Monday, July 9, 2018

Johnny Depp Is Being Sued For Paying a Guy to Punch Him

The strange saga of Johnny Depp took another bizarre turn today courtesy of a lawsuit filed by a location scout on his latest film.

In documents filed this week, Gregg “Rocky” Brooks details an assault on the set of City of Lies, a movie in which Depp plays a cop investigating the murder of the Notorious B.I.G.

(Have we mentioned Johnny’s life is very strange these days? Because we really can’t stress that enough.)

An egomaniacal and probably intoxicated star attacking a low-level crew member wouldn’t be all that strange on its own.

But there’s a twist here:

Brooks says Depp not only assaulted him, he also offered Brooks $ 100,000 to punch him in the face.

Yes, if you’re in the right place at the right time, Johnny Depp will apparently offer you six figures to clean his clock.

And all you college grads are whining about the lack of job opportunities in this country!

Brooks’ story goes something like this:

Johnny hired a few of his pals to work on this movie because apparently no one ever says “no” to Johnny Depp.

Probably as a result of the fact that the set was now lousy with post-middle age cronies in Keith Richards attire, the shoot ran long.

When Brooks attempted to inform Depp that it would soon be time to wrap it up, the actor lost it:

“Who the f-ck are you?” Depp asked, probably quite literally.

“You have no right to tell me what to do.” 

Brooks says Depp then jabbed him in the ribs twice, but the assault failed to elicit a reaction.

This caused Depp to get even angrier and led him to make the offer that makes this story so deliciously odd:

“I will give you $ 100,000 to punch me in the face right now,” Johnny reportedly shouted in Brook’s face.

To our utter shock, Brooks says Depp’s breath reeked of alcohol.

Obviously, we don’t have any solid proof that Johnny Depp was drunk on this movie set, but … Johnny Depp was drunk on this movie set.

That may sound like a smear, but in a way, we’re defending him.

If dude acts like this when he’s sober then he’s even more far-gone than we thought.
