Showing posts with label Injections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Injections. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Farrah Abraham Gets Butt Injections, Has Daughter Film It, Is Still the Worst

Warning: this is weird. This is really, really weird.

But we’re talking about Farrah Abraham, so hey, you probably figure that out already.

And if you happened to read the headline before mindlessly clicking on the photo of Farrah because you knew that whatever the story was about, it would be entertaining and ridiculous?

Well, then you know that we’re in for a wild and crazy time.

Before we get into it though, it feels important to note that Farrah has never really understood that Sophia is a child and not a tiny adult.

She was waxing Sophia’s eyebrows when she was three years old, and when she was four, she spent a lot of time away from her promoting her sex tape and getting heavy into the adult industry.

At the time, she explained that it was OK because Sophia “has her own life and is doing her own thing,” and “it’s healthy that we have a break” from each other.

Again, Sophia was four.

Farrah often has very adult conversations with her daughter present, and she pulled her out of school so she could “homeschool” her, which seems to have meant getting her into modeling and bringing her along to places she has no business being.

And that’s what we’re talking about now.

Farrah gets lots of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, just in case you missed the memo or if you haven’t seen her face in the past few years.

She gets vaginal rejuvenation, she’s had a few boob jobs, that sort of thing.

But this week, she decided to get some butt injections, you know, since summer is coming up and all.

Which would have been fine, but she went and brought poor Sophia along for her appointment.

And she brought her in there when she was actually getting the injections. And made her stand behind her. And film it.

As you can see in the video above, Sophia was right there to witness the whole thing, which is just not great.

The whole thing is basically an ad, so we won’t bother transcribing the video — it’s just information about the injections, pretty boring stuff.

She did use a “mom life” hashtag in her caption though, which is pretty precious.

But obviously the thing everyone is zeroing in on with this video isn’t the injections or the details about the procedure or anything like that — it’s long-suffering Sophia there in the back.

Farrah injections

And boy, do people have a lot of feelings about it.

“Your daughter should not think she has to do this stuff to her body,” one person told her. “Keep her mind like a child as long as you can which u don’t.”

Can’t argue that.

Someone told her that she’s “the most disgraceful role model to that little girl,” and another said that “teaching your daughter about ruining her body at such a young age is very improper.”

“She doesn’t see the damage she’s causing to her child, consumed by money and greed,” one of Farrah’s followers wrote. “Sad.”

Believe it or not — just kidding, you’ll definitely believe it — there were several, several comments about how someone should call child protective services over this video.

Don’t worry though, Farrah herself jumped in the comments to explain everything.

“This is non-invasive just like blood work or getting shots,” the former Teen Mom OG star said.

She added that the person doing the injections “did an amazing job and our children our curious so more power to Sophia learning about aesthetics and health.”

Does she … does she think that this is part of educating Sophia? Is this one of her homeschool activities?

Also, let’s take a moment to consider the fact that the woman who wrote “our children our curious” is in charge of this kid’s entire education.

As for Sophia herself, she commented on the video as well, writing “This was weird. I would do squats my momma.”

Is this not the most bizarre story you’ve ever heard?


Thursday, August 10, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Is She to Blame for Lip Injections Everywhere?!

When you think about Kylie Jenner, there are probably a few things that stick out in your mind.

Coincidentally, those are the things that stick out in real life, too: her boobs, her ass, and her lips.

Like, sure, Kylie has more going on than just her ridiculous body.

She’s probably got thoughts in her head and feelings in her heart and all that good stuff.

But, for better or for worse, those certain assets always tend to get the bulk of the attention when it comes to this girl.

And according to her plastic surgeon, Dr. Simon Ourian, her lips in particular have not only gotten an insane amount of attention — they’ve also inspired an insane amount of copycats.

“When she first talked about her minimal cosmetic procedures I saw a new trend of younger women who suddenly felt empowered to unapologetically want to look more beautiful,” he explains in a new interview.

“It’s like Kylie single-handedly gave a whole generation the ticket to a more enhanced version of themselves.”

Dr. Ourian adds that he’d “treated hundreds of celebrities before but very few of them were bold enough to share their secrets with such transparency.”

But Kylie’s influence “was much that what was once a taboo has now become a bragging right. People want to brag about having their lips done.”

Lip injections are so popular now that “My social media patients put up a selfie with me so that they can say they came to our office.”

He’s not wrong — Dr. Ourian is the go-to guy for all the Kardashians, Kim Zolciak and Brielle Biermann, and countless other reality stars and models.

But he’s also leaving out the darker side of Kylie and her lip injections.

For instance, remember when she first got them? She was still in high school.

She said that she got them in the first place not to empower herself, but because other kids were making fun of her.

