Monday, October 5, 2015

The Kardashians vs. The Obamas: Who is America"s First Family?

According to the 50th anniversary edition of Cosmopolitan, the Kardashians are America’s First Family.

And, according to most sane people on the Internet, this assessment is misguided, ridiculous and even a tad racist.

And the Winner is?

According to Cosmopolitan, the Kardashians are “America’s First Family.” Do you agree? Or does the family residing in the White House take this honor? View Poll »

Why? Because the President of the United States and his loved ones pretty much own the moniker First Family. It’s sort of the way this country has worked since its inception.

And just because the Kim Kardashian sex tape came along… and then E! picked up their reality show… and then the sisters started to waist train and get lip fillers and take their clothes off online…

… None of that should trump the fact that Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Sasha Obama and Malia Obama live in The White House.

As one Twitter user put it:

“Last I checked, the Obama’s are America’s First Family, not a girl that made her family famous from a sex tape. Shame on you @Cosmopolitan!”

And as another chimed in:

“@Cosmopolitan gross. And NOT America’s first family. Just because we can’t get away from them, doesn’t mean they are our “first family.”

So we figured we’d leave this debate up to our readers.

Consider the pros and cons of each set of relatives and then VOTE above: Who is America’s true First Family?