Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Explains Photoshop, Lashes Out at Body Shamers

Khloe Kardashian has come out with an admission… and a bunch of accusations.

Back in February, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star snapped a selfie in the mirror, giving Instagram followers a look at her taut stomach after a workout.

No big deal, right?

Typical Kardashian move, right?

The problem was that astute viewers noticed a curve in the door jamb, screaming PHOTOSHOP! at the reality star and prompting her to delete the edited picture.

Here’s a look at the original alongside the doctored image. Can you even tell which is which?

Fast forward six weeks and Khloe has taken to her official website and app to explain why she used Photoshop on the scandalous snapshot in question.

“Whenever I post a picture of my legs on Instagram, everyone comments on how f—ed up my knees look,” she wrote.

“It’s because I’ve had reconstructive surgery, you a–holes! My right leg is an inch and a half thinner than my left because my muscles deteriorated and never recovered.”

Kardashian goes on to detail a car crash she got into on Venture Blvd. and Coldwater Canyon when she was 16 years old.

That’s why she wears a knee brace when she exercises.

According to Kardashian’s explanation, she was speeding and the other car ran a stop sign.

“I was was wearing my seatbelt but the strap was under my armpit,” she says.

“I was in a small Mercedes and it compacted in the wreck. My head and upper body went through the windshield and my legs were stuck under the steering wheel.”


After the accident, Khloe was on crutches for six months and had to wear a leg brace that ran from her ankle to her upper thigh.

“I still remember hitting the other car, feeling the car spinning, and hitting a pole,” she added.

“I had knee surgery the day of my accident and a couple more after that. Lord, help me! So next time you see me in a knee brace, you know why!”

In the end, Khloe admits to the use of Photoshop.

But says it’s just a body confidence issue.

“It’s funny because everyone made a big stink about this Instagram photo below because I Photoshopped it.

“Yes, I did Photoshop it, but I was trying to make my thinner leg look bigger to match my other leg!!!

“All I want are big, thick thighs and I hate how skinny my legs are.”