Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Rachel Lehnardt Gets Probation After Throwing Teenagers" Naked Twister Party, Joining In

A mom who allowed her teen daughter and friends to drink alcohol, smoke weed and play naked Twister has been sentenced to probation.

According to WJBF-TV, mother of five Rachel Lehnardt of Evans, Georgia, was sentenced to six years probation and $ 600 in fines.

The 36-year-old was sentenced under the First Offender Act and must comply with mandatory drug and alcohol testing and treatment.

In April 2015, ​Rachel Lehnardt received a text from her daughter asking if she could brings friends over “to party,” according to reports.

The former Mormon Sunday school teacher’s reply? “C’mon, let’s party.” 

Lehnardt then threw her daughter a naked twister party as requested.

A recovering alcoholic, she then confessed what happened to her sponsor, who then reported what Lehnardt told her to authorities.

So much for the concept of Alcoholic Anonymous, are we right?!

Too soon? Okay, anyway, the sponsor was probably doing her a favor in the big picture, because the story is even worse that you think.

The night of the party, Lehnardt allegedly provided weed and liquor for her 16-year-old daughter and her friends, obviously also minors.

Then stripping off her clothes and joining in a game of naked Twister with the crew, who we guarantee will never forget that experience.

Especially one 18-year-old male at the soiree of debauchery.

Rachel slipped into the bathroom at one point and proceeded to have sex with this young man, and then claimed she was still “horny.”

To remedy that situation, she pleasured herself with sex toys in the living room as the group watched on, per the official police report.

Capping off an epic night, Lehnardt passed out in bed, only to wake up and find her daughter’s 16-year-old boyfriend having sex with her.

The sponsor told police deputies that Lehnardt has “stated in the [AA] group that she is a sexual deviant and addicted to pornography.”

Lehnardt lost custody of her children – ages 4, 6, 8, 10 and 16 – as a result of the party last April; It’s not clear to whom or for how long.

Her attorney, Shawn Hammond, called the allegations “exaggerated” and said that Lehnardt is “extremely remorseful for what she allowed.”

The obviously troubled mom is “obtaining professional and pastoral counseling to ensure this conduct is never repeated,” Hammond said.

“Mrs. Lehnardt has recommitted herself to her faith and her family.”

“She is hopeful that her children, members of her faith and others will learn from her poor example,” he said, because, well, no one wants this.

Sadly for her kids, she showed them the hard way “just how easy it is for people to exercise such extremely poor judgment while intoxicated.”