And while some young women may be getting lip injections to emulate her, others who aren’t able to afford the procedure or who are too young to have it done have resorted to less savory means.

Don’t act like you’re going to forget that Kylie Jenner lip challenge and its disastrous results anytime soon.

Of course it isn’t Kylie’s fault that a bunch of young people hurt themselves trying to get plumper lips, and if the injections do make her feel better, than good for her.

But we can probably all agree that at this point, her lips have gotten a little out of control.

At the very least, her journey to having the biggest lips in Calabasas isn’t the magical fairy-tale journey Dr. Ourian here is making it out to be.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Snooki: Huge and Weird Lip Injections Set Internet on Fire!

Snooki – AKA Nicole Polizzi – is going seriously overboard with her body enhancements. 

First it was those lips, and then it was Snooki’s boob job, and now we’re back to her lips … presumably because she wanted to take the attention off her chest. 

Snooks posted the above photo on Instagram with the caption, “You guys, it happened.” 

“I’m a Hot Mess Soccer Mom watching Lorenzo kick ass on the field,” she wrote.

Except that we never saw a soccer mom looking like this, and what is even happening with her upper lip?

We weren’t the only ones to notice.

Snooki took a lot of flak over the picture, and especially on Twitter.

Some of the comments included, “Forget the boobs.” 

“WTF happened to your face!! Your upper lip looks like a giant fly swatter.”  

Another simply read, “Her lips, OMG.” 

Snooki herself explained the lips away in a cheeky Twitter update. 

“I got slapped in the face by an octopus on vacation,” she wrote. 

The above photo is what those lips used to look like, the last time she said she was done with lip injections, and really it’s not so bad.  

We are talking about Jersey Shore’s Snooki, though, so you know whatever she does – or says – is only going to get bigger and more intense. 

In her final Twitter update, joking with those slamming her lips, she wrote, “Frozen lips are in, girl!”  

At least she can maintain a sense of humor over what the hell she’s doing to her face, which is systematically destroying it needle and implant by needle and implant.  

Life sure is funny when you’re Snooki, right? 

Here’s some real talk, though, girl – leave the face alone. 

Your boobs actually look just fine, and to be honest, they aren’t that much bigger than your former cup size. 

But your face?

You did your teeth, tried the lip thing, and now it’s time to stop.  

You’re gonna end up looking like something off The Real Catladies of Jersey Shore soon – co-starring Jocelyn Wildenstein. 

That thing doesn’t really exist, but somebody should get on it stat – who wants to live in a world where it doesn’t?

Good luck on the mug, girl.  

But stop before you – or your lips – get ahead of yourself, okay? 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: THIS is Why I Got Lip Injections

Kylie Jenner is totally topless in the news issue of Complex.

But we’d like to take a few moments to talk about the reality star’s lips, not her boobs.

Sorry, fellas. But Kylie is only 19 years old, remember.

Going back a couple years, the reality star meant months denying that she had any work done.

She simply puffed up her lips in nearly every photo and claimed this body part was all natural.

But Kylie finally caved after all of this denial and admitted in May of last year that, yes, she has gotten lip injections.

But why? Why, exactly, did a teenager feel the need to mess with the way God created her?

For the same reason most people do most things, Jenner tells Complex: the opposite sex.

“This guy I kissed was like, ‘Your lips are really small but you’re a really good kisser. I didn’t think you were gonna be good at kissing,’” she admits in the latest issue, revealing the first time she felt insecure about her lips.

“It was so rude,” she added. “From then on, I just felt like I saw guys staring at my lips. I felt like no one wanted to kiss me.”

That’s very sad if it’s really how Kylie felt.

But you’ll forgive us for questioning this story. Some dude told Kylie her lips were “small?” Who would ever make such a comment?!?

Doesn’t it seem far more believable that Kris Jenner pressured her daughter in some way to change her appearance?

Because that’s just the sort of thing Kris Jenner often does?

“I wasn’t even 17 yet,” Kylie said of when she got her lip work done, going on to justify when she kept the fillers a secret:

“What if I came out and said, ‘Oh, yeah, I got my lips done’? What are all those moms going to think about me? These kids, my fans, they’re going to think I’m crazy. I didn’t want to be a bad influence.”

However, once she started, Kylie fell into the trap that ensnares many plastic surgery patients:

She couldn’t stop.

She wanted to make her lips bigger and bigger, resulting in “very painful” fallout from the press and the public..

“It’s annoying to hear every day that you’re just this fake, plastic person when you’re not. Every single day there was a news story about me,” Kylie says.

Again, we do feel a little bad for her here.

But it’s also worth noting that Kylie kept sharing photos of herself and her lips, in particular, on Instagram.

She could have simply stopped if she wished to divert attention.

It’s also difficult to pity Kylie Jenner too much, considering she has turned her famous lips into a money-generating business.

