Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tristan Thompson Actually Made a Sex Tape. We Nearly Saw It.

Note to Tristan Thompson:

You really need to be more careful when it comes to sexual partners and videotape.

Over the past couple days, it’s become evident that Thompson cheated on Khloe Kardashian (while she was pregnant!) due to the presence of recording devices.

First, Thompson was seen on security footage getting VERY close and VERY comfortable with two women at a Washington D.C. hotspot.

This occurred back in October, toward the end of Khloe’s first trimester.

Then, Thompson was seen on different security footage, entering a New York City hotel around 5 a.m. on a Sunday, leading a woman with whom he had made out earlier in the night.

This occurred at the very end of March, toward the end of Khloe’s third and final trimester.

(It’s safe to assume that Thompson later entered the woman herself, if you know what we mean by this remark.)

Meanwhile, according to The Blast, Tristan actually has experience with sex and video dating back to 2016… which is when he supposedly made a sex tape with ex-girlfriend Jordyn Craig!

She is pictured here:

The aforementioned website states that Thompson and Craig filmed their flesh pounding at some point in 2016.

The video then resurfaced in November of 2017 after Craig she it was stolen off her cellphone after she took the phone in for service

Thankfully (for her, not for Internet users), Craig was able to work with a Los Angeles-based attorney to secure the sex tape and “destroy it,” according to this source.

It adds that Thompson was aware the sex tape was out there and nearly on the market.

We do not know, however, if Khloe was ever aware such footage existed of her baby daddy.

Craig, for those not up the speed, actually gave birth herself in December of 2016 to a son she conceived with Thompson.

The Cleveland Cavaliers power forward reportedly dumped her while she was pregnant in order to date Kardashian.

Sound sort of familiar?

Shortly after this cheating scandal went viral late Tuesday night, Craig appeared to address the situation via a message on Instagram.

“If you respect yourself and you respect others, you would never make light of the misfortune of anyone, nor would you feel indemnified when it comes at the expense of others,” Craig wrote, adding simply:

“Wishing peace for everyone.”

That’s a pretty classy response, no?

She could have thrown shade. She could have taunted Khloe with some kind of I-Told-You-So reply.

Instead, she took the high road.

As for where things go from here for Thompson and Kardashian, we really have no idea.

The latter has been living in Cleveland for the past few weeks, waiting to give birth in the city in which Tristan lives.

She had every hope that he would be a hands-on father and the two would raise their little girl together, as a happy couple.

But now? After all we’ve learned about Thompson and his penis?!? Such a scenario seems impossible to envision.

Heck, can you imagine if it’s true that Thompson even knocked up one of his side pieces?

We feel very sorry for Khloe in all of this.
