Showing posts with label Obamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamas. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2018

President Trump The Obamas Have a Wall ... Now America Needs Its Own Too!!!

This is bonkers … President Trump is using a brick wall the Obamas built outside of their D.C. rental home as justification for his own southern border wall. Seriously.
Trump tweeted out the strange logic Sunday, saying … “President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall...
President Trump The Obamas Have a Wall ... Now America Needs Its Own Too!!!

Monday, February 22, 2016

106-Year Old Meets the Obamas, Dances with Joy

May we interrupt the craziness of election season for a minute?

You may soon return to the racist rants of Donald Trump and/or the stunningly close race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Before doing so, however, we figured you might want a break from the vitriol, especially when the alternative is a 106-year old woman who just met President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for the first time.

And who did a dance of literal joy upon doing so.

We meet Virginia McLaurin in the following video.

Upon seeing the President, she squeals with delight and says it"s "an honor."

The President then tells his wife that McLaurin is 106 years old, to which Michelle responds:

"No, you are not! Oh, my goodness! I want to be like you when I grow up."

She then proceeds to do a little dance with Virginia (and we all know Michelle Obama can dance!), while the President looks in, legitimately tickled over this uplifting guest.

"I thought I would never live to get in the White House," says McLaurin, who was there for Black History Month.

"And I tell you. I am so happy: A black president."

Watch the Obamas interact with McLaurin and just try not to smile for the next 90 seconds:

106 year old dances with joy upon meeting the obama

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Kardashians vs. The Obamas: Who is America"s First Family?

According to the 50th anniversary edition of Cosmopolitan, the Kardashians are America’s First Family.

And, according to most sane people on the Internet, this assessment is misguided, ridiculous and even a tad racist.

And the Winner is?

According to Cosmopolitan, the Kardashians are “America’s First Family.” Do you agree? Or does the family residing in the White House take this honor? View Poll »

Why? Because the President of the United States and his loved ones pretty much own the moniker First Family. It’s sort of the way this country has worked since its inception.

And just because the Kim Kardashian sex tape came along… and then E! picked up their reality show… and then the sisters started to waist train and get lip fillers and take their clothes off online…

… None of that should trump the fact that Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Sasha Obama and Malia Obama live in The White House.

As one Twitter user put it:

“Last I checked, the Obama’s are America’s First Family, not a girl that made her family famous from a sex tape. Shame on you @Cosmopolitan!”

And as another chimed in:

“@Cosmopolitan gross. And NOT America’s first family. Just because we can’t get away from them, doesn’t mean they are our “first family.”

So we figured we’d leave this debate up to our readers.

Consider the pros and cons of each set of relatives and then VOTE above: Who is America’s true First Family?