Sunday, August 5, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Nathan Griffith Doesn"t Care About Our Son!

It sure has been an eventful summer for Jenelle Evans, huh?

Between all the weird gun stuff, her battle with MTV over her contract, and several custody issues, it"s a miracle she"s found the time to enjoy the season (in her pool that still doesn"t have a fence)!

Oh, and speaking of those custody issues … you know how Nathan Griffith, the father of her second child, Kaiser, recently filed for full custody?

Yeah, Jenelle has a few things to say about that.


1. So Much Rage

Jenelle evans in glasses

Jenelle has been fighting with SO MANY PEOPLE lately, right? And yeah, she’s never exactly been a cool, calm, and collected person, but it’s just been too much these past few months.

2. All This Over David?

David jenelle eason

She’s been raging about how MTV fired David Eason and how they refuse to film him, because apparently she can’t do her job without him by her side, literally, at all times.

3. Uhhh …

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

You know how a lot of people go to work without their spouses? And sometimes they even go on business trips alone, or if they do bring their significant others, they just pay for all their expenses out of their own pockets? Yeah, that kind of life simply isn’t for our Jenelle.

4. What a Tragedy

Jenelle evans kissy face with david eason

MTV fired David over his nasty homophobic tweets, and as we saw on the season finale of Teen Mom 2, they refuse to film when he’s present. Jenelle has thrown many fits about this, but MTV isn’t budging.

5. Contracts Though

Jenelle evans david eason on instagram

But the thing is that Jenelle is still under contract, so she can throw as many fits as she wants, but she’s still obligated to film the show.


Jenelle evans eye roll

What’s this got to do with Nathan? Not much, honestly, but it’s been a big part of Jenelle’s life lately, and we really have to set the stage for the latest custody battle, you know.

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