The Kylie Jenner Lip Kit is a real thing. People actually purchase it for some reason.

We wonder if she’s given any proceeds from the business to that boy who kissed her and gave her the lip insecurity in the first place.

“I want to be as big as the other [cosmetic] brands,” Kylie tells Complex. “It’s my dream to be on Forbes.”

That’s a goal already accomplished by sister Kim Kardashian.

Time, and Lip Kit sales, will tell if Jenner will someday join her.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Got Butt Injections For Health Reasons!

For as long as Kim Kardashian has been famous, she’s fended off rumors that she surgically enhances her butt.

Like Heidi Klum and her legs, which are insured for $ 2 million, Kardashian’s backside is part of her public identity.

Rumors about a butt lift are old news, but Kardashian has always felt compelled to defend her God-given money maker.

On August 15th, Kardashian held a livestream to explain to fans that yes, she had a butt injection, but it had to do with a health-related issue.

Kardashian suffers from psoriasis, a condition which causes dry, itchy patches of skin.  She’s been pretty open about it on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, but this is the first time we’ve heard “psoriasis” and “shot in the butt” in the same sentence.

“I went to go get a cortisone shot in my butt,” Kardashian said, according to Too Fab.

“I lived right behind Kitson [a boutique in Los Angeles near Cedars-Sinai Hospital]. One of my neighbors was a dermatologist at Cedars. I go in there and he’s like, ‘There’s a one in a billion chance that you will get a huge indent in your butt.’ Of course I get a huge indent on my butt.”

Some fans will recall a 2007 photo of Kardashian showing off her backside…and something else.

“There is a picture of me in Miami wearing an electric blue dress, and another picture of me walking down Robertson,” she said.

“You see the indent. And I think that’s when the rumors started: ‘She’s had implants."”

To this day, Kardashian gets the shot.

“Every few years I get a cortisone shot,” she said.

“And it’s so funny I just got one as my psoriasis was so bad in Vegas.”

On a 2011 episode, she filmed an x-ray on her behind to show critics that she was 100% real.  Down there.

“This is a really crazy request but my sisters have dared me to get an ass x-ray because of all the rumors it’s not real,” Kardashian said at the time.

“I’ve said numerous times ‘I haven’t had plastic surgery, I haven’t had butt implants,"” she said, adding that no matter how many times she insists it’s real, the press will “write whatever they want to write.”

Plus, she pointed out, “Who the hell of a normal person gets butt implants?”

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Kim Zolciak Brags About Butt Injections: Check Out My Smooth Tush!

Kim Zolciak has done a 180 on that whole “I never got plastic surgery thing.”

For years, the reality star had claimed her body was completely natural, writing the hashtag “#BornWithIt” as part of her caption to many an endless array of selfies.

But then Zolciak opened up to E! News in May about a past boob job and tummy tuck.

“I had a boob job and I’ve had a hernia fixed,” she said at the time, explaining that the procedures didn’t “change my size” and adding:

“I’m the same size I was the day I walked into surgery. I’m just a little bit tighter looking.”

Yes, that’s sort of the point of most plastic surgery: to tighten one up and to battle the aging process.

Now, meanwhile, the Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member has taken her plastic surgery yet another step further.

On Monday, Zolciak shared an Instagram video of herself getting injections in her rear end in order to eliminate cellulite.

The physician responsible for Zolciak’s new, dimple-free derriere is Simon Ourian, who has done similar work for Kim Kardashian and her famous siblings.

“I’m so excited to share with you something I just learned from the incredible @simonourianmd1,” Zolciak wrote as a caption to the footage.

“I went to see what he could do about these couple of dimples (really cellulite) on my butt cheeks and he got rid of them permanently!!’

“I’m soooo excited!!! I personally like to look and feel my best soooo thank you @simonourianmd1 for giving me my smooth tush back haven’t see that in a few years.

“#AlwaysHadThisOneDimple #SinceICanRemember #ItsGone #Finally FOLLOW HIM TO GET MORE DETAILS @simonourianmd1.”

There’s a good chance Zolciak was either paid to reference Ourian in this manner; or, at the very least, that she got the implants for free as a result of doing so.

Ourian is also the man who helped give Kylie Jenner her famous (infamous?) pout.

In November of last year, the mother of of six made headlines after she took her 19-year-old daughter, Brielle, to get lip fillers from Dr. Ourian.

“She bothered me for five years about her lips,” Zolciak-Biermann told Us Weekly about it in a May interview.

“She was like, ‘I hate my lips, I hate my lips.’ So I’m like, then go fix them! You only go around this planet once. If it makes her happy, so be it.”

That’s a somewhat fair argument.

One could also argue that it is a mother’s job to be a role model and to explain to one’s child how one ought to be happy with what God gave her.

