Week after week, Jenelle Evans continues to shock Teen Mom 2 fans with her negligent, abusive parenting.
But believe it or not, a judge has determined that while Jenelle"s parenting skills are highly questionable, there"s not enough evidence against her to remove son Kaiser from her home and place the 4-year-old with his father, Nathan Griffith.
According to The Ashley"s Reality Roundup, Nathan"s mother, Doris Davidson, recently attempted to keep Kaiser at her home without Jenelle"s permission.
And on Tuesday evening, Jenelle was finally able to take the boy back.
So that particular battle may be over — but you can be sure the war is just getting started.
Here"s the latest:
1. Jenelle and Her Boys

Jenelle has already lost custody of her eldest son, Jace, who’s been raised by his grandmother since birth. Now, she’s fighting tooth and nail to retain primary custody of Jace’s younger brother, Kaiser.
2. Birthday Boy

The last fans saw of Jenelle and Kaiser together was when the two of them celebrated his fourth birthday last week.
3. Unfair Criticism?

At the time, Jenelle received a fair bit of flak from fans for taking Kaiser to daycare on his big day. Others pointed out that many young children enjoy celebrating with their friends at school, and it may have been his decision to attend.
4. The Standoff

After his birthday celebration, Kaiser was dropped off at Doris’ in order to spend the weekend with Nathan’s family. Davidson refused to return the boy to Jenelle after the weekend was through, claiming she had reason to believe he was being abused.
5. Proof of Abuse?

Doris claims she found bruises on Kaiser’s body. She says she’s long suspected that he’s being abused by his stepfather, David Eason.
6. The Carolina Hurricane

When Doris refused to bring Kaiser to the custody drop on Sunday night, Jenelle did what she does best and lost her temper in a major way.