Friday, August 10, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Caught Cheating on Khloe Kardashian... Again?!?

It may be the NBA offseason, but a new report alleges that Tristan Thompson has not stopped being a player.

In terms of hitting on any woman that moves, flirting with them and maybe even sleeping with them, we mean.

That’s the type of player we’re writing about in this context. Just so there’s no confusion.

Indeed, while Thompson and Khloe Kardashian are very clearly together, having moved past the former’s extended period of infidelity earlier this year, Radar Online writes that Khloe may have a new reason to worry.

Her man – GASP! – may still be stepping out on her.

This would come as a major shock to everyone who assumed Thompson would never cheat ever again, we know.

But the Cleveland Cavaliers power forward was in Toronto for a basketball camp on August 9 and an employee at the training facility where the camp was being held says Thompson wasn’t there alone.

He as allegedly accompanied by “young and sexy woman,” Radar claims.

“There was a woman in Tristan’s entourage and it wasn’t Khloe,” explains this person, who works at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre.

He or she added:

“They looked like more than friends because he had his hand on her lower back when they arrived. There was definitely something there.”

Oh boy.

Oh man.

Oh, Tristan.

This anonymous source apparently went on to describe the unnamed female as “spectacularly attractive,” which doesn’t sound like positive news for Khloe.

Just when we thought the stars may be engaged, too!

Adds the Radar insider in this damaging report:

“She was a beautiful, young girl who looked as if she could be a model.

“She, along with one of his security detail, stayed in the locker room while he taught camp.

“He appeared to be in a hurry to get back to his female companion because he jetted out of the center the minute it was over.”

See, this is part of the problem with dating a professional athlete.

First, they are on the road often.

Second, there are many women out there who would willfully sleep with a basketball player simply because he’s a basketball player. It’s the allure of fame.

As far as we know, Khloe never really left Tristan, despite his penchant for sticking his penis into other women.

She gave him a cold shoulder for awhile, we’re sure, and the two likely didn’t have much contact for those first few weeks after daughter True was born.

But the impression we’ve gotten by reading the Internet and hearing from sources is that Khloe has been dedicated to making the romance work all along; largely for the sake of their child, which is a nice sentiment we guess.

“She simply can’t cut the chord and always seems to find a way to talk herself out of leaving him, even though her head tells her all day every day that it’s not right,” another source tells Radar, concluding:

“She even tried to pack her bags on numerous occasions and make arrangements to move in with her family, but when push comes to shove, she never goes through with it.”

Maybe if Tristan really is cheating, Khloe will finally find the courage to leave him.

Because she really can do so much better.
