Showing posts with label Frail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frail. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2018

George Clooney Looks Injured and Frail After Scooter Crash

George Clooney struggled to board his private jet, showing clear signs of injuries after his scary scooter crash. George, Amal and their twins got outta Dodge 2 days after the crash. It’s clear George is hurting, which is no surprise … as we…


George Clooney Looks Injured and Frail After Scooter Crash

George Clooney struggled to board his private jet, showing clear signs of injuries after his scary scooter crash. George, Amal and their twins got outta Dodge 2 days after the crash. It’s clear George is hurting, which is no surprise … as we…


Monday, June 4, 2018

Johnny Depp Appears Gaunt, Frail In Shocking New Photos

One of the many, many perks of being a world-famous movie star is getting to spend time with your idols.

And so, Johnny Depp has lived with Hunter S. Thompson and jammed with Keith Richards.

Unfortunately, it looks like all those decades of keeping pace with the world’s hardest partiers is beginning to take a toll on Johnny.

That’s a photo of Depp that was posted online by a fan this week.

The actor appears considerably more gaunt than usual, and fans took notice in a major way.

Depp was in Russia, touring with his band, the Hollywood Vampires, and he posed for pics with fans who likely shelled out quite a few rubles for the opportunity.

Not surprisingly, those fans then posted the images to their social media accounts.

And as with past Russian Facebook activity, the effects of the posts were immediately felt on a global scale.

Depp quickly became a trending topic, with some fans expressing concern and others dismissing those concerns.

Johnny Depp Is Thin

“He looks pale here. Hope he’s okay,” commented one IG user.

“Johnny Depp looks so bad, omg, is he ill or something?” wrote another.

“Please please tell me that Johnny Depp is just prepping for a movie and not that he is sick cause he doesn’t look so good here,” remarked.

“He looks like is this for a new movie. He is fine and not sick,” wrote another fan, who may be onto something.

Depp has several new films set for release, including the Harry Potter spinoff The Crimes of Grindelwald, and City of Lies, in which he plays an LAPD officer investigating the murders of Tupac Shakur and the Notorious B.I.G.

It’s unlikely that either of those movies necessitated any sort of physical transformation from Depp, but a more low-profile project entitled Richard Says Goodbye may have required Depp to shed some pounds.

According to a description of the film, Depp plays “a world-weary college professor” who receives a “life-changing diagnosis.”

Based on that description and the title of the project, we’re guessing that diagnosis isn’t seasonal allergies.

Depp defenders are clinging to the “it’s for a role” defense, but as many have pointed out, it’s equally possible that the actor’s lifestyle is simply catching up to him. 

Depp will turn 55 next week, and he’s shown little interest in putting his hedonistic ways behind him.

In fact, according to a pair of recent lawsuits, he’s going at it harder than ever.

Depp is being sued by his management team in response to the allegations that the firm nearly bankrupted him.

In one court document, attorneys claim that Depp’s many wild expenditures included spending $ 30,000 a month on wine.

In a separate lawsuit, Depp is being sued by two former bodyguards for creating a “toxic and unsafe” work environment.

The former employees allege that one of their many bizarre job responsibilities was ensuring that there was no cocaine residue on Depp’s face during public appearances.

Like so many others, we’re hoping that Johnny’s frail appearance these days is the result of method acting, not health issues.

Fortunately, fans can take heart in the assurances of audience members on Depp’s current tour who claim he appears to be in good spirits — and good health.

“Just saw #JohnnyDepp in concert in Hamburg. He looks healthy, happy and he had so much fun. … How pictures can deceive an impression,” wrote one such fan.

Reps for Johnny have declined to comment on the situation.


Monday, May 21, 2018

Jet Li: Frail Appearance Shocks Fans as Actor Battles Hyperthyroidism

It wasn’t all that long ago that Jet Li was one of the most recognized action stars on the planet.

We suppose that’s why so many on social media are expressing their shock over the actor and stunt specialist’s comparatively frail appearance nowadays.

That’s Li on the right, and as you can see, it’s somewhat difficult to believe that the 55-year-old was still starring in stunt spectaculars like The Expendables 3 just four short years ago.

The photo above was posted by Twitter user Simón, who captioned it:

“So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from ‘hyperthyroidism and spinal problems’ and this is him now.”

He later added:

“Jackie Chan and Jet Li were like Gods to me when I was little. It’s so sad to see Li like this.”

Li mostly keeps a low profile these days, but sources close to the actor have confirmed that he is still battling hyperthyroidism.

Jet Li Photo

According to TMZ, Li also suffered numerous “serious leg and spine injuries” during his career.

In recent years, Li’s condition has reportedly deteriorated to the point that he finds it difficult to stand for long periods of time.

Li first revealed that he’s been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism back in 2013.

“I’m in pain, but I’m not suffering. I’m happy,” Li said in an interview at the time.

Aside from his appearance in The Expendables 3 and the occasional social media post, he has apparently steered clear of the spotlight as much as possible over the past five years.

Today, fans from all over the globe are sending thoughts and prayers to Li and his family.

Jet Li Image

While the father of four has turned away from acting in recent years, he clearly still enjoys the support of a very loyal fan base.

For many, the reactions to Li’s appearance brings to mind the shock with which fans responded to photos of actor Val Kilmer looking frail after battling cancer.

Like Li, Kilmer was an icon of strength and swagger for those who came of age in the 1990s and early-2000s.

And in both cases, one gets the impression that the stars were so convincing in their portrayals of invincible heroes that any reminder of their mortality is bound to be greeted with astonishment.

These days, Kilmer s reportedly cancer-free and considering a return to acting.

Here’s hoping Li’s treatment meets with similar success.

Our thoughts go out to the action icon and his family during this difficult time.


Jet Li"s Frail Appearance Will Shock You, Battling Hyperthyroidism

This is what Jet Li looked like just 12 years ago, at the peak of his action movie career … but now he looks much older than his 55 years … as he deals with medical issues. So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from “hyperthyroidism and…


Jet Li"s Frail Appearance Will Shock You, Battling Hyperthyroidism

This is what Jet Li looked like just 12 years ago, at the peak of his action movie career … but now he looks much older than his 55 years … as he deals with medical issues. So, apparently, Jet Li is suffering from “hyperthyroidism and…


Thursday, October 19, 2017

"Project Runway" Finalist Mychael Knight in Frail Condition at Last Fashion Show

“Project Runway” finalist Mychael Knight was still hard at work one month before his death, but an intestinal disorder was already taking a visible toll on his body. TMZ obtained a video of Mychael at what’s believed to be the last…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ralphie May Frail and Pale with Fans Hours Before Death

Ralphie May was in absolutely no condition to meet fans after his final performance, but somehow managed to do just that … hours before his death. The comedian was scheduled to do a meet-and-greet after his final show Thursday at Harrah’s in…


Friday, September 29, 2017

Hugh Hefner Photos Show Mogul Frail Months Before Death

Hugh Hefner was in failing health for years, and he steadily deteriorated in the final months of his life. This pic was taken in January … inside the Playboy Mansion. Although Hef was frail, using a walker to get around, he still hosted movie…
