Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Draws MAJOR Criticism For Photo of Dogs

If you follow her on social media, you’re probably aware that Kaley Cuoco loves dogs and can do no wrong in the eyes of her many fans.

So we were surprised to learn that this photo of her beloved pups sparked a heated controversy over the weekend.

As you can see, Kaley is one of the many celebs who celebrated the Fourth of July by posting patriotic pics.

Unfortunately, the Big Bang Theory star committed a major flag faux pas by having one of her pooches sit on the stars and stripes.

Protocol dictates that any flag that touches the ground should be burned, so needless to say, placing it on the pavement so that that your pet can have a cool place to relax is a major no-no.

Several of KC’s fans expressed their displeasure on Instagram.

Some choice comments:

“That is not a towel. I believe in the right to burn the flag in protest as long as it is in context, that’s why so many gave their lives, for freedom. But this is not that, this is simply disrespectful. That’s a flag. A symbol of what people have sacrificed.”

“Why the f–k is your dog running its a–hole on the f–king flag?!?! I get that your trying to act patriotic but this is definitely in VERY bad taste!!!”

“I thought you love your country but this ain’t love if you disrespect it’s flag by keeping it down on the ground … let me remind you that lot of blood was sacrificed just to keep the flag high … If you have lil bit of respect for it you should not only remove this picture but also apologize to the people whose feeling must have got hurt.”

“A reasonable person would say ‘my dogs look cute but having that flag there could cause a misunderstanding, I should take it down’  Do the right thing, please. You can put up lots of other pictures of your dogs looking cute.”

Like we said, people were not happy.

To be fair, Kaley stated in the caption that the photo was taken by the person who was dog-sitting for her, and she has taken the pic down following the uproar.

Just goes to show that even a star as beloved as Kaley can incur the full wrath of the Internet when she posts before she thinks.