You can try to instill self-confidence in your kid… or you can pay for a doctor to fix whatever body part they don’t like.

Kim Zolciak Brags About Butt Injections: Check Out My Smooth Tush!

Kim Zolciak has done a 180 on that whole “I never got plastic surgery thing.”

For years, the reality star had claimed her body was completely natural, writing the hashtag “#BornWithIt” as part of her caption to many an endless array of selfies.

But then Zolciak opened up to E! News in May about a past boob job and tummy tuck.

“I had a boob job and I’ve had a hernia fixed,” she said at the time, explaining that the procedures didn’t “change my size” and adding:

“I’m the same size I was the day I walked into surgery. I’m just a little bit tighter looking.”

Yes, that’s sort of the point of most plastic surgery: to tighten one up and to battle the aging process.

Now, meanwhile, the Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member has taken her plastic surgery yet another step further.

On Monday, Zolciak shared an Instagram video of herself getting injections in her rear end in order to eliminate cellulite.

The physician responsible for Zolciak’s new, dimple-free derriere is Simon Ourian, who has done similar work for Kim Kardashian and her famous siblings.

“I’m so excited to share with you something I just learned from the incredible @simonourianmd1,” Zolciak wrote as a caption to the footage.

“I went to see what he could do about these couple of dimples (really cellulite) on my butt cheeks and he got rid of them permanently!!’

“I’m soooo excited!!! I personally like to look and feel my best soooo thank you @simonourianmd1 for giving me my smooth tush back haven’t see that in a few years.

“#AlwaysHadThisOneDimple #SinceICanRemember #ItsGone #Finally FOLLOW HIM TO GET MORE DETAILS @simonourianmd1.”

There’s a good chance Zolciak was either paid to reference Ourian in this manner; or, at the very least, that she got the implants for free as a result of doing so.

Ourian is also the man who helped give Kylie Jenner her famous (infamous?) pout.

In November of last year, the mother of of six made headlines after she took her 19-year-old daughter, Brielle, to get lip fillers from Dr. Ourian.

“She bothered me for five years about her lips,” Zolciak-Biermann told Us Weekly about it in a May interview.

“She was like, ‘I hate my lips, I hate my lips.’ So I’m like, then go fix them! You only go around this planet once. If it makes her happy, so be it.”

That’s a somewhat fair argument.

One could also argue that it is a mother’s job to be a role model and to explain to one’s child how one ought to be happy with what God gave her.

You can try to instill self-confidence in your kid… or you can pay for a doctor to fix whatever body part they don’t like.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kris Jenner Initially Did NOT Approve Of Kylie Jenner"s Lip Injections! Has She Since Changed Her Tune?!

Even Kris Jenner has something to say about Kylie Jenner‘s lip injections!


On Wednesday, the momager revealed that she didn’t approve of her youngest getting the cosmetic change when the starlet was only 17-years-old.

Related: Kim Kardashian First Heard ‘Rumors’ About Caitlyn Jenner When She Was 11

She shared:

“I get a little crazy — and I think that is what no one sees — and I do have definite thoughts and ideas or [ideas on] what she should do, you know, at a really young age. I am from the generation that in my day, I mean, some of this stuff did not exist for sure but, I don’t think I did one thing physically to myself until I was in my 50s. So I am thinking, ‘Why, why? Why do you need to do that?"”

Tell us how you really feel Kris. WE KID!

She continued:

“I got really upset. And then it was done, and I had to let it go.”

Wait… what?! If Kylie was a minor at the time, wouldn’t she have needed parental consent for the fillers? We guess maybe, Caitlyn Jenner signed off on it!

Not to mention, the El Lay native has been completely independent since she was 14-years-old. Hmm, very inneresting.

In case you forgot, Tyga‘s lady love admitted to the enhancement of her lips on the family’s popular show back in May as she’s always been insecure about them.

The reality TV maven noted:

“Once that was done, it’s just my kid. I love my kid. We make mistakes.”

Though, we can’t imagine that the KUWTK matriarch still thinks that Miz Jenner’s lips are a “mistake” now that they’ve become a part of her youngest’s signature look. LOLz!

In fact, the budding fashionista is even launching her own lip kit — which Kris TOTALLY supports!

The Instagram sensation explained:

“I just put in my order for how many of [my kits] I want produced from my manufacturer. I was struggling with the number to ask them to make because I was like, ‘Do I want to make this much?’ No, because nobody is going to buy it. I didn’t want to order that much. But then my mom was like, ‘Kylie, people are going to want your lip kit.’ I guess sometimes that’s all I need to not get nervous.”

HA! If the Kardashians/Jenners are good at one thing, it’s turning a controversial topic into a profitable one. Claps for the whole family!

[Image via Instagram/WENN.]