Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Little People, Big World Couples (Sort Of) Clash, Awkwardness Ensures

Last Friday night should have been an occasion to celebrate for the Roloffs.

As documented on Instagram, family-member-to-be Isabel Rock was fortunate enough to have some of her work included in an art show, which prompted nearly the entire Roloff clan to stop by Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery in Portland in a show of support.

But this was the entire problem:

Nearly the entire Roloff clan stopped by Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery in Portland in a show of support.

Those in attendance included Isabel’s fiance, of course, Jacob, along with the relatives from whom he is no longer estranged.

Audrey Roloff was on hand. So was Tori Roloff. And so were Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff, the anchors of TLC’s Little People, Big World who got divorced in May of 2016.

Both Amy and Matt have moved on to new significant others and they get along pretty well on camera.

However, Amy made it pretty clear last season that she doesn’t want her boyfriend, Chris Marek, to ever have to mingle with Matt’s girlfriend, Caryn Chandler.

It would just be very awkward, you know?

But this unwanted situation couldn’t be avoided over the weekend, as you can see in the photos above and below.

Way up top is a picture of Matt, Caryn, Jacob and Isabel.

Immediately above is a picture of Amy, Chris, Jacob and Isabel.

Sources say the couples didn’t really interact much, keeping their distance from each other for most of the night.

But have you ever been to an art gallery?

It’s not typically a very large space, meaning there must have been at least a few instances in which small talk had to be exchanged.

Which is a shame, really, because this evening really should have been all about Rock. Her dad even stopped by!

“I am just so abundantly grateful for the opportunities that art has given me,” Rock wrote on Instagram, adding:

“Also the outpouring of love and support from my friends and family. This feels right. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

While Amy and Matt have always said the right things about each other in public, there have been Internet rumblings that tension does exist, largely because Chandler knows Amy pretty well and has for awhile.

She met Matt because she formerly worked as a manager at the family farm.

Back in October, Chandler hosted a party for her boyfriend and allegedly snubbed Amy, causing a near-riot among fans online.

So, again, we can only imagine how awkward things were late last week when everyone came together.

Fortunately, it does seem as though all Roloffs absolutely adore Isabel, who confirmed her engagement to Jacob in January.

She fits right in with the family and we’d have to assume most members put aside any differences in order to celebrate this pretty cool milestone with her.

At least we hope that was the case.

In related news, TLC made it official this week: Little People, Big World returns with new episodes on April 3!
