults flew, making it apparent they weren’t sober when they decided to go public with their disagreement.

“So excited to be a #Father. Words can’t describe the feeling,” Ortiz-Magro wrote about becoming a dad less than a month ago.

He added at the time:

“You live your life not ever really knowing the meaning of true love until you have a child. True unconditional love. You love your significant other, you love your family.

“I have to say I understand when everyone said you’ll understand ‘when you have a child of your own or when you become a parent.’

“I know I have still tons to learn but I’m excited for this new journey & chapter in my life with my beautiful girlfriend & my daughter.”

What a nice sentiment.

Perhaps Ronnie ought to think of his daughter the next time he calls her mom a “hoe” in front  of the entire Internet.

To see what Ortiz-Magro has been up to on MTV this spring, click the video below to watch Jersey Shore online.


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Andy Cohen Engages in Twitter War with Donald Trump Fans

You may not believe this, but Andy Cohen has a pretty big problem with Donald Trump.

This has been the case, of course, ever since Trump opened his mouth as a Presidential candidate… but the beloved Bravo grew especially incensed at the Republican hopeful this week.

It all started after the horrible massacre committed by Omar Mateen in Orlando.

Not long after 49 people lost their lives inside Pure nightclub, Trump initially took credit for having warned America that Muslims are dangerous people.

He then Tweeted the following:

“Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

We won’t bother pointing out the complete and utter absurdity of this statement.

Partly because Cohen went ahead and did so himself.


But while Trump didn’t respond to this challenge (for once), a number of The Donald’s supporters did take Cohen to task for his fighting words.

“Andy stfu so was Hillary until she decided it was a right move in her political career,” wrote one Twitter user.

Another jumped in with:

“You can’t get married if you are dead! #HardTruth #JusticeForPulse #AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #LGBTForTrump.”

@VotingFemale, meanwhile, Tweeted: “Poor @Andy. Doesn’t get the diff between Gay Marriage & Death By Islamic Homophobia. #nra #maga #tcot #copolitics.”

How did Cohen respond to this attempted takedown?

“I don’t get the difference between you and a complete moron.”

Finally, after a Trump loyalist Tweeted “TRY AND FOLLOW ALONG- HE SAID HE HAS AN ISSUE WITH ISLAMIC EXTREMIST KILLING AMERICANS- are you really this daft Andy,” Cohen ended his Twitter war by responding:

“No one is FOR extremists killing Americans.”

You gotta admire Andy Cohen for trying to talk sense into Donald Trump voters.

But you also gotta wonder why anyone would even bother.

Andy Cohen Engages in Twitter War with Donald Trump Fans

You may not believe this, but Andy Cohen has a pretty big problem with Donald Trump.

This has been the case, of course, ever since Trump opened his mouth as a Presidential candidate… but the beloved Bravo grew especially incensed at the Republican hopeful this week.

It all started after the horrible massacre committed by Omar Mateen in Orlando.

Not long after 49 people lost their lives inside Pure nightclub, Trump initially took credit for having warned America that Muslims are dangerous people.

He then Tweeted the following:

“Thank you to the LGBT community! I will fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.”

We won’t bother pointing out the complete and utter absurdity of this statement.

Partly because Cohen went ahead and did so himself.


But while Trump didn’t respond to this challenge (for once), a number of The Donald’s supporters did take Cohen to task for his fighting words.

“Andy stfu so was Hillary until she decided it was a right move in her political career,” wrote one Twitter user.

Another jumped in with:

“You can’t get married if you are dead! #HardTruth #JusticeForPulse #AmericaFirst #MakeAmericaSafeAgain #LGBTForTrump.”

@VotingFemale, meanwhile, Tweeted: “Poor @Andy. Doesn’t get the diff between Gay Marriage & Death By Islamic Homophobia. #nra #maga #tcot #copolitics.”

How did Cohen respond to this attempted takedown?

“I don’t get the difference between you and a complete moron.”

Finally, after a Trump loyalist Tweeted “TRY AND FOLLOW ALONG- HE SAID HE HAS AN ISSUE WITH ISLAMIC EXTREMIST KILLING AMERICANS- are you really this daft Andy,” Cohen ended his Twitter war by responding:

“No one is FOR extremists killing Americans.”

You gotta admire Andy Cohen for trying to talk sense into Donald Trump voters.

But you also gotta wonder why anyone would even bother.