Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kristin Cavallari Defends Children Against Body-Shamers

There’s a fine line between being a helpful, interested party…

… and being an Internet troll who picks on children and parents trying their hardest to raise them properly.

Just ask Kristin Cavallari. She’s now very familiar with this line.

Over this past holiday weekend, the former Laguna Beach star shared what seemed to be an innocent photo of her sons, Camden and Jax, at the beach.

The three-year old and the two-year were just hanging out and playing, likely with their father, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.

But a few social media users out there decided to turn this sweet picture into something a lot more, coming down on Cavallari’s kids for being too thin.

Yes, some critics have now taken to body-shaming infants.

“Wow. I want to like this picture but for obvious reasons I cant. Please look into feeding your babies,” one follower wrote, while another added:

“I’m not hating but that little boys back does look really skinny. I have a kid and that just looks so skinny.”

Oh, well. You have a kid? That clearly makes you an expert!

We can’t pretend to know what is going on inside Cavallari’s’s household (which is why we’d never guess and never judge), but a couple facts to consider:

She and Cutler are not lacking for money. We’re sure they buy plenty of food for their adorable children.

Also: Cavallari is one of the more outspoken breast feeding advocates in Hollywood.

Just something to consider when choosing to criticize her parenting.

Fortunately, Cavallari responded to these trolls in a far more reasonable and mature way than we would have.

“Yep. I starve my children,” she wrote sarcastically, adding:

“Just blocked the most people I’ve ever blocked in my entire life. Happy 4th hahaha.”

Well played, Kristin. Way to ignore the haters.