Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bristol Palin Posts Photo of Baby With Gun, Draws MAJOR Criticism

Bristol Palin is no stranger to controversy.

The daughter of former Alaska governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin is still stirring the pot on a daily basis, but these days, the controversies have more to do with Palin’s personal life than her politics.

The latest rash of WTF? news to emerge from Wasilla involved Bristol’s surprise wedding to Dakota Meyer.

The nuptials came as a shock to many, as Bristol and Dakota had bitterly parted ways just a few months prior. 

But Bristol and her baby daddy became close during his visitations with their daughter, Sailor Grace.

(We call that a “Wasilla Courtship,” by the way.)

Now, they’re a full-blown, old-school nuclear family.

(Forget for a moment that her other kid is with a dude who posed nude for Playgirl.)

Anyway, these days, Bristol, Dakota and Sailor Grace can be spotted out and about doing all the things families do:

Taking strolls through the park, sporting genuinely bizarre names, posing with high-powered firearms…

In fairness, little SG is clearly having her picture taken with some sort of antique weaponry, and we’re sure it’s perfectly safe.

That said, you might have noticed that gun violence is something a hot-button issue these days.

So when Bristol posted the pic (and captioned it, “Future member of the NRA!!”), it’s not like she didn’t know what she was doing.

Predictably, her comments section exploded into an intense debate within minutes, with keyed-up Bristol Pistols easily outgunning the generally more level-headed “Whoa, maybe not the best time for this sort of thing, right?” crowd.

Of course, we’re pretty sure Bristol has reached the point where as long as people are talking about her, she doesn’t care what they’re saying.