Thursday, August 9, 2018

Grant Gustin Hits Back at Body Shamers After The Flash Costume Pic Leaks!

Fresh after the announcement that Ruby Rose will play Batwoman in the Arrowverse, a very unflattering photo of Grant Gustin in a new Flash costume leaked.

The The Flash star took to Instagram to assure concerned fans that no, that’s not the final look for the Season 5 costume.

But he also took aim at the hateful trolls who decided to body-shame him. Body-shaming is never okay.

After an unflattering photo of Grant Gustin posing in a new Flash costume was leaked, some fans were alarmed by the new costume’s look.

Worse, some trolls decided to body-shame Gustin for his narrow build.

In response to the backlash, Gustin took to Instagram, writing: “So here’s the thing about this bulls–t photo leak.”

“It’s a cool suit,” Gustin affirms about his actual costume. “There’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less being posted.”

“Some things need work and they will be worked on,” Gustin acknowledges. “We’ll get there.”

The Flash Costume Photo Leak

(So, again, this is not the final look — this is an image from a fitting)

“As far as the body shaming,” Gustin continues. “That’s what pisses me off. Not even just for my sake.”

“I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents that I was too thin,” Gustin shares.

That is awful. Unless someone is unhealthy, there is no such thing as too thin or whatever. And even if someone is unhealthily thin, that’s still nobody’s business.

“But there’s a double standard,” Gustin acknowledges. “Where it’s OK to talk s–t about a dude’s body.”

True. Though we should point out that, just weeks ago, other vicious trolls singled out his unbearably gorgeous costar, Candice Patton, and body-shamed her over an alleged weight gain.

“I do my best to stay in shape and add as much size as I can throughout these seasons,” Gustin shares.

Honestly, that’s really not necessary, and we’ll explain why in a bit.

“I’m naturally thin, and my appetite is greatly affected by stress,” Gustin explains. “Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

Some people stress-eat. Others can’t eat when they’re stressed.

Gustin explains: “Thus, gaining weight is a challenge for me.”

“I didn’t cast a slim actor as The Flash,” Gustin explains. “I went to an audition for a role I never dreamed I’d actually book.”

“But, here I am 5 seasons later,” Gustin affirms. “I’m happy with my body and who I am.”

That is great!

“And,” Gustin continues. “Other kids who are built like me and thinner than me should be able to feel the same way.”

He’s right!

Gustin adds: “Not only that, but they should be able to feel like THEY could be a superhero on TV or film or whatever it may be some day.”

“I love the suit that has been designed for me,” Gustin shares to reassure worried fans. “And I think when everyone sees it in its entirety, you will love it too.”

Remember when some snapshots of the Titans cast leaked and fans were worried, but the photos were misleading and the real looks were revealed to be much better?

It sounds like this is happening again.

“Things have been adjusted since that leaked shot was taken,” Gustin promises. “And more things will continue to be adjusted until it feels right.”

Gustin also took to his Instagram stories to say: “F–k whoever leaked that.”

Gotta be honest, I’m a little behind on my Arrowverse shows — though I still know the spoilers. (Honestly, who didn’t know who Jessica Parker Kennedy was playing?)

But this case of body-shaming is especially odd because Flash is always, always supposed to be slimmer. He should have a track team build.

Unfortunately, a lot of television shows present male bodies in only one form, whether we’re talking about Teen Wolf of Arrow. Anybody else, even if large portions of the audience would find them attractive, keeps their shirt on.

This perpetuates the idea that there’s only one acceptable way to be attractive on camera.

Well, Flash is not supposed to be a “hunk.” He’s supposed to be a slender speedster.

But even if that were not the case, that would still be no excuse to body-shame anyone. Grant Gustin is a real person with real feelings.

And so, by the way, is Candice Patton.

So not only is there zero reason to body-shame either of them, but even if their bodies didn’t “look right,” you don’t get to ruin somebody’s day because their flesh prison isn’t shaped like you wish it were.

Other people don’t exist merely for your viewing pleasure.

We’re reasonably confident that the finished costume will look great. Even if it doesn’t, that won’t be the fault of any of the actors. Please be nice.
